Katrina's costume collection 2: fat cat and sexy piggy

Chapter 14 - Kat Imagines Herself Fat

Across the room, Katherine was sauntering toward Robert. She tracked him with her gaze as she stalked toward him.

Along the way however, she couldn’t help but be distracted by some of the passing hor'dourves. There was a tray of salmon puffs that caught her eye, a pair of scallops wrapped in bacon, and then a handful of shrimp cocktail which she managed to eat in record time.

She lost track for a moment but caught sight of him again as she was sucking down her last piece of shrimp cocktail. That’s also when her mind began to drift off…

Kat felt herself lying in the sun. It was warm and lovely, an absolutely perfect day by all accounts- that is… until she actually felt herself.

She felt soft, yielding. She gave herself a tentative squeeze to be sure, and there it was, an unmistakeable and very moveable softness. She could feel her hands sinking into her belly which didn’t make any sense because she had never been able to do something do outrageous before.

But then she looked down.

She had a belly!

A big bulging belly that she could indeed sink her hands into. And her hands were chubby as well! They were fat hands with sausage fingers and covered in… something red.

They were chubby and red? Was she bleeding? No. The hands were just absolutely covered in cocktail sauce. And next to her in the sun was an entire empty tray of what was once shrimp cocktail but was now a desolate plastic ring decorated with the remains of shrimp tails. She looked over and saw her sauce covered face in the mirror and went to scream, but then that scream was cut off by a rumbling in her belly, and she found herself gently maneuvering her chunky self over to the side where there was a big decadent bowl of ice cream waiting.

It was a three scoop sundae with vanilla, chocolate and rocky road, and it was smothered in whipped cream and topped with walnuts, and almonds, and peanuts, and strawberries, and cherries, and two whole bananas, each split in half.

And it was calling her name.

Kat tried to resist but, despite her efforts, she found herself grabing a spoon with her chubby fingers. She felt her fat stomach roll against her thighs as she sat up and began feasting on the ice cream. It was a slow process because of all the toppings and the fact that somehow the three scoops of ice cream had turned into six, and, by the time she got through about half of the ice cream, the other half was cold soup mixed with syrup. Kat knew she should stop, but she couldn’t. Instead she began to lap up what was left of the ice cream with her tongue, and when that wasn’t going fast enough she tipped the bowl and guzzled down the rest.

Katherine wanted to move. She knew that. She knew that she needed to move, but then again… there was something that just wasn’t letting her, and while she could have tried to blame her lack of mobility on the excess weight that she was carrying around, (and she certainly had no limit to the amount of curses she wanted to throw at the soft cocoon of buttery fat that she found herself encased in) the truth was that she couldn’t help but feel like she was the one telling herself not to move. She could have moved if she wanted to, and she did want to… but she also didn’t, and the didn’t was winning this struggle by a mile.

Instead of moving, Kat let out another yawn and looked over at an abandoned set of exercise weights long grown dusty. Then, she looked down at the discarded bowl of ice cream which in turn was sitting next to two discarded gallons of ice cream and an entire empty bottle of chocolate syrup. With sticky hands she touched her soft rolls of fat, pinched her stomach, her thighs. She would have jiggled her own ass if she wasn’t too lazy to get up. But she knew her ass was fat too; she could sense that she was well-cushioned on the lounge chair she found herself reclining in.

It was a horrible nightmare. And yet… as she reached over and began to open up another container of shrimp cocktail, she couldn’t deny another horror.

It felt good.

It felt really good and she wanted more, more of everything, more comfort, more food. Dare she say it…

More fat?

No. Katherine blinked and shook her head. She was back at the party where she belonged and found that she had basically made it to Robert who was eying her up and down like she was the snack he had been waiting for.

Katherine smiled as she reached out and rested a hand on his shoulder.

“Hello there, Robert.”

“Hey there, Kat.”

“You like what you see?”

Robert tried his best to play things cool as he nodded.

“Of course.”

Katherine leaned forward and whispered in his ear.

“Then why don’t you grab some grapes, grab some wine, and meet me in conference room three,” she purred.

Conference room three was the one with the big couch. It was located just one floor down.

And it was right next to the kitchen.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 months , updated 7 months
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TheStoryteller 6 months
Please keep these chapters coming! I’m hooked 😭
NomaVeridis 7 months
"Those shorts were painted on, and the paint was beginning to crack" is a fantastic line. Really enjoyed your previous stories, excited to see where this one goes.
BS Writer 7 months
Thank you! I’m glad you’re enjoying the story and really appreciate that you took the time to say so. It’s always great to see people comment.