
Chapter 1

“I don’t want to gain anymore.” The words from Ellie shocked the man, he didn’t think she would say those words for a while.
“I don’t want to keep gaining, it hurts my body. You said I could leave whenever I wanted.” The man stood up and began to approach her, his enormous stature an intimidating one. A tall and extremely muscular man, he looked as if he played in the NFL at one point.

And with this secluded property and apparent wealth to maintain it, he probably was.

As he approached her, Ellie wished she had never gotten involved with him. A 19 year old had no business being with a 44 year old, even if he was extremely good looking. And knew how to please her. And took care of her every need. But he was also extremely controlling, not letting her have a cell phone or any contact with the outside world. She should have sensed it wasn’t a good arrangement but she was too giddy that someone wanted to run off with a fat cow such as her.

Yes, Ellie was fat. Well, she was chubbier when she came to him. The man had made her morbidly obese now. He made it clear from day one he wanted her fatter.

“You said I could leave whenever I wanted.” Ellie was still scared of him, despite outweighing him by hundreds of pounds, she had no hope of resisting him. He could lift an enormous amount of weight, seemingly building himself for her body.

“That’s not the arrangement we had.” He said to her sternly, eyeing her now like a hawk.

“I said once I’m satisfied with your weight, you can leave. I’m not satisfied yet. Now stop this nonsense.”

She felt scared but a little fiery.

“You can’t make me stay here! I’m not your property! I’m leaving right no-“ a swift, hard slap to her face sent her flailing onto the ground. She still saw stars as he climbed on top of her, pinning her down.

“I don’t know what the fuck you think this is, but let me make some stuff clear.” He grabbed her jaw, and leaned in close.

“One: you are mine. I own everything here, and since I own all the trash I stuffed in you to make you this fat, I own you. Two, I have been very kind with you, but I think that’s changing today. Ungrateful pigs don’t get to choose anymore. Three, I will make you as fat as I want, and you will do nothing but accept it or I will sedate you until I get you as fat as I want.” Ellie realized she had made a huge mistake spending the last year here. She never looked past why the man controlled her so much, why he kept her closed to the outside world.

She was his captive, and had no hope of escaping him.

“What’s your goal for me, then?” She said as tears still welled up in her eyes. “I’m over 400 pounds and only 20 fucking years old, how much more do you want?”

He smiled at this, relishing this moment.

“My previous high was 1254 pounds. You’re already much further along than she was at this point, so I think we can make it happen.”

She had so many questions, none of them good.

“What the fuck? 1000 something pounds?? Previous ones?”

He roughly got under her and lifted her up, a testament to his strength. Despite her pleas, he half led, half dragged her to the expansive couch in the main room and forced her down on it. He stood in front of her with his arms crossed.

“Ellie, I guess this facade had to end eventually. You’re never leaving his house again. In fact, you’re going to die here.” She was shocked, still spinning from the slap, and now hearing these this.

“I take young, dumb, naive girls like you and fatten them to their absolute limits. I’m very good at pushing the envelope, and have perfected this process over almost 2 decades. You’re not the first, and you certainly won’t be the last.”

Ellie felt as if she was going to pass out.
“Limits? What do you mean li-“

“I fatten them until they die, Ellie. Being fat is bad for you. It exasperates every ache and pain, puts unneeded pressure on your organs, makes your heart work twice as hard. It’s not rocket science. Being 438 pounds at your age isn’t good for you. Being double that won’t be good for you. And I guarantee, if you make it to 1200, you won’t be doing well. You’ll have heart attacks, diabetes, swelling, sleep apnea. I’m going to fatten you until your body can’t take it anymore.”

She genuinely had no idea what to say.

“Now, I’m sure this is all terrifying to hear. But, if you cooperate with me, do as you’re told, and never, ever go against me, I will make this process as pleasurable as I can for you. Your size will never be a deterrent for sex, and I know many more ways to elevate our experiences than what I’ve shown you in the last few months.”

“And….what if i don’t want to go with any of this?”

He leaned in and stared at her with his piercing eyes.

“If you don’t cooperate, I will drive your fat ass out to the woods here and leave you for the coyotes and bears. You are not fit enough to survive them. You are not strong enough to fight me. Your only option is to accept this reality. I can promise you, being eaten alive is far worse than a heart attack in your sleep.”

It seemed that Ellie had no choice.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 months , updated 2 months
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Holyheck24 6 months
You never disappoint 💜
Laser 6 months
This is fucked up, only read the first page. No disclaimer attached warning this centers on "death feedist" stuff. Aside from that, decent writing and tone.
Yeet95 6 months
Yeah like 90% of my writing is DF stuff but I’ll add a disclaimer
Uwu23 6 months
This is just great, of all the writers I've read for a couple of years you are simply the best, every time you publish a new story or a new chapter I know I'm going to read something great.
Uwu23 6 months
Moreeee! smiley
Uwu23 6 months
Please continue this, the premise is quite interesting, it would be great to see more smiley