The pool

Chapter 2 - Chubby Jack

Another 3 months later and I gained weight again.. I was starting to get a bit chubby.. A little belly, my chest was softer and so was my whole body..
Joni was okay with it.. I think actually she is happy with since most of the women in the pool lost attention for me. At first they thought it was cute, but now they look at me like I am ugly and fat.
I didn't really care actually, I had Joni after all. She is the most pretty woman I could have wished for.
We still went swimming sometimes, but Joni made sure I did not swim too much, and made sure I ate afterwards. So I wouldn't lose my chubbyness.
But what Joni didn't know was that there was a whole new kind of predator out there for me.

Joni and I sat down in the whirlpool when suddenly a woman joined. Not just a woman, but a huge woman... But still so hot.. Her face was very sexy, and while she tried to get in the whirlpool her huge ass jiggled. It seemed like she bended over a little so her ass was close to my face while she entered the whirlpool. I couldn't help but stare and I felt my dick getting hard.
Joni tapped my shoulder and gave me an angry look. She whispered `` Don't stare, she can't help she is so big.``

I blushed and tried not to look. The woman sat down in front of us. She closed her eyes but before she did that she winked at me. I quickly looked away and closed my eyes too..

Then Joni wanted to leave, but my dick was still hard. And I couldn't hide it.. I put my hand in front of it and as fast as I could I walked to the changing room. It was only a couple meters away and then.. Bang```
I slipped and fell. Many people walked to me to help.. But I wanted to go in the changing room.. I pushed the people away and went inside. I heard people quietely laughing and talking about my boner. I was feeling very ashamed. Then Joni knocked and I let her in.

`` What was that?! Can't you control your feelings like a grown man? Now change your clothes and we are going.. I am not coming back here..``

We went back home and we discussed what happened. I told Joni it was because of her I was feeling horny.. She doubted that.
``I hope you didn't like that fat pig in the whirlpool.. What can I do then? I want you for mine. I have made you fatter so other woman stopped staring at you.. And now this.``

I was shocked she just admitted that. I booked a hotel room for that night. I needed to be alone and so did Joni.
2 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 months , updated 7 months
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