Her humiliation

Chapter 42 - Epilogue A

"So... What was the name of that horse girl you dated?" The girl asked, her eyes big and full of shock. I noticed she was studying me and stopped dead in her tracks upon exiting the club.

"Ummm... Emma, I think." Not understanding why she was asking.

"Hi. Good to see you again." She flatly said, shuffling awkwardly from side to side, clearly uncomfortable.

"Emma?! Uh... hi." I remember being utterly shocked as I took the massive girl in, but the longer I looked, the more I believed this girl. The eyes, the hair, the nose, her lips. Even after all those years, my freshman-year girlfriend was still barely recognizable inside this fat blob standing in front of me. Once I got past the obvious shock, I instantly felt myself getting horny, coming to the realization that Emma had blimped up like a prized hog. The substantial amount of weight she'd put on since I'd seen her last was agonizingly hot to see in front of me. I remember my mind was blank, not fully embracing the implications of what was going on.

"Hey yourself..." Emma had said uncomfortably before finding a bit of fight in her. "Are you putting me on or something? Is this some kind of joke to you?"

"What?! No, I..." It was at that point in the night that I realized what I'd just done and said inside the club. The fat girl in the club and Emma were merging, and my confidence waned as I realized I'd just exposed myself to someone who knew me. The real me. Not this chubby chaser, which I was still trying to compartmentalize inside myself.

Emma sounded irritated and hurt. "You just came here to make fun of me because I got fat?! YOU broke up with me, ya know!? It's so mean to fuck with me like this!"

"Emma, I didn't know..." I had stated, not knowing what the fuck to say. There had been a roller coaster of emotions going on inside me that I could barely handle.

"Wait a second... you didn't know, did you?" Emma said, slowly sounding like she was beginning to realize something. "Oh my god! You're actually a feeder?! That's so gross!" Her words were judgemental.

"I'm not... I was just..." It felt as if I was being driven into a corner, like some sort of deviant freak, and I couldn't muster the courage to defend myself.

"So you think just because I'm fat, I'm going to go for you now? That's fucked up." Emma continued on, sounding as if she was full of conflicting emotions herself.

"Wait, Emma..." I said, trying to stop Emma from reaching her own conclusions about me. My mind had been racing about who Emma still kept in touch with from our college and who she'd tell after this.

"God and you had a fat fetish when we were together." Emma incorrectly assumed, reaching a false conclusion. It seemed like a lot of bottled-up frustration with me was coming up.

"Emma, I..." I remember wanting to tell her that wasn't true, but telling her anything about when I had or didn't have a fat fetish seemed untreatable to even talk about.

"So the rumor about you was true, wasn't it?" She'd casually said with a huff, barreling forward.

"What rumor?" I'd asked after hearing that, with my interest peaked, feeling nervous about rumors about me.

"That you slept with Camryn Prig." Alana said, scoffing.

"No, I didn't." I reflexively and flatly denied emphatically. I remember thinking to myself, 'fuck', and felt the walls closing in on me. This had been something I'd constantly worried about. Someone knowing.

"Oh, c'mon. If you're going after me, you definitely went after Cam... And Alana Lexington." Emma added, her words sounded as if she was convincing herself of their truth as she spoke them.

"Alana Lexington?? Who told you that?!" I'd said defensively as if that was something that couldn't possibly be true. As petrified as I was that someone was gossiping, I was intent on knowing who spilled the beans.

"So.. Cam told me like a year and a half ago that you hooked up with her. Actually, she told me you hooked up with her and her roommate, Alana. Plus, Alana still lives with Cam, and she said it happened. But I'm not gonna lie... I didn't believe either of them, knowing what I thought I knew about you... but god... it's true." Emma stated, seemingly unconvinced by my attempts to persuade her it wasn't. My behavior in the club was damming enough. But it was curious to me as to why Cam would be revealing such intimate information to Emma.

"It's not true! I wouldn't go for either of those girls. They're not my type..." I trailed off weakly, realizing how unbelievable that argument was after the handfuls of ass and belly I'd just sampled from Emma's now extremely obese figure.

"Not your type? Says the guy who was just about to take me out for burgers and ice cream." Emma said, rolling her eyes at me before coming down to a much gentler and more confused tone. "It's okay, really. Like what you like. I'm just shocked that you're... well, into that kind of stuff. It's a lot for me to process, is all... given our history."

"Look... Cam is lying, Emma." I stated in as convincing a way as I could. "Why would she even say something like that to you? I didn't realize you and her were so close."

"I wasn't close with her in school..." Emma blushed. "It's complicated. When I told Cam that you and I used to date... I thought... at the time she told me that you'd hooked up with her too, she was trying to make me feel less weird about..." Emma trailed off, struggling to articulate what she was saying and leaving me with even more questions.

"About What? I don't understand." I said, scratching my head, confused, wondering why both girls had been discussing me.

"Fuck it... Cam and me kinda... had a thing for like a year."

"Wait... really? You and Cam?

Yeah, we were in the same Weight Watchers group, and given that we'd gone to the same school, one thing led to another, and she kind of came onto me.

You dated?"

"It wasn't that formal... no... but we... fooled around. I had to stop it, though, because... well, let's just say we weren't perfect for each other's Weight Watcher plans." Emma blushed, patting her stomach to emphasize what she meant.

"I see. So, have you always been into other girls?"

"Well... I'm not a lesbian... or very Bi... if that's what you're wondering. But Cam is very Bi in certain ways and... she... well, after you and I broke up and I put on a lot of weight... she was the only person to show any real interest in me... So I kinda just went with it. Being able to inherit some of her clothes wasn't a bad perk, I guess. Like this dress. God... why am I even telling you this!"

"So you and Cam..." I said, feeling my mouth going dry, picturing the scenario. Two former skinny girls that had turned into complete fatties making out, touching each other, playing with each other's fat, and much much more. Two women I'd had sex with had fucked each other and, from the sounds of things, had enabled each other to become even fatter versions of themselves.

"Oh my god, we hooked up. Yes!" Emma looked down at the space between my legs and rolled her eyes, noting my erection. "God, keep it in your pants. Let's get back on track... you and Cam fooled around, too. I guess you and I both know that she's a bit freaky. Did you like that stuff?"

"I uhhh.." I couldn't match Emma's change in tone, still very much on edge. I found it impossible to deny the accusation.

"Some of her antics were a little too much for me. Like... I obviously have my issues with food... but she's definitely dealing with something." Emma said, sensing my reluctance to talk about it before completing changing subjects. "So... that time you were looking at me in the dining hall senior year... the week before we graduated... you were checking me out, weren't you?" Emma said with a little smirk appearing on her face.

"Senior year? I..." I'd proceeded to rake my brains, remembering what she could possibly be referring to. There had been a time when I'd spent a week scoping out fatties in the dining hall after my first roll in the hay with Cam. And the longer I thought about it, the more I zoned in on a fat ass that I'd checked out in white equestrian pants. Fuck.

"It's fine. So you're into bigger girls." Emma had said, her voice calmer this time. "It's okay. I mean, I'm not going to pretend I haven't thought about you since we broke up... and given you don't mind the way I look now... and the fact that you're a feeder... I wouldn't be opposed to breaking my diet for a night... or two." She stated in a leading way, making me panic.

"Emma, it's not... I.. I gotta go." I remember saying, deciding to f*ck off and get away from this situation. Emma was far too fat to run after me, so this was my only option.

"Wait, where are you going? I'm just... surprised. I'm sorry... Wait!" Emma had shouted after me, her voice getting fainter as I put distance between her and me. Though it was nice to get home to my apartment that night, for the weeks that followed, it felt as if this safe fatty fucker persona I'd melted into was shattering. As hot as it was to see that one of my exes had blown the fuck up, I wasn't thrilled she knew about my preferences and was worried she'd tell someone.

After that, Emma tried to contact me. She still had my number from when we used to date. Things got weird, and she suddenly was reinvested in me after 5 years of being broken up. And honestly, I feel bad, but I toyed with her a bit when I was feeling horny. It was hard not to find my desire for Emma overpowering my reason. My ex-girlfriend, my first college girlfriend, had gained over 250 pounds of lard since I'd last seen her, and that was fucking hot. Fit-to-fat weight gain was like a drug to me, and Emma had unintentionally checked that big box on my turn-on list. Though Emma had previously been used to spending her time invested in horses, it seemed as if she had more in common with pigs and cows these days. I should've ignored her.
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ConJohn 4 months
Thanks. I'm sure we'd all be okay being in that lecture room
Jazzman 4 months
Alison/Alana. Otherwise loved the chapter. Camryn is his Love and he is hot for her at any weight.
ConJohn 4 months
Oh snap, fixed. That's what I get for having to AL characters in a story lol
Fatpeter 4 months
Best chapter yet! It’s taken a while, but he finally came round to wanting Camryn’s fat ass
ConJohn 4 months
Thanks! TBF, most of this story happened over the course of night, and change takes time.
LLP 4 months
Top job! You really are a great storyteller!
ConJohn 4 months
Appreciate it. Love doing it.
BS Writer 4 months
God I hope Alison gets fat. She absolutely deserves it.
ConJohn 4 months
Cheers. If it's any hint on what will/won't happen. Alison is a Sophomore at this point in this story, but shows up after graduating in another one of my stories.
Lpark435 4 months
Can’t wait for the final chapters, I hope he goes back to Cam.
ConJohn 4 months
The wait is over. The final 3 chapters are dropping this week (then will get to the epilogue later).
Wk23 4 months
We NEED a sequel. Do these two ever talk again?? I feel like they would and I’m seriously dying to know
ConJohn 4 months
Coming up next. There are 3 more chapters... and then an epilogue
SquishMinstrel 4 months
ConJohn 4 months
Ayy, you picked up on the super subtle hints! Didn't want to say anything when you called it out, but yeah, it was a ruse.
RFBurton 4 months
Extremely creative take on an old genre, and one of the best stories to come up here in years. Excellent character development and tantalyzing story build! Great work!
ConJohn 4 months
Ayo, thanks! Huge appreciation back at you. Happy it's landing.
0000909 4 months
This needs a spinoff. Like her POV journey of gaining etc
ConJohn 4 months
I hear you. I'm less apt to go back and tell a "you're probably wondering how I got here" kinda story. Less interesting since we know the destination. But like where your heads at.
Fatpeter 4 months
Finally! The twist I had been waiting for! Things are starting to get interesting
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