Her humiliation

Chapter 43 - Epilogue A

After our run-in at the club, Instead of completely ghosting Emma, I led her on. From the way she texted me, she was very clearly desperate. So, In the moment, texting her felt harmless. Early on, I could tell I was the only guy in her life giving her any kind of attention, which made me feel oddly powerful knowing that. To be fair, she was the only girl I was talking to at that time. Still, she clearly was happy to be texting me again and talking to me again, trying to regain what we'd previously had when we used to date. What she wasn't jazzed about was being the size she'd grown to, nor was Emma exceptionally comfortable acknowledging she'd become so big. On the contrary, It turned me on that she was significantly fatter since we used to date. That didn't mean she didn't use her new assets to her advantage.

For a period of a few months after seeing each other at the club, we sexted. All the while, I dangled the possibility of meeting up with Emma sometime, bringing up the possibility over and over, yet always finding an excuse not to. She probably knew I was playing with her, but I could tell she at least enjoyed the attention I was giving her. And after a while, I got what I wanted. I got some hot belly pics and some videos of her jiggling her fat for me. I got them because I asked for them, and she reluctantly at first but then very willingly sent me what I wanted. So, I kept pushing her further, making me feel assertive in a good way. After a month of sexting, I got Emma to overeat a few times for me and send me pictures of her stuffed body. Even then, I kept pushing her. Eventually, she even sent me a POV video of her masturbating, and when she came, she made pig noises. She'd never been this perverse when we were dating, but a little bit of desperation seemed to make her let her guard down and let me push my depravity onto her. That, and it seemed her time hooking up with Cam had taught her a few things about the fat fetish. Cam had dealt some lasting damage to both of us, and we were carrying on her legacy together, fleetingly.

The entire time I was texting Emma, I wanted to f*ck her and her gigantic fat body badly. Yet even though I wanted her, I knew there would be strings attached if I took this strange sexting relationship with my ex out into the open. Sure, it was cowardly, but I couldn't openly get into a relationship with someone that big. Not at that point in my life. Not when I was still so perplexed about myself. I never let things go further than texting.

I felt terrible for Emma, given she didn't know I was pretty far in the closet about my preferences. Other than Camryn and Alana, she was the only person who knew that fat was my weakness. At any moment, any three of those fatties could let it slip that I'd become a fat admirer, and that felt world-ending to me. Cam had seemingly already blabbed to Emma about it, so who was to say she wouldn't gossip to someone else? All I could do would be deny, deny, deny if anyone else found out.

Emma was the person who snapped me out of my cycle of being a hog-humping fuckboy, and I knew I needed to get back to normalcy. I needed to start dating seriously again to prevent myself from fooling around with fatties. As fun as the erotic secret affairs had been, I wasn't taking fat girls seriously when it came to anything beyond a one-night stand. My attraction to women with bigger bodies was still a point of shame for me, and instead of confronting it, I ran from it once again. I stopped texting Emma back altogether, and it killed me to ignore her. Luckily for my self-conscious ego, the loneliness wasn't long-lasting. At that very moment in time, my Ex fuck buddy Alison had just moved to the city.

When Alison and I reconnected after she graduated college two years ago, there was still hope for me, and I was actively trying to turn my back on my new fat fetish. We became something we had never been before, girlfriend and boyfriend, and despite my new affliction, I became completely wrapped up in my new girlfriend as much as she got wrapped up in me. Still, I kept my secret hidden from her, hoping it would someday disappear, and a few months ago, when I got down on one knee, I expected my love for Allison would force me to be as attracted to her as I used to be. Yet it didn't work, and I was sneaking off to the bathroom to take a Viagra before fucking a beautiful woman that I knew most guys would give their left nut to sleep with.

Sometimes, I thought about opening up to Alison and telling her the truth. Deep down, I knew that wouldn't go well. Alison was the same way I used to be. Worse even. Her distaste for obese people was palpable, and she'd tell me every little story about a fat person that bothered her. Whether it was some 'cow' at the gym that rubbed her the wrong way, some 'fatso' at work that got in her way, or even an old high school best friend she'd run into that had 'completely ballooned' into 'an elephant,' Allison loved to lay into them. Unbeknown to her, her stories always turned me on, and I was quick to use that momentum to f*ck her shortly after, without the aid of a little blue pill. Maybe that's why she told those stories so often, knowing the correlation or not.

Still, she was good to me. She'd matured a lot since college. And I loved her.

Back in the present, I spent much of my day while Alison was off at the gym, reflecting on the past four years since I graduated. However, my thoughts were interrupted when Alison came home with enthusiastic energy. She bounded through the door and made a B-line towards me when she saw me on the couch.

"You WILL not believe who I just saw?!" Alison smirked, sounding like she had the juiciest gossip.

"Who?" I asked, muting the soccer game I'd been watching.

"Guess," she said, sitting down on the opposite side of the couch. I noticed that Alison didn't appear particularly sweaty or flustered from her workout, which was odd. I assumed she'd spent some time afterward with her friend Erin.

"Uhh... someone you haven't seen in a while?" I asked, unsure how I was supposed to pull a name out of thin air.

"Yes..." Alison smiled encouragingly as if I was on the right track.

"Was it your friend from high school?" I asked, remembering a (rather hot) story about someone Alison had told me about when she'd first moved to the city. "That friend that used to play varsity soccer with and then got...

"EW, no. Her?" Alison's said in disgust, wrinkling her nose. "I haven't seen that trainwreck in two years, since before I moved here."

"Oh, I guess you've just mentioned that girl a few times since moving here," I said. Alison had brought up this girl from her past a few times, but I couldn't recall her name, nor if Alison had ever mentioned what her even name was. It didn't really matter either way.

"I mean, yeah, I've talked about that particular EX friend." Alison said, rolling her eyes as if bringing this person up was a waste of time. "Erin used to live with that weirdo and would keep me up to date. And oh my goddd, the horror stories Erin told me about that hog would curl your toes. I bet she's probably still sucking down multiple ice cream cones a day." She scoffed, sounding annoyed.

"Wait, Erin lived with..." I raked my brain, trying to recall the name of this friend Alison was referring to. Knowing Erin, that health nut didn't seem like the type of person who would willingly live with someone on the heavier side. Thinking about this fat former friend's name, I could only come up with the myriad of fat-phobic nicknames Alison used to call her, one, in particular, standing out. "uh, did you say her name was Shamu?"

"Haha, that's just what some girls and Erin started calling her. Her real name is Haley. I think Erin felt bad for her and was trying to get her to lose weight. But that loser kept getting fatter, so Erin kicked her out, haha."

"Haley?" I questioned, as my mind immediately snapped to the SSBBW feedee, wondering but not seriously thinking that the Haley Alison was talking about was the same girl. What kind of web model would use their own name anyway? "Oh... interesting. Weird that Erin would live with someone like that."

"Kinda." Alison shrugged. "I didn't get it either, but whatever. Maybe Erin just felt bad for her or something. Regardless, Erin had the last laugh. She made, like, a fake entry for that 600-pound life show and posted it on YouTube. Fucking hilarious I'll show you sometime."

"Huh... Yeah... That's funny." I said, my voice almost breaking in surprise at the mention of that video. Fuck, it had to be her. Haley the Hog. Maybe half a year ago, Haley posted a link to that YouTube video to her Onlyfans, asking her subscribers to leave humiliating comments on it. I'd seen the video Alison was talking about a few times, and it was downright shocking that Haley The Hog was a girl who had apparently gone to high school with Alison. I restrained myself from blowing my cover and asking Alison about her more, but I made a mental note to scour Alison's socials to confirm my suspicions.

"Right!? So funny." Alison giggled before putting her hand on my arm and scooting closer. "But, no, you got me off-topic. I didn't run into Haley, but I guess you're on the right track." Alison smirked.

"I give up, who?" I said, understanding this game could go on forever.

"So, remember that big fat girl from that class we had together in your last year of school?" Alison said, bottling her excitement.

"Uhhh... hmmmm..." I fidgeted and felt my stomach turn, instantly knowing who Alison was talking about but trying to play coy. Cam.

Oh, c'mon. You couldn't miss this eyesore of a girl even if you wanted to." Alison laughed. "Camryn Prig looked like she swallowed a butterball turkey every time she came to class."

"Oh... her? Hmmm, maybe I remember her. She was in one of our classes?" I said, pretending I still that I had no idea who Alison was talking about. Meanwhile, my heart rate was going a mile a minute, both eagerly anticipating and utterly terrified about hearing whatever Alison was about to tell me.

"Yes! She gave that cringey presentation at the end of the year, too. I can't believe you don't remember." Alison scoffed at me, not realizing I'd fucked Cam many times the two weeks after that final presentation. Considering the tone of her voice, I could only imagine how disgusted Alison would be with me if she ever found out. Alison continued. "Well, everyone called her Big Fat Cramming Pig. God, she was disgusting." Alison laughed cattily." Maybe you remember her as the fat girl who ate that cake off the floor at the Delta Phi Halloween frat party, like, in a pig costume. This was the same girl that Amy Bennett saw eating a tub of Crisco in the school library. And Aaron Miller, who worked late night in the dining hall, claimed she offered to suck his dick for an entire tray of mashed potatoes. Does any of that ring a bell? Don't you remember her?"

Oh, ah, that's right. Cam." I said in mock recognition. My heart was pounding. I'd heard those rumors about Cam, as well as a few more. I knew which ones were true, and shockingly, most of them were. "So you saw her?" I said, feigning slight disinterest while trying to hold back the pure excitement I was feeling. I hadn't realized Cam was anywhere within short driving distance, having lost touch with her long ago.

"So, Erin bailed on me for today's workout…. AGAIN!" Alison moaned. I knew the two friends had been having issues since that 'hard talk' Erin had had with Alison about her weight. However, this pattern of Alison getting bailed on by Erin has increasingly become a regular trend lately. Alison pushed forward with her story. "Anyway… I got a milkshake and…" All of a sudden, Alison's face went red, and she coughed. "Sorry… I was getting a smoothie after my workout." Alison stated with her voice faltering.

I could tell there was more to Alison's side of the story than she was letting on, but she stayed silent and didn't press. Alison didn't know that I knew she lied to me about going to the gym. And from the mustard stain on the corner of her lip, I knew she'd instead decided to cheat on her diet. I knew Alison was struggling with her heavier weight and liked to keep up the appearance that she was doing everything she could to curb it, especially around me. However, the multiple fast food wrappers I'd find hidden in the trash and in her car were evidence enough that she was all talk and little action when it came to her weight loss. No complaints from me.

I snuck a glance at Alison's middle and could see the impact of her "workout." She'd clearly binged on something because the way her outgrown athletic top failed to cover her spare tire made Alison look really fucking chubby. Frankly, I'd never seen Alison look this big and began to wonder if that 180 pounds she'd been claiming to be for the past month was even still accurate. Yet, as hot as Alison's softening figure was, I couldn't help but think about Cam, too.

Alison continued her story, giving her top an unsuccessful tug. "And so there I was, drinking my smoothie, and I saw this giant circus freak of a human walking across the Walmart parking lot. She is just struggling. I mean STRUG-GL-ING. By the time she got into the Burger King… *cough* sorry, gym parking lot… I could practically hear THE cramming pig herself heaving from halfway across the parking lot."

"So… Camryn Prig was coming out of a Walmart?" I asked, trying not to sound like I wasn't eating up every word.

I knew where the closet Walmart was, and I knew for a fact that Alison's gym was nowhere near it. Adjacent to the Walmart parking lot was indeed a Burger King, which I was sure my fiance had gone to instead of working out. Her little slip-up had all but confirmed that the state of her bloated belly was the result of another fast food binge.

"Mhmmm," Alison said, letting a wry smirk spread on her face as if there was more to come. And get this... she works there, apparently. She had a blue shirt with the logo, name tag, and everything. Can you believe that?! Seems like she's really applying herself these days. What a fat loser." Alison laughed judgmentally.

"Huh... that's... weird." I said, a little concerned. Even after presumably finishing college late, It was odd that Cam would be working what was probably a minimum-wage job. Especially given the college debt, which I remembered her complaining about paying off. I knew Cam had her issues with picking a career path, but retail at Walmart didn't strike me as a job Cam would've been excited about taking. "Didn't she… graduate? Why would she be working there?" I asked.

"Beats me." Alison shrugged. "I think I saw her stuffing her fat face in the campus dining hall a few times the fall after you graduated… and then I don't remember seeing her once the spring semester rolled around. Pretty sure I heard something about her having a breakdown or something… Or wait… no... that wasn't it. Someone said she was pregnant."

*Authors Note*
Another hiatus (life stuff), but I've got the rest of the end written out for this epilogue, and am happy with it. got overindulgent with this ending so it and it got more padding then expected. Expect the epilogue to be wrapped up and posted here by Monday. Cheers and thanks for reading all ~
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ConJohn 5 months
After 23 chapters, we're finally in her bedroom and things are getting real 😂
LLP 6 months
Thank you for another chapter! I re-read your other stories while I wait on this one. They're all that excellent!
ConJohn 5 months
Appreciate ya. The wait for new content is over.
Jazzman 6 months
I'm getting a little antsy. Slow burns are fine and you are the Best with verbiage and tension. I wish he would just *** and she admit she gets off being huge. Not going to abandon this masterpie
ConJohn 6 months
Not to give anything away, but their may be proper payoff in the next 2/3 chapters. Stay tuned, this story will deliver.
Palantironline 6 months
I can't wait to see where this goes!
ConJohn 6 months
On it goes
Fatpeter 6 months
Love the update and where things are going!👌
SquishMinstrel 6 months
I’m super fascinated by this! It’s really uncommon for these stories to feature male protagonists who don’t just dislike fat girls, but downright *hate* them. I’m excited to see where this goes!
ConJohn 6 months
Thanks! It's sometimes pretty weird to write this type of protagonist. Yet there are some people I've known in the past that talk like the pov character, and am drawing from them. Cheers.
Fatpeter 7 months
I like where this is going! I hope you come back to it at some stage
ConJohn 6 months
Yup! Reasonably given how busy the holidays are for me, I'll be back to wrap everything up in January. I have a ton written already, but want to finish the story before posting again.
Hip114ster 7 months
Great story, enjoying the through the wall conversation
ConJohn 6 months
Thanks. Was great to get away from the main character for a bit
Beatlemaster... 7 months
Great story so far. I am excited for the next chapter.
ConJohn 7 months
Soon 👀
Bakinguy 7 months
excited for this to come back!!
ConJohn 7 months
Yep, just started writing again after the break, kind of want to make sure it's done and ready to edit before I start posting chapters.
Hugefatman 7 months
The storyline while unoriginal is not bad. A lot of potential here, but this thing is entirely too long for no real payoff at 20 chapters.
ConJohn 7 months
Thanks for taking the time to read this ponderous cookie cutter trash, haha.
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