Her humiliation

Chapter 35

"H... hello. My topic... for today's presentation on kink and fetish exploration is... well." Camryn paused, clearing her throat, looking nervous and fumbling with her notes at the podium. "Sorry... Let's venture into an intriguing realm of human sexuality, specifically the topic of the humiliation fetish. I guess... I'd ask you to approach this subject with an open mind and a willingness to explore the complex and often misunderstood facets of human desire."

Alison rolled her eyes beside me. "Human desire? I'm sure the only desire she knows about is when she sees a cheeseburger in the cafeteria." Alison laughed snarkily, continuing to whisper her comments loudly to me. A few people nearby us heard and laughed. For my part, I joined in. Alison didn't realize it, but what she was saying was turning me on, seeing as I wanted to say these things to Cam. Yet I wanted to say these kinds of degrading things while I bent her fat ass over my desk and fucked her.

"So, what exactly is a humiliation fetish?" Cam continued, looking nervously toward the few people that had laughed near us. "It's a facet of human sexuality where individuals derive sexual arousal or satisfaction from consensual acts that involve humiliation, degradation, or embarrassment. Though often not talked about, there is also an element of consensual non-consent at play with this kink... but... yeah.

Again, Alison whispered a comment. "Jeeze, why do the people that look like they've never had sex before pretend they know anything related to sex?"

Camryn proceeded. "This... humiliation fetish can encompass a wide range of activities, from verbal teasing to role-playing scenarios, all designed to provoke feelings of vulnerability or even shame."

"Role play?" Alison nudged me. "Bet she only 'roll' play that she knows anything about are those two disgusting love handles. Like, god, earth to fata*s, cover those up, piglet."

I could see what Alison was talking about. Cam's love handles were just out. Both jutting deposits of fat could be seen on either side of the podium. Mixed with Alison's teasing, I adjusted myself in my chair, my raging hard-on challenging me to keep under control.

"Now, it's important to emphasize the cornerstone of this fetish for most people is consent." Cam articulated. "In the world of kinks and fetishes, consent is non-negotiable. Every activity related to the humiliation fetish must be entirely consensual, with all parties involved willingly and enthusiastically agreeing to participate. Consent is the key that distinguishes kink from abuse and ensures that everyone's boundaries are respected. But... there are some scenarios of the humiliation fetish that... excite someone... if the humiliation coming at them isn't... asked for. And... lays more in the realm of consent non-consent. At least, that's what I read." Cam said, losing her confidence and seeming flustered towards the end. I obviously knew why. Given everything that Cam was saying and everything I'd experienced last week, this was a fetish that hit close to home for her.

"Psh, look at how nervous she is." Alison said, nudging with me her elbow and then pointing. "Her face is so red. She doesn't even know what she's talking about. I'm shocked she's not giving a presentation on McDonald's."

Cam pushed on. "You might wonder why someone would be interested in such a fetish. The answer lies in the intricate tapestry of human sexuality. People possess a diverse array of desires and fantasies that are as unique as their individual personalities. For some, the humiliation fetish may be about relinquishing control, exploring power dynamics, or challenging societal norms that revolve around body image and self-esteem."

Again, Alison laughed. "haha, says the girl with a body that would make anyone's self-esteem a fucking train wreck. I'd have body image issues, too, if my ass had its own zip code."

Even for Alison, this constant teasing was a lot for her. The most I was giving Alison back in response was a chuckle or nod. I knew Alison had bullied Cam in the past about her weight, but given what Cam had chosen to wear, I guess it was bringing out the meaner side of Alison. I'd have stood up from Cam, but I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy what she was saying. I wondered to myself if Cam was picking up anything that was being said.

Regardless, Cam proceeded with her presentation. "However, it's essential to remember that there's a clear line between fantasy and reality. What happens in the context of any humiliation fetish play should be consensual and within the control of the participants. It's a safe, consensual exploration of desires and fantasies and does not necessarily reflect someone's true feelings or beliefs outside of the fetish scene."

"What is she even talking about?" Alison groaned. "I can't take her seriously. Listening to a fat person trying to talk about sex is like listening to a janitor try to talk about advanced math."

I wondered if Alison had ever seen the movie Good Will Hunting, making a comment like that... but I doubted it.

"There are many sub-kinks under the humiliation fetish umbrella... for example... um..." Cam blushed and paused before continuing. "The fat humiliation kink is a specific subset of the broader humiliation fetish. It involves deriving sexual arousal or satisfaction from consensual activities that revolve around body size and appearance, mainly focusing on the humiliation or degradation related to being overweight or having a larger body. It's essential to approach this topic with sensitivity and respect for individual preferences and boundaries."

"Hahaha, what?" Alison sharply whispered to me, squeezing my arm. "Did she just say fat humiliation is a kink? Yuckkkk. Wait, is this some fucking fat acceptable bs where she's trying to say that in order to make fun of her, she has to consent to it? Fat chance, haha."

While I was half-listening to Alison, I was zoned in on Cam, who briefly made eye contact with me and looked away quickly. Bingo. Not only was humiliation a fetish that Cam had, but fat humiliation was very obviously something she got off to. Though I didn't fully get it, it made complete sense.

Cam carried on. "In this kink, individuals may engage in role-playing scenarios where one partner takes on a dominant role, often ridiculing or demeaning the other partner's body size. This can include using derogatory language, making comments about their weight, appearance, or eating habits, and even incorporating activities that highlight their body in a way that may be considered humiliating within the context of the play.

"Oh my god, she has to making this up..." Alison scoffed. "For real. Look at her. She doesn't even realize that the way she's dressed, shes inviting ridicule. Just like the pervs she talking about. This is too funny."

"Society's attitudes towards kinks, including the humiliation fetish, are diverse. Some may accept and embrace the diversity of human sexuality, recognizing that consenting adults have the right to explore their desires respectfully. Others may find it challenging to understand or accept, which can lead to stigmatization or judgment."

Alison started to sound irritated. "The only judgment she should worry about is how she's making it look like that huge top is something she bought from Baby Gap. Look at how it's rolled up, and ewww, look at her belly. Like literally, learn to do a sit-up, you lazy fatso."

"Totally... she's so out of shape." I found myself saying in agreement, exceedingly horny. Looking at Cam's generous display of her obesity was almost too much for me, and having Alison so flagrantly and disparagingly point it out was hot.

Cam kept going. "Our study of social deviance teaches us that societal norms and expectations shape our understanding of what is considered "normal" behavior. Yet, it also reminds us that these norms are not universal and can change over time. What is perceived as deviant today may become more accepted tomorrow."

"Oh my god, tubby is still talking? Kill me." Alison said, throwing her head back.

"In conclusion, the humiliation fetish serves as a powerful illustration of the vast landscape of human sexuality. It reminds us that our desires and fantasies are as diverse as the human experience itself. When conducted with consent and respect for the boundaries of all parties involved, it is a legitimate way for individuals to explore and express their sexuality."

"My gawd, sexuality? I guarantee you she's never gotten laid."

"Human sexuality is multifaceted, complex, and ever-evolving, and embracing this diversity is an essential aspect of our study of social deviance. Thank you."

"Thank god, that's over..." Alison said next to me as my eyes were glued to Cam waddling back to her seat. I couldn't look away. "What a fucking fat loser, right?" Alison loudly said next to me, trying to get my attention. I only nodded, not even giving Alison a second glance, seeing as there was something much better to look at.


I watched Camryn's fat ass waddle down an empty hall away from the crowds of students that had just exited our lecture hall. I could see craters of cellulite highlighted under the taunt material of her shorts, wobbling with her thick porky ass. The love handles peaking out over those shorts, quivering with each step. I resented how much my body was responding to this blubber whale I'd fucked, feeling my erection throbbing. Camryn gave a knowing look over her shoulder at me, bit her lip, and made her way into what appeared to be an abandoned classroom.

With Alison frantically texting on her phone next to me, I knew I needed to ditch her and have a quick chat with Cam. I'd told myself I'd ignore Cam after that night we'd hooked up, but I found that promise next to impossible after seeing her again.

"I'll catch up with you later, Alison... I've gotta... get something." I said, lying.

"Do you want me to wait?" Alison asked, looking up from her phone at me, then giving me a look I'd seen many times before. "I want to go back to my dorm and fool around." Alison sulked, touching my arm. "I'm a little... horny... you in that doctor's outfit do things for me."

"Na, Don't... wait." I said dismissively, trying to get rid of her. "I'll meet you there in a bit, okay?"

"Uggg. Well, hurry, or I'll finish myself off." Alison pouted, very clearly frustrated I wasn't jumping at the chance to f*ck her instantly. I could tell from her heavy steps as she walked away that she was a little pissy.

When the coast was clear, I headed towards the door Camryn had gone through, took a look around to see that no one was looking, and headed into the classroom. As soon as I entered, I locked the door behind me and then saw Cam leaning on the teacher's desk in the empty room, watching me intently. It was a smaller classroom, much smaller than our lecture hall, with posters of the human body plastered all over the wall.

Cam broke the silence with a smile. "Hey, stranger. I was hoping you'd follow me."
44 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 months , updated 1 day
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4funnow 8 months
Love how you foreshadow and set the scene with light rain and once together it pours.
ConJohn 8 months
Glad you picked up on that detail smiley
Mclovinnit 8 months
Again this is my highlight of the day! Love the attention to detail in everything
ConJohn 8 months
Thanks! Keeping the details Thicc
ConJohn 8 months
Yeah, that's fine. I'd suggest to hang in there and get the full perspective of the character arc. But also read whatever makes you comfortable. If this ain't it for you, then it ain't it.
Yaboireaa 8 months
I agree with Jobe, very cool story idea tho.
ConJohn 8 months
Point taken. I'm not changing the language used since it supports the story I'm trying to tell, but I added a note/warning to the story description for y'all.
Shammyboy 8 months
Killing it man.
ConJohn 8 months
LeDebonaire 8 months
I love the suggestions and hints you've put out as to what turns Camryn on! Loving the buildup in this. I'll throw my support behind wanting her to winning over our narrator over!
ConJohn 8 months
Glad people are picking up on the details! We'll see if that slow build has some payoff.
Lpark435 8 months
I guess my only question so far is this, are they destined to be together or are you taking it a different route?
ConJohn 8 months
Destiny is sometimes a self-fulfilling prophecy, sometimes a false construct, and sometimes fated to be. Keep reading and find out.
4funnow 8 months
Crossing fingers Camryn awakens his feeder persona
ConJohn 8 months
Rome wasn't built in a day, but we'll see what unfolds
Montana 8 months
Loving the story! Question, is Alana In the class too? Because it said Allison was being mean to Alana around him and calling her names. Was that actually Camryn?
ConJohn 8 months
Thanks a bunch! Alana is not in that class. At the time, the Narrator of the story/pov character thought it was Alana (when it was in fact Camryn).
Mclovinnit 8 months
Love this!
ConJohn 8 months
Thank you!
4funnow 8 months
Looking forward to how they both apply their social deviance class studies
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