Becoming the blob

Chapter 2 - Snug Fit

The next morning, Andrew had a bit of trouble getting out of the chair before heading to the bathroom and splashing some water on his face to wake him up. He then grabbed a towel and dried his face before looking in the mirror. He first knoticed his face - it looked puffy, almost chubby. He then saw what he was wearing. It was the suit he had put on yesterday evening, but it looked different. It was definitely the same outfit, though, with all the same accessories, but they... fit. All of it. Rather well as well, almost as if they'd been made for him. Only there was a lot more of him for the suit to hold

After the shock had worn off, Andrew unbuckeled the belt and began to take the clothes off. Once nude, he further examined his new form. Where he formally had a flat stomach, his gut curved out and hung over his waist. The rest of his body had plumped up similarly with it being most noticeable in his face where he had acquired a pair of fuller round cheaks and a double chin. Stepping onto his bathroom scale, Andrew awaited the results as the screen flashed. Last night, he had weighed 85kg/190lbs, now 135kg/300lbs.

It was a lot of weight to gain in one night, and Andrew didn't know what to think. Then his stomach rumbled, there wasn't any food in the house and he needed to go food shopping so, knowing that the clothes he just removed are no longerthe right size, Andrew went to the dressed and picked out a 2XL pair of jeans a similarly sized shirt. He paired this with a different belt and swaped the jewellery for a few, more subtle, silver pieces and headed to his local supermarket.

Grabing a trolly and walking through the aisles, grabbing anything that caught his interest. By the time he was ready to check out, the trolly was filled with junk food, snack foods, and frozen foods. After loading all of his food into the car, he began to drive home, but as he was passing an all-you-can-eat buffet, his stomach rumbled once again, and Andrew decided to stop off there.

Paying and entering the restaurant, he chose a table close to the food before heading up and grabbing a couple of plates piled high. Andrew went back up to the buffet several times, eating a total of 14 plates full of greasey food before he was ready for desert, which he got a further 6 plates of. Getting up and going to the bathroom before leaving the restaurant, Andrew could tell he'd gotten bigger, his clothes were once again tight and he could feel himself jiggling as he walked, now with a wider stance.

Getting back into his car was a lot harder than at the supermarket. This time, his stomach kept banging into the steering wheel, and his arse brushed against the car. Upon sitting down, a loud popping sound could be heard, and the tightness in Andrew's jeans loosened slightly. It had been the button it had popped off. As he unbuckled his belt, the zipper slid down, and his shirt rode up to reveal his now rotund gut spilling out onto his lap. Andrew was eager to get home and see how much bigger he had gotten since this morning.

The drive home wasn't a long one. However, he did have to carry all of his groceries in, and that only served to grow his eagerness. Once done, he went to the bathroom, and like this morning, he took the tight clothes off, adding them to the pile of others and looked in the mirror. His chest had become quite supple, and he could've swore his nipples were a little larger, too. His gut hung lower than before, and his thighs now pushed up into each other.

Stepping onto the scale, the screen flashed a few times, and then the number flashed up 175kg/390lbs.

Heading back to the dresser, Andrew pulled out a 3XL pair of sweat pants and a hoodie. It was a lot harder to bend over and pull up the sweats then it was before but once done he headed to lounge and dug into some of the snacks for the rest of the evening untill heading to bed and changeing into a 4XL set of velour pyjamas.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 months , updated 7 months
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