Becoming the blob

Chapter 3 - To The Buffet

The next morning button-down down the front of his pyjama top had all burst open, and the side seams of the bottoms had split open. Andrew felt extremely heavy and had trouble sitting up, but when he did, his gut spilt out over his thighs. His arms stuck out, pushed away from him by  his underboob. Standing up was a mammoth of a task with his weight pulling him back down to the mattress.

Once up he wadded to the bathroom, looking in the mirror he looked as though he had never denied himself food, like he'd never worked out, like all he'd ever done was sit and eat all day. Andrew had to lean on the counter to stabilise himself. His face was round and chubby. He was huffing and puffing from the effort, and his cheaks were a bright red colour. Andrew removed the scraps of his pyjamas and stepped on the scale 325kg/715lbs.

When trying to find something to wear, he found he had to skip several sizes, finally finding something comfortable in an 8XL. Andrew looked massive and seemed to always be breathing heavily. To match his size, Andrew's appetite had grown experientially, and it now felt as though he was starving. He went and finished off what was left of his food from yesterday and decided to head out to the buffet.

There, he chose to sit at the same table as last time. However, rather than sitting on one seat, Andrew had to push two together to properly support his gluttonous rear. Also, unlike his previous visit, the amount of food he shovelled in had grown experientialy in the couple days it had been. He piled several plates high with food before shovelling them down and getting more. Over the course of two hours, he shovelled in 400 plates of food, and that was only the main course he still hadn't moved on to desert! After another 60 plates were down him, he moved onto the desserts. It was now very difficult to move. He had swolen up over the course of his meal. However, that didn't stop him from collecting whole cakes and packing them away. It didn't prevent him from eating till he couldn't eat anymore.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 months , updated 7 months
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