Sadie’s mission

Chapter 23 - The Gain-aversary

Sadie awoke early that morning. Today was the day. Her gaining anniversary had arrived, and it was time to take in the damage.

Normally, she would’ve had some cream out of her cooler before getting up, but she wanted to see herself on empty. She stood in front of her mirror, eyes closed and began to take off her pajamas. She opened her eyes once she was naked, and her mouth fell open.

Sadie looked downright plump, as if the Sadie from a year ago had ripened and swelled. Her first ever stretch marks, which hadn’t been there 8 weeks ago, littered her hips and upper thighs.

Though that observation alone was enough to send Sadie into a horny rampage, she kept going. Her belly, though smaller than expected, had lost all traces of athleticism, muscles replaced by pale, jiggly flab. Her hips, once narrow, had widened considerably, as had her thighs, hence the stretch marks, in order to accommodate the big show.

Sadie could only describe her ass as huge. No longer firm and petite, these pale globes had expanded to a substantial egree, fully explaining how tight her panties and shorts had grown over the past couple months.

And working her way upwards, Sadie noted some modest growth in her chest and arms - not as much as she’d expected, but knew it’d come with time.

Lastly, Sadie checked out her face. Her emerald-colored eyes were as striking and vibrant as she remembered, but everything else looked mildly distorted. She wasn’t unrecognizable by any metric, but her face had rounded somewhat, her cheeks puffier, with a slight double chin forming underneath it all.

Sadie was stunned. Not that she hadn’t seen these changes coming 7 weeks ago, but the extra weight she’d put in since had thrown every development into sharp relief. And she had it admit, it had all become very noticeable.

She grinned, beyond proud at what she was seeing. For the past year, she’d worked hard to change her appearance and it was paying off. Now, it was time for the weigh in.


Daphne’s house was pure chaos. Granted, it wasn’t a small house by any metric, but these days, it didn’t feel like it. Her parents, Myra and Jon, both had family in town, and so aunts and uncles and cousins alike seemed to roam the halls as if engaged in a loud, particularly engaging scavenger hunt.

Most of the time, Daphne didn’t mind having such a large family. She loved them, of course, but she’d gotten so used to her new life at Varney that her return to the old felt nothing if not bittersweet. She missed her routine, she missed track, and she missed her friends, Sadie most of all.

Sadie’s unbridled positivity and, let’s be honest, hedonism, lived rent free in Daphne’s head. Sure, Daphne knew she could never be like that, being as adept at coming up with rules, erecting walls, and placing boundaries as she was, but it was certainly an infectious train of thought.

So infectious, in fact, that the familiar feeling of warmth crept up her chest again… and this time, Daphne decided to follow where it led.

Sitting at her desk, her mom’s latest Christmas cookie batch samples beside her, the athletic girl opened her laptop, and began to search.

These weren’t usual searches, mind you, but representations of what had gone unspoken and, honestly, unthought the past several weeks.

“Enable fat girl”
“Sadie Holloway eating”
“Varney track fat”
“Why keep eating if gaining weight?”
“Why get fat on purpose?”

That search led her to an article, that talked about depression and emotional triggers, nothing that appeared to define Sadie, until reaching a footnote at the bottom, which read, “Others still might identify as “gainers”, sometimes known as “feedees”, who overeat in an active attempt to put on weight”.

Daphne was baffled at this completely foreign concept and yet, something about it sounded suspiciously applicable.

Searching then, “track star feedee”, led her to the jackpot. It was a forum titled, “”, and the link took Daphne to a thread called, “From Sprints to Stuffings”. There, the poster mentioned, “I was a track star, but now I’ve given into my feedee ways”.

“Nahhh, no way”, Daphne thought to herself. But then she looked the looked at the pictures, and the warm feeling inside her began to grow.

Headless and faceless though they may have been, the pictures began with cropped versions of photos Daphne recognized from stalking Sadie’s track days. As much of a confirmation as this was, she went deeper, scrolling through pages of photos as the girl began to thicken, eventually move to college, and end up in dorm whose background she distinctly recognized…


“Oh my god, Sadie…”, thought Daphne as her pulse quickened. She sped onwards, noting that her speech about heavy cream didn’t go unheard. Eventually she reached one of the most recent posts, which went:

“Hey guys! Happy holidays! I come bearing some good news and some bad. But don’t worry too, I’m stilling gaining - your girl wouldn’t disappoint you like that ;)

But, I’ve run (not literally, duh) into a problem with my scholarship, and now I need help covering my tuition bills. That’s the bad news.

But the good news is that I’m going to start producing videos! Starting with my gain-aversary weigh-in, my clips will be available on a subscription basis from both ExclusiveFans and Patronize. And guess what? I’m gonna be showing my face.

And if that weren’t enough, I’m offering an introductory, 30% off sale for my first 150 subscribers, so don’t miss out!”

Daphne clicked the accompanying link, her curiosity besting any competing instinct. “What the hell is all this, Sadie?”, she wondered. Evidently, Daphne was amongst the first 150, as the sale was still in place.

There was only one video available so far. It was titled, “My 1st Gain-aversary”, with the contents described as “face reveal and weigh-in”.

“Ok, what the hell, it’s only $10, let’s solve the mystery”, Daphne considered as her curiosity roared internally. She took the leap and purchased a subscription.

As soon as she did, the video, previously grayed out, transformed to display a preview image. There was no denying it… It was Sadie... Daphne hit play on the video.


Daphne watched, breathless and stunned, as the video began to play:

Sadie was decked in a matching pair of polka dot bra and undies as she sat on her bed, her scale laying ahead of her. Her small belly resting lightly on her lap as her thighs and ass spread out beneath her, she was leaning forward, having just turned

“Heyyyy guys”, she chirped, “Sooo, as you probably know, today’s an extra special day… it’s my 1st gain-aversary, and I wanted to show you all how much I’ve grown”

At that, she brought her shoulders together, showing off her larger chest, while a hand gripped her lower belly and jiggled. Sadie giggled in pleasure, continuing, “As you guys know, 365 days ago, I was a teeny tiny, 110 pound athlete with almost no body fat. I was so skinny, you wouldn’t even recognize me”.

“It started when I ordered a pepperoni pizza… all for me. It was so cheesy and greasy and fattening, I knew I wanted to get huge. And now I’ve eaten everything I’ve wanted for a whole year. I’ve had so much fried chicken and noodles and burgers and cake and heavy cream and soda, I think it’s safe to say I’m not skinny anymore.”

Sadie stood up and turned around, showing off her profile, “I mean, look at what I’ve done to myself. I’m such a pig. Look how far everything sticks out - and I used to be able to see muscles and abs. And this“, Sadie turned her back to the camera and slapped her ass, “used to be firm. Can you believe it?”

“And even my face, which you’ve never seen before”, she grabbed a cheek and part of her double chin, “has gotten fat too.”

Then, leaning seductively towards the camera, Sadie headed towards the conclusion, “So now that you see how fat I’ve gotten, how much weight do you think this former runner has gained? I mean, it’s just a few pounds, right? Let’s find out.”

Sadie stepped onto the scale, the camera shifting with her assistance. The number jumped around a bit before settling, “Oh… my gosh”, exclaimed Sadie, doing a great impression of shock. “2 months ago, I finally became overweight at 146 pounds. But today, on my gain-aversary, I’m happy to say I’m one hundred and fifty eight pounds. I’ve gained 12 pounds in 7 weeks. Now, before I go, just imagine how much bigger I’ll be, at this rate, for my 2nd gain-aversary. Until next time!”

The video ended, pausing on a frame of Sadie’s jubilant, plump face. Daphne didn’t know what say, how to process what she’d just seen. But she started with the obvious, “What the fu—!”


Note: With this chapter, I’d like to announce that I’ve begun publishing premium content! First off, don’t worry, “Sadie’s Mission” will continue to be free, as will my past (and future) ongoing stories. To start, I’ve written a companion to “Sadie’s Mission”, a commentary where I talk about each chapter, the writing process, and even some spoilers. Commentaries for the prologue and chapters 1 and 2 are now live.

Going forward, my premium content will comprise other commentaries, one-off and short stories, etc. For the time being, I’ve priced my premium subscription at $4.99 a month. If you want/are able to support my content production, I’d like to offer a huge thank you in advance. And if you can’t/don’t want to, that’s fine as well :)
27 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 months , updated 1 month
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Bbman30 1 month
This chapter is great! Trevor is such a good character. If Sadie had tried even a little bit I bet they could’ve stayed together. Such a great story! ❤️
Blarg328 1 month
Thank you! I totally agree. If Sadie had been more straight up, their communication (at least) would’ve been less of an issue. Next chapter, we’ll catch up with Daphne.
4funnow 1 month
The tension is bursting- keep it going
Blarg328 1 month
Happy to! Just you wait smiley
Bbman30 1 month
I mean damn, I’m on Trevor’s side. You can’t just be into eating and gaining 100%, you gotta have a real life. Sadie is definitely spiraling
Blarg328 1 month
Love your take! This is definitely Sadie’s first reality check. So far, doubling down on the gain train has always yielded better results. Not so much this time. Next chapter’s gonna be Trevor’s perspective on the past few months…
Bbman30 1 month
I’m excited to see where it goes
Imtryingstuff 2 months
Who's that blonde girl in the photo? 😮😍
Blarg328 2 months
LMBB, I believe smiley
Angelhoney 2 months
Blarg328 2 months
Batman 3 months
Will Daphne start gaining again?
Blarg328 3 months
Oh the things that can happen when your college bestie’s a glutton…
Batman 3 months
Great stuff so far, can’t wait to see what happens with Sadie and Daphne’s friendship
Blarg328 3 months
Me too!!
JigglyArms 4 months
getting even better as it goes along
Blarg328 3 months
Glad you think so!! smiley
Jazzman 4 months
Nice touch. Good little re direction on chapter 15.
Jazzman 4 months
This is a favorite. Always a good read
Blarg328 3 months
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