Her humiliation

Chapter 34

About a week later, I was sitting next to Alison in our social deviance class, trying to forget about my night with Camryn that had happened the previous Friday.

It was the final regular class of this course and the day of our final presentations. For our presentation on role play, Alison had wanted both of us to be dressed up. I was clad in a doctor's outfit we'd gotten from a costume store at the outlet mall that Alison had taken me to earlier in the week. I'd gotten a white doctor's coat and stethoscope that I wore around my neck. Overall, it was a pretty classy yet flattering look for anyone looking to play doctor.

Alison, on the other hand, had gone a little more scandalous with her outfit choice. She was wearing a stereotypical red checked skirt that was a little too short, with a matching garter around her right thigh. Up top, Alison wore a white button-up tied off just under her rack to show off her athletic midriff. Going even further, she'd done her hair in pigtails and had a pair of glasses without actual lenses. She'd opted for the slutty schoolgirl look, and she was pulling it off in spades.

Objectively, she looked really hot. That being said, I wish I was enjoying her as much as I used to be able to. Honestly, I knew she had wanted to fuck right before we came to this class, but I couldn't muster up the libido to reciprocate. From the way Alison was squirming in her seat and giving me a side eye, she was going to need some sort of attention later. It made me feel weird that I wasn't excited about whatever she had planned.

Unfortunately, I had other things on my mind. I was perplexed about everything going on in my head and between my legs. So badly did I want to put that one night stand behind me, but I couldn't get it out of my head. I hadn't seen Camryn or tried to contact her on purpose since that night. Deep down, I knew there was something wrong with me for enjoying and getting off to fucking her, and every time the memory came into my head, I found myself getting hard. As much as I tried to repress these feelings of arousal, I couldn't, and it only got worse the more I tried to suppress them. Why was this happening? My entire life, I found fat girls utterly repulsive, and now Camryn's body was living rent-free in my brain.

The past week had been a bit of a shameful whirlwind. In moments of weakness, I started doing online searches when I was alone in my room, which made me clear my internet history every time. I started looking up 'hot fat girls' online and spent way too much time stroking it to what I found. 'BBW' apparently stood for Big Beautiful Woman, a concept I wish I hadn't learned because the moment I discovered that term, searching for fat porn got even easier from there. Personally, I liked looking at the before and after photos. Mainly the 'feedees' who threw their skinny bodies away for a life of obesity. Fuck, it was embarrassing that this kind of stuff got me hard, and every time I finished, I closed every tab and nearly threw my laptop to the other side of the room. No one could know. Whatever was going on, it was a problem. I wasn't about to become one of those guys that was into fat chicks. No fucking way.

Yet, even outside of my bedroom and the lure of my laptop, I couldn't get this stuff out of my head, trying to repress these new feelings but failing. Every time I saw a fat girl, I snuck a look. I couldn't fucking help myself. Something about their fat, jiggly bodies was so much more interesting to look at. It felt like I was a teenager going through puberty again with this sexual awakening. I mean, fuck, all these fat chicks were shaped so differently, and the excess weight seemed to accentuate their feminine shapes in ways that seemed too right.

Admittedly, I spent a little more time in the dining hall observing all the fatties I used to not notice. In my eyes, Camryn was the campus heavyweight, but there were still plenty of big girls, though they were a smaller part of the overall campus population.

There was this one hot pear-shaped girl I saw nearly every time I went to the dining hall with a thick protruding fat ass and meaty thighs. She wore these tight white pants, and I could see her ass wobble like jello in their confines. There was a strange familiarity about her for some reason, but I'd never seen this chick before. Still, I knew deep down that if I approached her and hit on her, I could get her, but I didn't dare. There was no way I'd tarnish my reputation like that, as I was still perplexed as to why fat chicks were drawing my attention. At one point, that double-chined fatty gave me a rather long and confused look once when she saw me checking her out. I probably should have played it more coolly, but what was she going to do? Frankly, I had enough issues to worry about with my fuck buddy than to worry about what some random fat chick thought about me checking out her huge ass.

Yes, Alison was still in the picture, too. She'd been extra horny lately. For some reason, it just wasn't the same when I spent time with her anymore. I tried to get that spark back, given Alison's body was a body I was supposed to enjoy. Yet, for the first, second, and third time in my life, I faked an orgasm with her, which was debatably better than the alternative. Since last week, the only times I'd gotten off with Alison was when I started thinking about what she would look like if she were Cam's size. A fantasy of a world where Alison let herself go, erasing the perfect body she possessed to become a morbidly obese landwhale of my dreams and nightmares. Of course, I would ridicule her, grab her soft belly, and call her names for letting herself become a massive fat hog. That scenario playing in my head was the only one that allowed me nut.

I knew Alison sensed something was off, and weirdly, that made her even more feral in the bedroom. I just wished Cam hadn't completely ruined my taste in women, and for the love of me, I hoped that this strange attraction to fat girls like Cam would go away sooner rather than later.


Back in class, I was snapped out of a daydream I was having about the white pants fat butt girl from the cafeteria doing a strip tease for me. Next to me, Alison was clicking her tongue and scoffing, upset about something she was looking at towards the rear entrance of the lecture hall.

"Oh my god... Ew. That's disgusting."

"What?" I asked, coming out of my thoughts and looking at the disgusted look on Alison's face.

"Look at what the big fat cramming pig is wearing." Alison said in a snide way while brazenly pointing toward where she was looking.

I looked and wished I hadn't. Holy fuck. Camryn Prig was dressed in an extremely outgrown tank top and athletic shorts. Good fucking god, she looked enormous in that outfit. The tank top was spaghetti-strapped, leaving her soft and underworked arms fully exposed. That wasn't the most offensive part by far. No, hanging out the bottom was a significantly notable amount of stomach. It was an outrageous choice on her part, as the entirety of her flabby love handles were flagrantly out on either side, complemented by a staggering amount of lower belly fat that spilled out. The top only came down halfway between her navel and the lowest portion of her lower belly. The navel indent looked to be very visible beneath the tight top. Did Camryn not look in the mirror before leaving her room? What the fuck was she doing?! She couldn't have deliberately dressed herself like this, could she?

I don't know how she squeezed into the shorts she was wearing, but she'd managed to make them look like booty shorts. A girl her size had no business wearing anything that tight. If she was trying to show off how thunderous her thighs were, she'd achieved resounding success. Plus, the material seemed stretched to its absolute limits by her hoggish ass. I'd never in my life seen someone so fat dress themselves so shamelessly in public, almost inviting people to say, 'She should NOT be wearing that.' Whatever the case, I'd fucked that landwhale, and seeing the amount of judgemental looks being thrown at her, I was prepared to take my conquest of Cam to my grave.

Damn, I wish I could've looked at her the way everyone else was. Sincerely, I couldn't keep my eyes off her, and soon enough, I had a raging hard-on. God, that jiggle was really getting me going. Especially the way her lower belly fat wobbled uncontrollably with each step she took. I needed to look away, avert my eyes, anything, but I couldn't help myself. Fuck she looked hot. Like a fata*s that had gotten lost on the way to the gym, wearing clothes she'd last worked out in, many dozens of pounds ago. Yet, instead of finding the gym, this fatty had wound up skipping it and going to Krispy Kreme instead. I couldn't deny that she looked pretty, too, putting an effort into her hair and adding some eye shadow to her to draw attention to her green eyes. I wanted her badly.

"Can you believe she's wearing that?" Alison laughed incredulously. "What a stupid pig. No one wants to see that. Haha, fucking fat Loser."

"Yeah... totally." I agreed robotically, shifting uncomfortably in my chair. For half a moment, Camryn cast a sideways glance at me as she walked nearby in the row of seats in front of Alison and me. Then she unmistakably smirked to herself after seeing the look on my face. She was playing with me. That fucking fata*s tease.

"Nice top. Where'd you get it?" Alison said in a brash, catty way.

"Oh... I uh... don't remember." Cam meekly said back, her smile fading as she tried to move past.

"Oh c'mon, Cramming pig, share your secret." Alison cooed sarcastically, obviously bullying Cam. "Tell me where you got those, or else I'll assume you got it from the livestock supply store near the outlet mall, hahaha. Doesn't look like anything available in the stores I go to."

"I think it was Torrid..." Cam softly said, her head lowered, casting a sideways glance at me. She was struggling to get her body past the person in front of us, who was sitting too far back in their chair.

"Huh, Torrid? Never heard of it. They mustn't have had a fitting room there. So brave of you to leave your room in that outfit." Alison smiled snarkily.

"Thank you." Cam flatly thanked Alison, taking an opportunity to squeeze past the person she'd been trying to get past after they'd let out a sigh and moved their chair forward.

"That wasn't a compliment. Duh." Alison said to Cam's backside as she awkwardly shuffled past.

God, what an idiot, right?" Alison turned to me and said loudly enough for Cam to hear. "All that lard must be clogging her brain.

I didn't say anything but gave a subtle nod in agreement. A part of me wanted to say something and stand up for Cam, but another part of me was terrified of blowing my cover and doing anything out of character. Just because I found fat people... more interesting to look at didn't mean I agreed that fatties like Cam shouldn't be immune from teasing. Quite frankly, I didn't know what to think, so doing nothing was the easiest thing for me to do while I continued to figure myself out.

After everyone got settled, the end-of-semester presentations got underway.

Alison and I crushed our role-play presentation. What we were wearing drew a lot of attention from the crowd, though Alison seemed to draw more looks than me. Yet, there was one person who hadn't taken her eyes off of me. Camryn. Every time I looked out into the crowd while talking, my eyes went to her, and our eyes met several times, on some occasions making me lose my train of thought. Why was she drawing my attention so much? She wasn't even hot! I mean, at least not objectively... but fuck, each time I looked at her, I pictured her naked. Luckily, despite that distraction, I kept my cool, and everything went as smoothly as we'd hoped.

"Camryn Prig. You're up." Our professor announced, reading off a clipboard. In response, Cam took too painstakingly long to unseat herself from her chair to stand, gather her things, and begin her slow waddle to the front of the class.

"Oh brother... here comes the hippo." Alison said, leaning towards me as Cam walked in front of us and down towards the front of the classroom. I didn't respond to Alison, too busy watching Cam's obese ass fight with her way too-tight shorts. There was no denying it... I wanted to f*ck her.

Eventually, Cam made it to the front of the classroom, taking her place behind the podium and laying out her notes. It was unfortunate for Cam that the podium wasn't wide enough for her to hide behind, as either side of her overly broad body was seen generously jutting out from behind the podium.
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ConJohn 5 months
Aye, ride or die. Thanks a bunch for the comment. I do it for y'all. We're all in this crazy fetish together, so let's have fun.
Beatlemaster... 5 months
Great chapter, the 'hidden panties' part was hilarious!
ConJohn 5 months
Ha, thanks. I've always found that ascetic to be a fun one to play with
Petmota 5 months
Too slow
ConJohn 5 months
I know, right? 26 slothlike chapters, and literally not 1 sex scene yet?? Author of this one... pretty lame imo. Straight to jail.
BlissfullyAware 5 months
Sign of a good story right here
SquishMinstrel 5 months
My god, this guy is SO FRIGGIN’ DUMB.
ConJohn 5 months
Perhaps. But theres a lot going on here. A: He's never been exposed to anything remotely feedism related B: There may be something masked within him buried by his fat phobia.
Burtgordon 5 months
To quote my favorite youtuber "This is where the real game begins"
4funnow 5 months
I have a feeling Camryn has a few surprises waiting.
ConJohn 5 months
As a great Jedi once said... 'This is where the fun begins.'
Deth 5 months
I feel the main character is a bit dense and definitely thinks his shit doesn't stink. Great story, but I feel bad that Camryn debases herself for this pos.
ConJohn 5 months
Definitely true and intentional. Though Camryn deserves better, looking at her dating history, the main character kinda fits her type. And I think there is a reason Camryn is into it.
SquishMinstrel 5 months
Well damn, my guy, you’re too far in now to quit. Like it or not, you’re about to fuck Camryn Prig.
ConJohn 5 months
Seriously. May as well just get it done
Jazzman 5 months
It's such a great story because it's got Real tension .She is the Sweet girl He Loved .And He is a Plastic Dog. Brilliant writing
ConJohn 5 months
Appreciate it! Apt read on the characters. POV character is a douche.
Shammyboy 5 months
*First sister drop.*


*Second sister drop.*

ConJohn 5 months
The Prig sisters have some deep ties in this erotic fiction universe.
Suckme69 5 months
Which story is the younger sister from I don’t think I’ve read that one?
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