The rise and fall of stacy

Chapter 3

Stacy couldn’t wait to get back home after having been out in the sun all day again. Today was the day of her eighth stream. The last stream had been a lot of fun. It was more or less the most attention she’d ever gotten in her life. At some point there were like 40 people watching her! And she had interaction with the viewers too. It was proper fun.

She had announced her stream two days ago, although her post only got 13 views. But Stacy was excited anyways. Today she’d be playing Minecraft, and she wanted to build something cool. At 6pm, Stacy made herself some dinner, wore her dress again, and did a little makeup. It felt to her like she was about to air on tv. It surely was a strange feeling.

By 6:30pm, she started the stream.

“Hey guys, I’m finally back!” She was smiling like a little excited boy. Of course, that fell on no ears at all. There were zero viewers. But that didn’t matter to Stacy, it was well within her expectation. Still smiling, she started a new survival game.

Stacy played for about an hour, all relaxed, slowly eating her dinner. No action so far, but for a handful of viewers, none of which really showed any interaction though. She appreciated them, but after trying to engage with them by asking questions and then not getting any answer back, Stacy simply continued to play the game and narrate a bit. It was around the 70-minute mark that the people started coming in. After one-and-a-half hours, she was back at 20 viewers. And what was even better, was that some of them already commented things like “omg she’s back!” and “looking as good as ever ;)”. Some of these comments were a bit corny, but she didn’t think that they were too serious anyway. Another 30 minutes, and that number rose back to 40. Now she was actively talking with the viewers, and they could talk with her through the chat. They asked her questions about her studies, about her life, what she wants to become one day, and in turn, she asked them who they were and more detailed questions about them. It was a really cool experience, and she felt like she made new friends, even if it was at a rather shallow level.

One guy said: “are you gonna do a challenge again?”

“Yeah sure!” Stacy answered. “Give me some ideas.”

And the ideas came flooding. There were around 7 ideas that were proposed. Some of them not very appropriate, and she politely asked these people to be nice. She lost about three viewers just then, but oh well, they weren’t the users she wanted around anyway.

Stacy liked one challenge in particular: “Every time you die you have to eat two spoonful of ice cream.” Stacy had just bought ice cream earlier that day, and she was gonna have some anyway.

“Well I sure like your idea, Guest… Guest931. Let me get it quickly.”

She loved how simple and harmless these challenges were. Nothing crazy, nothing mean, just a little fun challenge. And so she did it. In fact, Stacy was so eager to eat ice cream, that she purposely kept jumping from higher walls and saying “oopsies… I guess I’ll have to have some ice cream!”

She kept interacting with the viewers and she had a lot of fun. She made some silly jokes, then the viewers made some silly jokes, and so on. The third hour went by in a flash. It was almost 10pm now, and she was reading all the positive comments about how they’ll definitely follow and how cool this “small” streamer was and how she’ll definitely make it big etc. It was a great experience. And when she looked at her stats, she saw that there were now around 70 to 80 viewers watching. And she already had 26 followers. That really did blow her mind.

But ultimately, she was starting to get a bit tired. That’s one effect that ice cream has on you. Especially half a box of ice cream. She didn’t even notice how much she’d eaten until now.

“Alright guys, this really was fun. But I’m gonna head to bed now.”

But then a message came: Guest931: “Well before you leave, a little goodnight challenge: go to the nether for the last ten minutes! I wanna see how good you fight.”

Indeed, she hadn’t spent much time in the nether yet. It was too dangerous, and she really wasn’t much of a fighter. But still, she liked the sound of a goodnight challenge.

“Alright, but just ten minutes.”

And so she did. And lo and behold, she took a lot of damage. So much so, that at one point she almost died. And because she wasn’t a quitter, she obliged the rules and forces herself to eat more ice cream, even though she was already well beyond full.

And eventually, the ten minutes passed.

“Alright, that was good fun. But I am stuffed and tired. I’ll catch you guys soon though! Thank you so much! Everybody take care!”
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 months , updated 3 months
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Fbuucgk 3 months
Created four months ago, then it will probably not be continued. The beginning is good.