Her humiliation

Chapter 37

Catching onto her tone, I realized where her head was at and shifted my tone as well, knowing what she wanted to hear. "You were quite the spectacle... fatty. This belly of yours deserves judgment." I stepped forward until I was right in front of Cam and could practically feel the air leave her lungs from the anticipation.

"Mmmmm, I know." Cam purred in response, getting worked up. "I deserve to be humiliated for letting myself get this fat. I can't even stick to a diet. I'm too greedy." Cam pushed out her belly enough for it to brush against my belt buckle

"That, and...." I put my hand on the lower part of Cam's belly, and she shuddered in response, letting out a little moan. But I wasn't done. My hand slid down, reaching under her belly and putting my hand firmly on top of the space between her legs. "You're wet as fuck right now. You never intended to become a giant fat*ss, but now that you are..." I started to gently rub, and within seconds, I felt a damp wetness forming through her shorts where my hand was rubbing. She was soaking wet. I laid in more. "You can't help but crave people like me shaming you and telling you that you've ruined your body. You used to be so hot. Now look at you. Fat pig."

Cam was clearly a puddle of easily triggered lust as she breathily responded to me. "I'm such a fucking horny mess. I'm not supposed to be this fat, but I let myself go and can't stop. I've unintentionally turned myself into this giant fat horny pig. I'm trapped, and my humiliation kink is getting worse." She swallowed in anticipation as I kept rubbing her and looked up at me with eyes that were begging me. "Please, can you fuck me right now?"

"No, I don't think I will." I sternly said, withdrawing my hand from her crotch and wiping the wetness on her exposed belly. "Why would I fuck a fat girl like you? I mean, look at this belly..." I grabbed it and squeezed. "Why would anyone want to fuck you?"

"Fuckkkk, that's so hot. You're right. I don't deserve your cock. No one wants me anymore." Cam hornily moaned.

Awkwardly, Cam attempted to slide a hand down between her legs after mine had withdrawn, but I firmly gripped her arm to stop her. "Ah ah ah, did I say you could touch yourself?"

Please..." Cam helplessly looked up to me, frozen as I had a tight grip on her. "I can't make it back to my apartment without... Just a little bit of release..."

I could see Cam was looking to me for direction and permission to scratch her horny itch. Knowing what I knew about the new fatter version of Cam, she was a girl who hardly hesitated to deny herself of any base desire. Quite honestly, she'd lost control a long time ago, and there was a power vacuum in that space that she seemed eager for someone like me to occupy.

"You get to cum when I say you can. Got it, fatso?" I stated sharply, releasing her arm from my grip.

"Mmmmmmhmmm, that's so fucking hot."

Though I agreed with Cam, I kept a straight face, making sure not to show her how much I wanted her. Yet, as this scenario was playing out, I was sure I knew where things would end up, so I decided to give Cam an opening she desperately seemed to want.

"Tell you what." I started, brimming with confidence as I kept toying with Cam. "I'll be generous. Does fatty want a pity fuck?"

"Oh yes... please. Please, I'll do anything. Fatty wants a pity fuck." Cam obediently said, eager to debase herself. I knew she'd do anything I told her.

"Oh yeah? Pull down your shorts." I demanded.

Without question, Cam began to pull down her shorts. It seemed to be a struggle, given how tight they were, but she finally managed and kicked them off her ankles, looking up at me, hopeful she'd done enough. The underwear she had on was barely visible with her belly in the way but looked a few sizes too small for her. Judging they were black with skulls on them and not quite Cam's style, I imagine she'd borrowed this pair from her less fat roommate, Alana.

"Nice work, fatso. Now do 10 jumping jacks." I commanded.

There was a moment of hesitation, but Cam got past this and attempted what was probably the first jumping jack she'd done in several years. It was downright pathetic as she wobbled, barely getting half an inch off the ground, her legs slapping together, her belly flipping and slapping against her thighs, and her entire body jiggling. Cam managed the first three before the heavy breathing set in, and her pace took a nose dive by the fifth. Cam was taking long pauses after that, heaving and sweating but determined, until she inevitably gave up on her 8th jumping jack, which was barely worthy of counting. Instead, Cam doubled over, her hands on her legs, sounding as if she'd just run a marathon.

"What the fuck was that?" I barked at Cam, in my best impression of a personal trainer.

"I'm sorry!" Cam apologized, sounding genuinely sorry as she tried to catch her breath. "Please, I still want your cock..." She begged. "I'm just so tired too... keep going."

"Pathetic, lazy tubbo. Look at you." I said, walking in front of her as she continued to recover. "Grab your belly and jiggle it.

Cam slowly brought herself upright again, at my command, and grabbed her lower belly with both hands. Then, rhythmically, she shook it, jiggling her fat for me. I thoroughly enjoyed how much power I could exert over Cam and how much she was willingly giving to me. All this for just a chance at my cock. I was hardly done with her.

"Good." I commented, watching Cam continue to jiggle her fat. "Now tell me you're a big fat loser."

"I'm a big fat loser." Cam whined out immediately and without hesitation.

"Why are you a big fat loser?" I questioned judgmentally, pushing her further to humiliate herself.

"Because I'm so fat and out of shape, and I can't stop gaining weight. I eat like a pig." Cam shakily admitted,

I knew exactly what to impose next. "If you eat like a pig, Oink like a pig."

Cam's response was prompt, as she eagerly gave me the response I wanted. "*snort* *snort* Snort*" she snorted out, shamelessly.

"Fucking hog." I spat in mock disgust, giving her lower belly a firm squeeze. "Tell me something humiliating you do now that you're fat. Something you don't want me to know."

There was a moment of hesitation, Cam's eyes watering in pleasure before she breathily started speaking. "I... I post videos and pictures of my body online for strangers to comment on. Alana showed me this fat fetish forum she was posting stuff on, and after a while, I did, too. Some people online even pay me to eat, and I do it because I'm a fucking fat, worthless pig. I go by lardslut online. I don't post my face, but I love showing strangers what I've done to my body. And my food budget is so high these days that I need the money from being a fat slut online.

"Jesus, Cam, really?" I asked in shock, stunned. Having spent the past week exposing myself to the fat fetish side of the internet, I wondered if I'd encountered this forum that Cam was talking about. Regardless, I made a mental note about Cam's online name and knew I wouldn't be able to stop myself from looking her up later.

"Yes, godddd yes... No one else knows except you and Alana. Uggg..." Cam bit her lip and looked at me with pleading eyes. "Can I please have your cock again? Please? I'm so fat and desperate. Look at me. I can't get laid anymore. You'd be the last cock that ever was inside me because I can't get any guy to want me now that I'm a whale. But I haven't been able to stop thinking about last week and have been touching myself to you nonstop, thinking about your cock. I'll literally do anything you want if you give me the honor of giving me your cock again." Cam begged in an overtly desperate way.

"Hmmm.... how could I make this worth my while?" I questioned out loud as if I was considering her eagerly hopeless request. "You know I'm way out of your league, right?

Cam was practically salivating but seized on the fact that I was considering giving her what she wanted. "Yes, yes. You're so hot. I know that. I know you can get anyone. And it would be a pity fuck, I know that. But... please." She begged.

Fuck it, this was too fun, and I wanted to see where this scenario could go. Regardless of what I'd been telling myself to avoid this past week, If I was safe and discrete, I could probably get away with fucking Cam one more time.

"Tell you what..." I said with a smirk, seeing Cam was hanging on my every word. "I'll come by your place later tonight."

Part of me wanted to fuck Cam right now, but I was enjoying the power I was exerting over her too much and wanted to have her on my terms when I wanted.

"Oh god, thank you. Thank you so much!" Cam squealed in delight, quivering in excitement.

It was plainly obvious that Cam was incredibly aroused by what I'd just promised her, so I decided I'd make her stay that way until I came over.

"If I'm coming over, you're not allowed to touch yourself until I show up, got it?" I spoke plainly, feeling in complete control. I already knew she'd agree to whatever I said, but I needed to lay out what I wanted.

"I promise! I won't. I'll be so wet and ready for you, I swear!" Cam overeagerly promised, demonstrating to me that the possibility of sex with me had been infecting her mind all week.

"Good, you're going to have to keep it together until later tonight." I said, watching Cam writhe while I started smirking at her. "But I do have a few more conditions."

"Anything." Cam breathlessly responded.

"Go back to the dining hall. Eat. That's the closest to edging I'll let you get. but given you're a fat hog, eating and edging is the same thing for you, right?" I snidely commented, to which Cam let out a sharp moan in response. After the moan, she reached a hand down but stopped herself short, remembering she wasn't allowed to touch herself, so she squeezed her legs together. I continued. "Go to the dining hall and show everyone on campus what you are and what you've become. Look around and see what they think of you, and recognize that to them, you're just some fat girl who lost control."

"I know that's what I am now." Cam agreed. "I'll do that. I'll do that for you."

"Good." I paused, smiling to myself, as I was about to push the boundaries even further, feeling like I deserved even more if I was going to make this worth my while. "After that, go home and talk to Alana. I want your roommate ready for me, too, tonight.."

"Alana?" Cam asked in subtle surprise. "You want her there?"

"Is that a problem?" I asked sternly, making sure she didn't have room to argue.

"No, I... just thought..." After a minute of adjusting to the new scenario, Cam seemed to look like she was on board. "I mean, she'll be interested..."

"Good." I firmly said. There was one more thing on my mind that I wanted. One more thing to humiliate Cam further. "After you get home, take Alana shopping with you today. Buy matching tops and underwear in the same size and wear them for me. I don't know what clothing size you porkers wear, and frankly, I don't care. However, whatever you two get, get something a size or two too small for Alana."

"Okay, We'll do that... but..." Cam paused, looking a little apprehensive. "Alana and me... we're not the same size. I'll need to get something a little... bigger. Like not much... but a little bit bigger. Is that okay?"

"No." I said, flatly rejecting Cam's pushback. "You'll cram your fat ass and lard gut into the same size outfit Alana gets. It's obvious you're the fatter one. I want you to feel the consequences of that. You deserve to be embarrassed for letting yourself get fatter than her."

"Mmmmmm, fuck." Cam moaned, biting her lip. "That's so hot. Is it really that obvious that I'm bigger than her?"

"It's so apparent that you're the fatter one now that it's pathetic you think it's even close." I answered with conviction.

The second I said that Cam shuddered and nearly bit hard enough to make her bottom lip bleed. "Mmmmm, that shouldn't make me horny... but fuck. I never thought I'd be heavier than her. Okay, yes, I'll do it. I'll get the exact size she gets and wear it For you."

"You want to earn my cock, don't you, fat girl?" I cooed, putting my hand on her soft chin and tilting her gaze up at me.

"Yes, more than anything. I'll do anything to earn it again." Cam pined at me.

"I'm doing your lazy fat ass a favor. I could easily get a skinny girl, like Alison, in bed for a good fuck tonight. Why should I waste my time fucking two desperate fatties instead?" I said with a knowing smirk, releasing her fat chin from my grasp and enjoying how easy it was for me to dominate Cam.

"Please." Cam hopelessly pleaded, not holding back her desperation. "We'll worship your cock and do whatever it takes to make you cum. We'll do anything and everything you want and work so hard, like the wannabe sluts we are, to make sure you're satisfied. I know we fall short of your standards, and I'm sorry I let myself become as fat and now fatter than Alana. Thank you for even considering fucking two giant fat desperate lardguts like us."

"God, you're so fucking pathetic, you morbidly obese tub of lard." I said, playing up my fake revulsion to Cam. "Get your shorts back on and eat something. You look starving."

"Okay, thank you." Cam said in her obedient trace

I watched her struggle to get her shorts back on, jumping and pulling them up until they were snug on her again. Eventually, she managed, though they weren't on quite the same as before, with at least a third of her upper ass hanging out, showcasing the top of her too-tight panties. I could've said something, but I didn't. Once she had her shorts back on, Cam looked at me as if she wanted to say something, but her words failed her, and she just nodded, with her mouth hanging open, and stared past me.

"And Cam..." I said to her fat back as I watched her waddle toward the door. The way she looked from behind was too tempting.

"Yes?" She asked, pausing and shuffling enough to turn and face me.

"You look really fucking hot." I said with a warm smile, unable to resist.

Shhhh, you're breaking the immersion..." Cam said, looking half-offended I'd complimented her. Yet her face broke into a smile eventually, leaving the submissive, desperate, fatty persona she'd been occupying. " Thanks. I'll see you tonight."

Yea... but..." I closed my eyes, unable to admit to myself that I'd be able to hold out until later, given how hot Cam had just been for me. "God dammit." I said in frustration. "Get over here. I'm gonna explode. s*ck my dick." I began to fiddle with my belt and zipper on my pants.

"Oh god...Really? Thank you." Cam spun and waddled towards me quicker than I'd seen her move, hurrying to get to me. Her eyes were already focused on the bulge in my pants, and she was quick to get down on her knees in front of me. Seeing how absolutely infatuated Cam was getting my cock was a massive turn-on as I watched her lick her lips, unzip my pants, and pull them down enough to get my dick out. Before she proceeded, she looked up at me as if to ask for my permission to proceed.

"What are you waiting for, fatty?" I questioned impatiently.

Those words were enough to send her lips to my dick, and I knew right then and there, fat girls always did it better. But not just any fat girl. Camryn Prig. And I wondered to myself what this strange sexual relationship was between her and me, and if my graduation in a week would mean I'd never see her again or if we'd somehow maintain this tenuous relationship.

Yet, as Cam began her blow job ritual, those thoughts about the future fell out of my head. The girl I'd bought a soft pretzel for four years ago was somehow, to me, the same girl she'd been then. Somehow, through the thickness of time, my affection for Cam had morphed into something completely different yet so oddly similar to what it once was. Something about her felt right, even though I was still confused as to why it felt right. As I looked down at Cam, she was already looking up at me, hunger in those deep green eyes as she dutifully sucked my cock. Just like when she'd walked into that Bavarian bar when I first saw her, I couldn't take my eyes away from her.
44 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 months , updated 2 days
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ConJohn 7 months
Thanks for taking the time to read this ponderous cookie cutter trash, haha.
TheGreatFatsby 7 months
Are you smoking crack dude. This man is the master of establishing backstory. I log in several times a day to see if he has updated. Dude is a fucking absolute legend. Now write faster lol!
ConJohn 7 months
4funnow 7 months
The build up has begun and the kink runs deep
ConJohn 7 months
It’s going to go somewhere fun
Arch329 7 months
Very interesting story. It has been a while since I checked this site out. Nice surprise to come across something this well put together.There is a lot that you will able to unravel. Big pretzel queue
ConJohn 7 months
Appreciated. We’re about to hit that unraveling in the final few chapters
Silentgrizzly 7 months
I used to be alot like him when i was younger.Just because i was afraid of what others would think.I liked big ladies, but instead of talking nice to them; I treated them like this guy is doing.
ConJohn 7 months
People are always capable of changing for the better. We all have our paths to get there. Thanks for reading! Appreciate the kind words
Silentgrizzly 7 months
Actually 1 of the most realistic stories on here.
This 1 ain't about just being erotic it's got a good message in my honest opinion.It also is like watching 1 of those romantic movies on tv.
Jazzman 7 months
The protagonist is hard to like. And that is a delightful twist and different from the majority of stories. This is one of your best. High praise when you have so many great stories.
4funnow 7 months
ConJohn 7 months
Thank you! Yeah, this protagonist is intentionally unlikable, a product of his environment. Though perspectives and prejudices can be changed. I think it's easy to predict that I enjoy character arcs.
Tonyperkis 7 months
Love the Blue Lock reference, GOAT manga and anime
ConJohn 7 months
Nice! Wasn't sure if anyone would pick up on it. I don't read a lot of manga, but Blue Lock slaps.
4funnow 7 months
For my sake - what is the reference
4funnow 7 months
Enjoying the dynamics
ConJohn 8 months
Thank you 😊
4funnow 8 months
The way you paint a scene is priceless “machiavellian way” a perfect brush stroke
ConJohn 8 months
Appreciate that!