Sadie’s mission

Chapter 2 - Alone, at Last

The squawking of an alarm blared as Sadie woke up. With the intense grogginess of waking up from a nap gone much longer than expected, she blinked several times before she was properly ready to commit to waking reality.

Mixed in with the grogginess, though, was an incredible feeling of warmth. Sadie couldn’t remember the specifics, but she knew she’d just had the most wonderful dream. If she had to put a word to that feeling, perhaps she’d land on “Satisfaction”. And on that note, as if on cue, Sadie felt her stomach rumble. Running her hand up and down her flat torso, she figured she should head to the kitchen and see what kind of snacks she could find.

Sadie’s lithe, 110 pound frame exuded a sleepy grace as she entered the kitchen, her dirty blonde hair having fallen into an effortless arrangement framing her dazzling green eyes and soft-yet-approachable facial features. Sadie’s step-father, Greg, was seated at the table, reading the news on his tablet, when he noticed Sadie come in.

“Hey sleepy head, good to see you’re back with us”, he joked, as Sadie rummaged through the pantry. It was stocked to brim with all kinds of health snacks - Greg’s favorites. Settling on some kind of granola concoction, she sat across from Greg and began to dig in. It was crunchy, and kind of sweet, and not really what she wanted, but it’d have to do.

Greg put down his tablet and looked at Sadie. The two of them had a good relationship. Sometimes, actually, it felt more like a friendship than that of parent-child. Greg knew his place and didn’t try to be more than he was, but had worked hard to build a litany of shared interests.

“It’s actually good timing that you’re here”, he said, “your mother and I had an idea we wanted ask you about”.

To this, as Sadie was mid-chew, she grunted in the form of sounds that awfully resembled, “uh huh”.

“Well, our anniversary is coming up soon, and it’s been 10 years, so we thought we’d celebrate by going away… by ourselves. And then, we thought, well, since now you’re 18, you might like to have the house to yourself. Whachu think?”

This isn’t what Sadie expected, and now that she wasn’t eating, she could respond properly. She was experiencing a mix of excited emotions, all of which thought this was an incredible idea, especially the prospect of what sounded like a long weekend alone.

“Uhh, yeah! That sounds incredible! You guys totally deserve it. Tell me everything. Where do you guys want to go? And for how long?”

To this, Greg smiled. “Well, we were looking at tickets to Italy this morning, and everything kinda fell into place, it’s kinda crazy to be honest. We’re going on a bit of a cruise. We leave a week ahead of our anniversary next month, and we’ll be gone 3 weeks.”

Sadie was stunned and thrilled all at the same time, her snack laying abandoned in front of her. “Three weeks? All by myself? I might even be able to -“

Sadie’s train of thought was interrupted when Greg laughed. “Judging by the look on your face, I’m gonna go ahead and guess we just made your day. We’ll go over more details with you later, I just wanted to tell you now”. Then, changing subject, “Anyhow, should we go for a run later?”

“Sure!”, chirped Sadie, familiar with the routine. But her mind wasn’t in it. And later, as they jogged, Sadie hardly noticed. Her mind was on one thing and one thing only.

The next month flew by in a rush of excitement for Sadie. She couldn’t wait to have the house to herself. The things she could do…

And finally, the big day arrived, Greg and her mom’s bags were packed and an Uber was on its way. They were giving Sadie hugs goodbye, along with last minute instructions for the house, when Greg slipped her a small envelope. With a wink, he whispered, “Open it when we’re gone.” And with that, they left.

The first thing Sadie did when their car rounded the corner was to shut all the curtains. She didn’t want anyone looking in. Then, she stripped off all her clothes and stood naked in the middle of the living room. “Freedom, at last”, she thought.

Sadie’s taut body looked like a statue as she stood there, eyes closed, taking in the silence. Then, she remembered the envelope, now laying on the floor beside her clothes, bent down and picked it up. When she opened it, out came a small piece of plastic and a short note, which read:

“Sadie - we hope you have a wonderful few weeks at home. You’ve earned it. We got you a small gift to hopefully make it a little more fun. As they say, don’t use it all in one place. Love you, Mom and Greg”

Then, Sadie looked closer at the piece of plastic to find a credit card, one in her name! “Wow, they must feel bad about leaving me alone over Christmas break”, Sadie thought, almost disbelievingly.

At that point, still naked, Sadie lay on the couch like a renaissance goddess and proceeded to watch a couple hours of TV. She couldn’t believe her good fortune. Then, when her stomach began to grumble, she made her loose way to the kitchen.

Truth be told, Sadie didn’t love the healthy snacks. Greg liked and encouraged them, and Sadie didn’t want to rock the boat. But now, looking at the array of boring options, Sadie realized that with her freedom and her card, no one could stop her from eating exactly what she wanted. And right now - that was a pepperoni pizza.

45 minutes later, the doorbell rang and Sadie was ready. She’d thrown on a white tank top and a baby blue pair of pajama shorts and flung the door open. Barely glancing at the delivery guy, she grabbed the box, said thanks, and retreated back into her domain.

Sadie sat cross-legged on the floor in front of TV as she opened the pizza box. She salivated at the sight of the grease pooled on top of each pepperoni slice. It looked so sinful, and so not like what she usually ate. She took a bite and gave a sound of pleasure as she savored the cheesy concoction.

2 slices later, Sadie began feeling full, her tiny stomach already at capacity. But it was soooo good, and there was no one around to say not to, so she took a third, and later, a fourth. When she finally gave up, there was still half a pizza left - and yet, it was a personal record.

Sadie was so full, she was gasping for air. But there had been a purpose to this, and she wanted to see it though. Lifting herself up from the floor, she stripped off her now-restrictive shorts and made her way to her bedroom. There, there stood a full-length mirror across from her bed. And standing in front of it, she took off her shirt, returning again to being fully in the nude.

When not so full, Sadie had the lean, athletic body that came so naturally when the owner hadn’t yet discovered beer. Small, yet perky B cup breasts, a flat, washboard stomach, a butt that was both full and firm, and long, thigh-gapped legs that completed the remainder of her 5’4 frame. But today, after a meal so heavy in fats and carbs, her stomach had taken on a new shape.

Sadie’s normally flat stomach was currently dominated by a small, hard dome; a convex protrusion that looked oh-so foreign on her otherwise svelte form. Sadie gazed at it in awe, cradling her stomach in her hands, as a smile slowly drew on her face. This was exactly what she’d wanted to see…

Years earlier, as a child, Sadie and her dad had a routine, long before he’d moved out and taken a backseat in her life. It consisted of two parts - After school on Tuesdays and Thursdays, he would pick her up and take her to McDonald’s. Sitting inside with her kids burger and fries, Sadie was fascinated by the people inside.

Sure, there were usually a few other kids, but otherwise it place was filled with people who didn’t look like her. In fact, it took ages to internalize that the “difference” she loved so much was that they were bigger. One day, a particularly large woman lumbered into the McDonald’s. And with a child’s tact, Sadie asked her father, “Why does that woman look like that?”.

He had looked around, slightly alarmed, and said, “Sadie, you can’t ask those kinds of questions in public, it’s rude. That lady might have a health problem, we don’t know”, and then he leaned in, smiled, and whispered, “But some people look like that because they eat too many kid’s meals”. Sadie laughed, but deep in her psyche, something had begun.

The second part of their routine involved going home and watching cartoons together for an hour until it was time for homework. The shows varied, but there was one particular double-feature, a couple years after the time in McDonald’s, that stayed with Sadie forever.

The first was a Totally Spies episode where Clover got progressively fatter throughout the episode, as she battled an addiction with “evil” cookies. And the other was an episode of The Simpsons, where Bart’s school got a soda machine, and he gets hooked to the point he gains a bunch of weight and eventually has a heart attack. The chances of these episodes airing back-to-back was something incredible and really hit home to Sadie that someone could go from thin, like herself, to fat.

From then on, Sadie had harbored a secret, one which she never let manifest. One day, she told herself, she’d get fat too, and it’d be amazing. With puberty had come the realization that bigger bodies brought more satisfaction, and soon enough Sadie was equipped with a hidden fat fetish she couldn’t bring herself to do anything about.

As the years went on, and Greg largely replaced her father, McDonald’s runs were replaced with actual runs, and gaining weight never seemed like an option. That is, until Greg told her about their trip. Alone in the house over Christmas break, Sadie knew she could try whatever she wanted. And as she stood naked, admiring her full belly, she knew this was for her.

3 weeks later, Sadie stepped on the scale. She’d avoided doing so since Greg and her mom had left, but since they’d be back the following morning, the fateful moment had arrived.

For the past couple years, her weight had stayed remarkably stable, hovering between 109 and 111 pounds. But then again, her diet and exercise regime had been remarkably stable as well. And boy oh boy had the past weeks been something different.

After that first night, Sadie had spent the following morning working her way through the leftover pizza. It was tough work, and she was still bloated from the night before. But she knew what she wanted, and powered through.

And so, the rest of that day and the remaining weeks that followed turned into, essentially, a food-a-thon. Sadie satisfied every craving she’d ever pushed down or suppressed. Noodles and burgers and pizzas and meats and candies and sweets, Sadie tried as much as she could.

And each night found Sadie stuffed and bloated, just as she had the first night. And, per tradition, each night found her naked and admiring herself in the mirror. Soon enough, Sadie began to wonder where the pounds would go.

“I could always use a little more fluff in my boobs”, Sadie thought one night. Her ass was already her best asset, and had already reckoned weight would probably go there as well. This train of thought led her to doing something she always, always resisted - looking up fat bodies on the internet.

And so, Sadie spent hours pouring over Reddit, YouTube, and a number of forums all dedicated to what she craved. Until now, she never had the vocabulary to describe it, but now she knew words like “Feedee” and “BBW”, and it was like something slid into place in Sadie’s mind. She stared at pictures of women hundreds of pounds heavier than herself, saw the possibilities of where her own weight could go, and was entranced, with her hand inexorably finding its way into her nether regions.

And now, her time alone was coming to an end. But she didn’t want this experiment to end - she wanted to keep going, and was determined to find a way.

Sadie looked down at the scale, and it read 115.3.
27 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 months , updated 1 month
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Bbman30 4 months
These last few chapters have been great! Can’t wait to see where this goes, the characters are endearing and real.
Jazzman 5 months
I really like this. Hoping her gain accelerates. It would even be a plus to see her Monday morning weight.
This story is a favorite.
Blarg328 5 months
Glad you like it! Her gain will definitely accelerate, with plenty of weight updates along the way smiley Remember - there’s a bunch more story to come!
JigglyArms 6 months
Cant wait to see where this goes
Tom123 6 months
this is amazing!
Jazzman 6 months
I like this. It's innocent while still having the hotness component. Just two main characters is also nice. Looking forward to more.
Blarg328 6 months
Thanks! It’s definitely a slow burn - there’s much more to come!
Makeme300 7 months
Love this
Unknown91 7 months
good start smiley
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