Her humiliation

Chapter 44 - Epilogue A

"Pregnant?" My heart stopped, and I started doing math in my head. I remembered the broken condom, and the longer I thought about it, the sicker I began to feel. The other times I'd fucked Cam, I pulled out... right? After that broken condom... she said she was going to take care of things... but did she? And she'd encouraged me to stop using a condom after that, which I obliged. And... fuck... If I remember correctly... she had a breeding fetish. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

"Yeah, I think I remember someone said something about her being knocked up? But I can't really remember the details." Alison said, sounding unsure of herself. "Hilarious rumor if you ask me. I bet not a single guy on campus would've slept with her even if she paid them. Maybe someone was incredibly drunk and desperate."

"You really heard that she was… pregnant though?" I said, nervously pressing the issue, my stomach twisting into knots of concern. I'd slept with Cam in May, left campus in June, and then we stopped talking around September that year. She would've been four months pregnant by then, and if she hadn't returned to campus for the Spring semester, she would've been 8 months by then. I distinctly remember her last fat fetish forum post had been in February... when she would've been 9 months pregnant. Fuck. There was no way. I was overthinking things.

"I think so…" Alison remarked, looking at me in a studying way before scoffing dismissively. "Whatever, it was just a rumor years ago. I bet she flunked out. Anyone dumb enough to get that fat is probably too stupid for college anyway. From what I saw, Miss Krispy Kreme butt decided to let herself become a waddling advertisement for extreme morbid obesity instead. Are you okay?" Alison asked, seeing my completion was going white.

"Oh. Huh... Yeah, I'm fine." I said, masking my concern with indifference and losing myself to my thoughts. Was Cam really the kind of girl who would've said something to me if she'd been pregnant?

When we'd stopped talking, the tone between us had shifted rather abruptly when I told her I was too busy with work to let her come visit me in the city. I remember her sounding upset with me, but I had tunnel vision, given I'd just landed the job after my internship and frankly was still unwilling to have a serious relationship with Cam. After that moment, when I denied her aspirations to visit me, our texting fizzed slowly into nothing. In the last text I'd gotten from her, she wished me a Merry Christmas and asked how I was doing. I didn't give her a ton back, given I was already distracting myself with some bar and club fatties I'd begun having one-night stands with. And then there was a call later that January that I'd forgotten to return. By the time I realized I hadn't gotten back to her, it had been a few months, and it felt too awkward to reach out.

I felt kind of bad for Cam. Part of me felt like I'd abandoned Cam to her own devices after our short little fling. Clearly, she was very directionless, and in me, she'd found some fulfillment (at least sexually) that she'd been searching for for years. I hoped that she was doing okay, and given the pregnancy rumor, I began to wonder more about what had happened in the past four years. All I knew was she'd joined Weight Watchers, gotten into a relationship with Emma for about a year at some point, stopped posting content even rarely online, and then apparently started working at Walmart. I wondered if she really was with anyone now (boy or girl) and if Cam was hopefully happy. Yet most of all, I wondered to myself if Cam had a kid and if it was mine. That part shook me to my core. Even when I was texting Emma, she rarely brought up her relationship with Cam but never once mentioned that she had a kid… which was the only solace. Deep down, I knew this would be something I'd have to follow up on as soon as possible.

"Honey, I wish I snapped a picture to share because she's enormous." Alison cut in, taking out of my deep thoughts. "You saw how big she was in college... well, she's way bigger now."

"Really?" I said, breaking for the first time with a slight sense of excitement before reigning it in and playing it cool. "Like, how big? How much do you think she weighs?" I asked, attempting to sound slightly disinterested again while trying to picture in my head just how much bigger Cam could be.

"Heck, if I know. Was never good with guessing that kinda stuff." Alison shrugged. "All I'm saying is this girl could get her own TLC show. Do you remember how she used to eat in class all the time?"

"Uh... yeah, I guess." I said, thoroughly unable to concentrate as my imagination was already running rampant.

How big could Cam really be? The last time we'd slept together, she revealed to me that she was somewhere around 330 pounds, and admitting that to me seemed to be rather embarrassing for her. In the same breath, Cam was adamant that she wouldn't allow herself to become even more obese and seemed to hope she'd be able to figure out a way to lose weight at some point. After we parted ways, Cam never posted her weight online or did weigh-ins like other more serious feedism and fat fetish web models, but I'd noticed Cam had been looking heavier up until she'd stopped posting. What did 'way bigger now' mean? Was she over 400 now? Over 500? Maybe even 600? Probably even more? Regardless of the number, It sounded as if Cam had very possibly turned herself into a proper SSBBW, which was shocking yet not surprising. My mind was already going into overdrive trying to picture what Cam looked like with substantially more pounds on the already morbidly obese body I'd fucked. I, too, wished Alison had gotten a picture.

"Honey, it looks like she didn't stop eating. What a fata*s." Alison stated with wry contempt. "Some people just have no control, I swear. Like, hello, I've seen elephants with better body proportions than her. Has she ever considered investing in a gym membership?"

At Alison's size, I found it interesting how often she still attacked and insulted fat people. Yet a new trend I'd noticed was Alison would only comment on people's weights if they were clearly heavier than her. I don't think Alison knew that I had access to her abysmal gym check-in records, and if she did, I doubted she'd be making the comments she was regarding someone's investment in a gym membership.

"Yeah... and so you just saw her, and she left?" I asked, curious about what else Alison had seen, desperate for any kind of information.

"No, some creepy fat guy who's sometimes behind the counter working at Burger King walked out and met her in the parking lot." Alison said nonchalantly, not registering that she'd yet again slipped up, unintentionally letting me know that she knew the regular staff rotation at Burger King.

"A creepy fat guy?" I asked, pulling for more details.

"Yeah, he's always creepy and making eyes at me like a perv. Fata*s loser." Alison stated with contempt, still not realizing that she was telling me she'd interacted with this man a few times on her secret Burger King trips. "Regardless, he seemed to be Cramming Pig's boyfriend or something since he gave her a kiss."

"Oh.. interesting... Good for her? I guess." I stated, looking off into empty space. So Cam did have a boyfriend. That was good. Wasn't it? Why did it make me feel weird to know that?

"For real..." Alison laughed. "The fat dude looked pissed off and started arguing with her about something. If I had to guess, he was probably pissed off because his girlfriend is fatter than him, and he had to hand her two burger king bags of food to keep her that way. Seems like even fat people can find love… As long as it's love only with other fat people."

I sat silent for a moment, picturing things in my head and making a mental map about the life of the girl I used to be infatuated with. I wished I didn't care as much as I did and felt like I had done a satisfactory job of moving on from her for the second time in my life... but this pregnancy thing had thrust her far to the front of my conscious thought. Was she and this fat boyfriend raising my kid? It seemed strange to me that Cam, of all people, would be dating some heavy, creepy fast food worker. Before hooking up with me, she'd dated the douchiest chiseled jock at our college, so my only thought about Cam's newest relationship was it had emerged due to a point of desperation on Cam's part. To be fair, Cam had a threesome (with me) involving her fat roommate Alana and had also dated Emma (who was a certified blimp), so her tastes around fat men could have also changed, but I was sure there was something else going on. If I knew Cam, my assumption was she was taking her humiliation fetish further and making her life even more visibly pathetic. For anyone else, they'd pity Cam hearing about this downfall. However, some of the things Cam had asked me to say to her in bed made me wonder where the lines between fantasy and reality were for her.

"What do you think?" Alison said, shaking me out of my thoughts and making me realize I'd spaced out for too long.

"Huh? About what?" I asked, confused, having forgotten what Alison had even said last.

"About Camryn Prig! Isn't that hilarious? It's like karma or something that the girl who stuffs her face all the time ends up at Walmart with an obese boyfriend. Porky Pig got what she deserved. Fairytale ending for her."

"Yeah... Fairytale ending." I repeated automatically, still deep in heavy thought.

Alison seemed to notice my attention was elsewhere and put a hand on my leg to get my attention. "And honey... her ass... was huge." Alison said, her tone oddly less catty and more playful.

"Oh Yeah?" I asked, meeting her eyes and doing a poor job of hiding my interest in what she'd just said.

"Massive. Like shapeless jello. You should've seen it, wobbling like whale blubber." Alison got up from her spot on the couch next to me and parked her butt on my lap. "Seriously, it was like someone filled two garbage bags with lumpy mashed potatoes and strapped them to her ass. I don't know how anyone could grow a backside that blimp-like. Sweaty fatso could barely even walk." Alison remarked, wiggling her butt a bit to nestle it comfortably in my lap. The wiggle was hardly innocent. Given how self-conscious Alison had become about her more expansive backside, she only deployed this tactic when she wanted something specific. Sex.

"I mean, seeing how much she ate in class, her ass probably blew up from constant overeating and laziness." I remarked, placing both hands on the outer limits of Alison's girthy backside, taking stock of my own girlfriend's overindulgence and laziness while letting my mind begin to fantasize. I could feel Alison shiver and then dryly swallow in my lap before she shook her head in some over-dramatic way as if she was trying to clear her head.

"Yeah, what a pig." Alison laughed with an odd tone of nerves in her voice. "I bet this is what it sounds like when Camryn's fucking that fat boyfriend of hers. *Snort* *Snort* *Snort* hahahaha.” Alison playfully giggled after bouncing in my lap with each snort.

Immediately, I felt stunned and surprised. My girlfriend's brazen snorting made my mind immediately travel back to the last time Cam and I had fucked. I'd been pounding her from behind on her bed, my hand on the back of her head, shoving her face into a vanilla cake. Next to her bed, I'd placed her full-length mirror and taped every skinny picture I could find of her on it. I remembered yanking her head up by her hair and turning her head to face the mirror as I pumped away. I forced her to look at herself with the plastic pig nose I forced her to wear. In response, Cam did what she did when she got fucked on all fours, she oinked. Yet that last time was absurd, as she reacted to the fat-shaming insults I hurled at her while I dicked her down. It was surreal to see her lose herself so completely, surrendering to the reality of her new reflection and affirming it with a fit of feral oinks. I hadn't nutted so hard since that last time, nor had I ever been with a girl who had such a visceral orgasm simultaneously. Unfortunately, reliving that memory, I knew for a fact I hadn't been wearing a condom, nor had I remembered pulling out. And Cam was absolutely not on birth control. And I was absolutely an idiot for believing her lazy ass would 'handle it.' Fuck. Regardless, Alison had no idea how accurate her assessment of Cam presumably was, and I wondered to myself how much more depraved and subservient to her humiliation fetish Camryn had become since I'd seen her last.

I was so lost in my thoughts and enjoying the friction of Alison's chubby butt in my lap mixed with the memory of Cam that I didn't realize I hadn't reacted audibly. Yet Alison didn't seem to mind and gasped excitedly. "Hang on, someone's got a boner. Were you watching porn again while I was away?"

"Maybe..." I started to say, given it was the truth. Yet, in reality, Alison's story, my imagination, and her butt in my lap were doing a whole lot for me. "…Though your booty is doing most of this." I said, thrusting up a bit into her backside and poking her more with my hard-on.

"Naughty boy." Alison said, her voice sounding flush with excitement. "But you don't even think that…" She said playfully, letting her voice turn slightly serious. "How could you even like my butt compared to what It used to look like? Like… I… thank you for putting up with me and my current… predicament."

"Put up with?" I asked, perplexed. "Baby, I love you. Every inch of you." I emphasized with a squeeze.

"You're sweet." Alison said in a forlorn way as if she didn't believe me. "I just… don't want to embarrass you. And I promise… I'll get things under control."

"You don't need to do anything…" I stated supportively, sensing a bit of self-consciousness forming in Alison's voice. "I just want you to be happy, baby… and right now… you're making me very happy."

"Do you promise?" Alison asked shyly, nestling closer to me.

"I promise." I affirmed.

"Okay… well... good." Alison said, a bit more relieved. "I just… don't plan on getting fat, and seeing Cam today was all the motivation I needed to… change my ways."

"Whatever you want to do, baby. I'm here to support you." I said sincerely, wanting Alison to be happy, though secretly desiring the opposite of what Alison wanted.

"Good." Alison chirped in affirmation before thinking for a moment. "Umm, babe?"


" Um..." Alison paused before speaking. "If I was… that big… would you… still be with me?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, somewhat already knowing what she was implying and enjoying the mental picture.

"Ya know, like freakishly fat like Camryn Prig or that disgustingly obese Haley girl I've talked about… would you still stay with me?" Alison asked, her voice weighty.

"I mean, I'd love you… no matter what." I responded, unwilling to tell her the entire truth. A truth where I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off of Alison if she became an enormous cow, her helpless body becoming swallowed and overwhelmed with fatty, luscious, soft adipose lard.

"Ew, that's disgusting…" Alison said abruptly, turning her head around and wrinkling her nose at me. "liar." She scoffed in a disappointed way, proceeding to hop off her perch on my lap. "Whatever… wrong answer."

"Wait, what?" I asked, bewildered, thinking I had given a perfectly safe answer to her question.

"Just…" Alison looked a little annoyed with me, putting her hands on my knees and giving me a frustrated look. "…shut up and don't move."

"What are you doing?" I asked as Alison pushed my knees apart and reached for my pants zipper.

"Finishing you off." Alison huffed, pausing before unzipping my pants. "Just…" There was something more Alison wanted to say, but held her tongue. "… Just don't say something like that? Okay?"

"Like what? What did I say?" I asked, even more confused.

"Nevermind…" Alison said, rolling her eyes before pushing her head between my legs and pulling out my stiff cock. It wasn't a second later that she gripped it and began sucking away at it, giving it all the attention it needed before she brought me to full completion. When I offered to reciprocate, Alison said she was tired and headed up to bed early.

Instead of joining her, I sat on the couch, deep in thought and needing to know the truth about Cam's alleged pregnancy. My immediate thought was that I could go to the Walmart Cam worked at and confront her directly, but that was a considerable risk that could backfire big time. Though the possibility of having a bastard kid out there paralyzed me with fear, I didn't want to discover that at the expense of my relationship with Alison. I needed to be more subtle.
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4funnow 6 months
The pot is beginning to boil can’t wait for the steam
ConJohn 6 months
After 23 chapters, we're finally in her bedroom and things are getting real 😂
LLP 6 months
Thank you for another chapter! I re-read your other stories while I wait on this one. They're all that excellent!
ConJohn 6 months
Appreciate ya. The wait for new content is over.
Jazzman 6 months
I'm getting a little antsy. Slow burns are fine and you are the Best with verbiage and tension. I wish he would just *** and she admit she gets off being huge. Not going to abandon this masterpie
ConJohn 6 months
Not to give anything away, but their may be proper payoff in the next 2/3 chapters. Stay tuned, this story will deliver.
Palantironline 6 months
I can't wait to see where this goes!
ConJohn 6 months
On it goes
Fatpeter 6 months
Love the update and where things are going!👌
SquishMinstrel 6 months
I’m super fascinated by this! It’s really uncommon for these stories to feature male protagonists who don’t just dislike fat girls, but downright *hate* them. I’m excited to see where this goes!
ConJohn 6 months
Thanks! It's sometimes pretty weird to write this type of protagonist. Yet there are some people I've known in the past that talk like the pov character, and am drawing from them. Cheers.
Fatpeter 7 months
I like where this is going! I hope you come back to it at some stage
ConJohn 6 months
Yup! Reasonably given how busy the holidays are for me, I'll be back to wrap everything up in January. I have a ton written already, but want to finish the story before posting again.
Hip114ster 7 months
Great story, enjoying the through the wall conversation
ConJohn 6 months
Thanks. Was great to get away from the main character for a bit
Beatlemaster... 7 months
Great story so far. I am excited for the next chapter.
ConJohn 7 months
Soon 👀
Bakinguy 7 months
excited for this to come back!!
ConJohn 7 months
Yep, just started writing again after the break, kind of want to make sure it's done and ready to edit before I start posting chapters.
Hugefatman 7 months
The storyline while unoriginal is not bad. A lot of potential here, but this thing is entirely too long for no real payoff at 20 chapters.
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