Her humiliation

Chapter 41 - Epilogue A

Taking a break, I freed her belly and leaned into her ear. "You look hungry. Let's get out of here and get you a snack," I said.

"I don't know if you've seen me, but a little snack just won't cut it for a girl like me." She cooed back into my ear, obviously flirting. I think she knew what I wanted to hear. This was a labored voice as if she was putting effort into every word just to get it out. I knew the dancing had probably winded her, but I was sure that double chin hanging around her neck was adding a thick sound to her fat voice.

"Oh yeah, do you want some dessert with your snack?" I remember suggestively flirting back.

"I'm hungry." She commented back, her breath hitting my ear with each word.

"Good girl," I said with an audible smirk, enjoying the intimacy of being so close to her. Given that it was dark, this felt hotter than looking into each other's gaze.

"Ya know, I don't usually go home with feeders." She stated with a bit of playfulness in her voice.

"What gave me away?" I chuckled knowingly,

You're dancing with me," she said as if it were apparent. "Despite my best efforts, a feeder or two has chased me before. But I should warn you—I'm not that type of girl."

"Aww, that's too bad. Even for me?" I slyly said, knowing it was only a matter of time before I broke her down.

"I'm considering making an exception... it's just..." Her voice expressed concern.

"What's up? Do you have a boyfriend or something?" I asked, knowing the answer but trying to divert her from any doubt about me.

"A boyfriend? What's that?" She laughed sarcastically. "I'm not exactly a magnet for attention from anyone. At least... not these days."

"These days?" I asked, wondering what she meant by that.

"You're not going to believe me... but I used to be skinny... Like, 130 pounds skinny." Vulnerability was heavy in her voice.

My cock stirred at that, realizing with increased interest that this young fatty had seemingly glutted herself out of a slim body. My head was already trying to imagine how much weight she'd gained since then, trying to picture what she'd looked like when this girl had been a third of the size she currently was. It had felt like I'd hit the jackpot at that moment.

"Seriously? How long ago was that?" I asked, extremely pleased with the circumstances.

I don't know..." She said, taking a moment to ponder. "I guess my Freshman year of college? Five years ago or so now?"

"Huh, sounds like we're the same age." I remember saying, realizing I'd been a freshman in college at the same time as this girl.

"Good. I don't like younger men." She'd said flirtatiously.

"Well, I don't care if you used to be skinny. You're looking terrific now." I'd said, meaning it.

"Thanks. But I care. Being this big isn't nearly as much fun as being skinny was for me. I'd lose the weight if I could." The club girl lamented.

"Shame. To me, it sounds like you haven't met the right person to show you how much fun being a big girl can be." I whispered, giving her colossal ass a squeeze.

She seemed to like that giggling but still sounded concerned. "That's cute, but I'm serious. I used to ride horses. That was my life pretty much until I got too heavy, and my butt got too big to ride them."

"Hmmm, It doesn't seem too big to ride everything." I said playfully, giving her ass another squeeze.

"Oh, Ha Ha. You're such a player, you know."

"Seriously, though, that's a bummer. I used to have an ex who was big into horses, so I know a thing or two." I said, reminding myself of someone from my past.

At that moment, I remembered thinking back to my ex from Freshman year and the girl who'd taken my virginity, Emma. She'd been a fun girlfriend for a few months during my freshman year. Still, I'd broken things off with her before the summer before Sophomore year and heard through the grapevine that she didn't take it well, wanting to never talk to me again. Regardless, Emma had been a horse girl, always going off to some stable a few miles from campus on the weekends instead of going out to party like I wanted to.

"Sounds like a fun girl." My obese dance partner said, breaking me from my thoughts. "And it sounds like you've got a thing for horse girls."

"I've got a thing for pretty girls." I said, flirting, whispering into her ear, buttering her up. I hadn't stopped feeling up her butt.

"Pretty fat girls." The girl laughed. "But Thanks. I can tell you just like my ass."

"Your ass is nice... but this is better." I'd slid my hand off of her butt and let it find its way to her belly, running my grasp across its expanse.

"Mmmm, handsy." She'd moaned. "Ya know, I wouldn't let you touch me there if you weren't so hot. I'm not exactly proud of it.

"Shame, it's a fun place to touch." I bluntly stated, getting as much belly as I could.

"Chubby chaser." She said in playful accusation.

"Guilty as charged." I admitted, pulling back and deciding to seal the deal. "Wanna get out of here?"

"Your place?" She asked, sounding as if she was in.

"Your place." I corrected, not wanting to break my rule of bringing fats back to my place. "Ice cream first, though."

"Ice cream?" She asked, sounding slightly amused by my suggestion.

"You're hungry. A few burgers and some ice cream, and then I'll take care of you." I confidently stated, already knowing she was too greedy to resist my proposition. I'd wanted this fatty nice and stuffed before I fucked her.

"I'm having burgers, too?" She questioned, this time sounding a bit nervous.

"You want them." I stated knowingly.

"I'm on a diet." She responded, convincing no one.

"Not tonight." I said definitively.

"You're bad, Feeder." She breathed out, no fight in her voice.

"I know." I remember saying,

"I'll meet you outside. I'm going to tell my friends I'm leaving." She said to me, squeezing my hand and kissing me before heading off.

"Side exit." I pointed to an exit sign, indicating that she should use it to meet me later outside. I knew it led out to an alleyway, where I could be a little more discrete in fleeing the scene with this hippopotamus.

Hard as a rock, I exited the club's exit-only side exit and waited for her in the alley. It hadn't been two minutes before the door swung open, and a large body pushed herself through,

"It's Good to see you out of the dim club," I said, noticing for the first time that her dress was purple, which hadn't been apparent in the dark club. Her back was slightly to me, and I noted how visible her cellulite was in her clingy tight dress, as each and every dimple was highlighted. After she started to turn towards me, my eyes traced up to her face. Something stood out to me—something familiar that I couldn't precisely place.

"Oh... it's you." She said in shocked coldness, her eyes going wide as saucers and then squinting as if there was something offensive on my face.

"Hey... uh... Hold on. We met somewhere before, didn't we?" I asked, starting to feel as if things were a bit off.

"Of course, you wouldn't recognize me." She scoffed, sounding annoyed.

Sorry... recognize you? I don't understand." I felt awkward, trying to rake my brain of who this person was.
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4funnow 8 months
Love how you foreshadow and set the scene with light rain and once together it pours.
ConJohn 8 months
Glad you picked up on that detail smiley
Mclovinnit 8 months
Again this is my highlight of the day! Love the attention to detail in everything
ConJohn 8 months
Thanks! Keeping the details Thicc
ConJohn 8 months
Yeah, that's fine. I'd suggest to hang in there and get the full perspective of the character arc. But also read whatever makes you comfortable. If this ain't it for you, then it ain't it.
Yaboireaa 8 months
I agree with Jobe, very cool story idea tho.
ConJohn 8 months
Point taken. I'm not changing the language used since it supports the story I'm trying to tell, but I added a note/warning to the story description for y'all.
Shammyboy 8 months
Killing it man.
ConJohn 8 months
LeDebonaire 8 months
I love the suggestions and hints you've put out as to what turns Camryn on! Loving the buildup in this. I'll throw my support behind wanting her to winning over our narrator over!
ConJohn 8 months
Glad people are picking up on the details! We'll see if that slow build has some payoff.
Lpark435 8 months
I guess my only question so far is this, are they destined to be together or are you taking it a different route?
ConJohn 8 months
Destiny is sometimes a self-fulfilling prophecy, sometimes a false construct, and sometimes fated to be. Keep reading and find out.
4funnow 8 months
Crossing fingers Camryn awakens his feeder persona
ConJohn 8 months
Rome wasn't built in a day, but we'll see what unfolds
Montana 8 months
Loving the story! Question, is Alana In the class too? Because it said Allison was being mean to Alana around him and calling her names. Was that actually Camryn?
ConJohn 8 months
Thanks a bunch! Alana is not in that class. At the time, the Narrator of the story/pov character thought it was Alana (when it was in fact Camryn).
Mclovinnit 8 months
Love this!
ConJohn 8 months
Thank you!
4funnow 8 months
Looking forward to how they both apply their social deviance class studies
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