The story of your fantasies

Chapter 3 - Don's Fantasy

[This story is inspired by the fantasy of Don, one of my readers ]

Maya, a young woman, slender, beautiful, and athletic, emerged from the festival. She had visited a somewhat peculiar hypnotist. She remembers nothing, but since then, an irresistible urge to eat has taken hold of her. Maya sighed "I remember nothing, quite disappointing for the price of this experience... Well, anyway, what if I treat myself to a delicious waffle?"

Sure enough, the waffle was delicious. But as Maya got to the end of the waffle, she seemed to forget she'd already had one. "Surely I can just have one more waffle," she thought. And then another. And another. The hypnotist wasn't what he seemed. In reality, he didn't actually care a thing about providing a fun entertainment experience. Instead he used his hypnosis to manipulate people for his own gain. And what he wanted from Maya was for her to lose complete awareness of her weight gain, leading to overconsumption of food.

The next day, Maya woke up to find herself different… She decided to put on some music and cook a meal. As she made her way to the kitchen, she realized there was something else that had changed. She was out of breath from the simple act of walking. As the music played, Maya started cooking something fat and unhealthy. But this time, her mind wandered to the fact that she had felt out of breath just from walking. Maybe this wasn't normal? She tried to shrug off the thought, but the questions kept coming. Why did her clothes feel tighter? Why was it so difficult to get up to the countertop? Why did she feel so sluggish all of a sudden? So, she decided to check herself in the mirror.

As Maya looked in the mirror, she saw something that didn't make any sense. She was as skinny and muscular as she'd always been, but her clothes were clearly too small and her body wasn't moving with the coordination it usually did. In short, her reflection in the mirror did not match the person she felt like she was. In fact, she felt like she was a different person entirely. Her mind felt... foggy somehow. Maya was suddenly overcome with a ravenous hunger. She thought to herself, "This must be why I'm feeling so out of whack. I haven't eaten anything all day!" So she grabbed a snack and started eating, slowly at first, but before she knew it she had devoured the entire bag, the foggy feeling growing stronger by the second.

Maya found herself in line at the grocery store with a basket full of food. "How could I forget that I've already eaten today?" she thought. As she looked over the shopping list, she noticed that all of her food choices were unhealthy.

As the day wore on, Maya's cravings for food became stronger and stronger. She found herself eating way more than she would have normally, including food that was not particularly healthy. By the evening, she was feeling incredibly tired and decided that she would just turn in for bed early. After all, she didn't seem to remember anything anyway. She had no memory of her day at the grocery store or any of the food she had eaten.

Over the course of two weeks, Maya's habits changed completely. She became obsessed with food, eating everything in sight and craving the most unhealthy options. Her clothes started to feel tighter and she found herself out of breath more and more often. She struggled to walk up the stairs without being exhausted and found herself using her car for short trips rather than walking. But most importantly, Maya's mind became more and more foggy.

After two weeks, life as Maya knew it had drastically changed. Her mind was foggy, her body was sluggish, and she was eating constantly. One morning, someone knocked on the door. Relieved to have a distraction from her thoughts, Maya got up and went to answer the door.

As Maya opened the door, she was relieved to see her best friend standing on her doorstep. "Maya!" her friend called out. "It's been so long since I've seen you! How are you doing these days?" Maya smiled, happy to see a friendly face. She was about to answer when her best friend took one look at her and started to panic.

"Maya! What happened to you?!" she asked, looking concerned. "Are you alright? You look... different," she continued. Maya stood in silence, looking back with a confused expression on her face. She didn't remember anything that had happened during the past two weeks, so she had no idea what her friend was talking about. And then, she looked down at her body and realized that somehow, she had gained a lot of weight.

Maya was baffled by what her best friend was saying. She stood frozen in place, looking down at her body in shock. For the past two weeks, she had been consumed by her cravings and foggy thoughts, completely unaware of the changes that were happening to her body. Now, faced with the reality of her new size, Maya was speechless.

Just then, Maya's mind went blank. And it felt like she was back in the hypnosis, looking at a reflection of herself that did not match what she actually looked like. Just like before, her friend was telling her she looked different, but she couldn't see it in herself. The foggy feeling was back, and she felt like nothing had changed. Her best friend was clearly concerned, but Maya couldn't process what was happening. As Maya looked in the mirror, she saw the same slender, fit body she'd always had. "What's going on?" she asked her friend. "You're acting like I've changed, but I look exactly the same." Her friend, more concerned than ever, began to panic. "No, Maya, you can't be serious!" she said. "Look at yourself. Look at your body". But all Maya saw in the mirror was the exact same body she'd always had, not a hint of change. Maya had no idea what was going on with her body, but she knew there was no sense arguing about it with her best friend. "Come on, don't be silly," she said. "You must be playing a joke on me." Her friend continued to look shocked, but she followed Maya inside as she invited her to come in and eat something. Maya thought maybe some food would calm down this strange delusion her friend was having.

As her friend entered the house, Maya felt the familiar urge to eat take hold of her. "Why don't we go sit down in the kitchen and I'll make us something nice?" she suggested. Her friend sat down at the table, still looking concerned. "Sure," she said, but continued to keep a close eye on Maya. Meanwhile, Maya was busy filling up a plate with food, completely unaware of what was happening to her body. Maya sat down across from her friend and eagerly dove into her meal. Her friend watched in horror as Maya proceeded to eat a massive meal in record time. The more she ate, the more worried her friend became. She tried to make light of the situation, telling Maya to slow down and asking her about the situation. But Maya remained oblivious, concentrating solely on her food. As Maya continued to eat, she didn't notice the pain in her knee that grew more intense with each step towards the kitchen. She ignored her best friend's protests and continued to eat until her plate was completely empty. Then, as she stood up to get another plate, she felt a sharp pain in her knee. It was so intense that she had to sit back down at the table. "What's wrong?" her best friend asked, coming over to check on her.

"I think I twisted my knee or something," said Maya, rubbing her knee in distress. She hadn't felt the pain until she stood up just now. In the fog of her hypnotic trance, she didn't notice how heavy her body felt. So when she stood up, her knees couldn't bear the weight, and she felt a sharp pain. Her best friend was clearly concerned, and came over to support Maya and help her walk into the other room, her body was severely impacted by all of the excessive food she had been eating. She felt like she couldn't move around very well at all. So she asked her best friend to go to the grocery store for her. Her friend, who was deeply concerned but also curious to see what Maya would do, agreed. It didn't take long for Maya to ask for an assortment of unhealthy food, and her friend was soon on her way back to the house with a bag full of snacks and sugary treats. As her best friend returned home with the groceries she had requested, Maya could feel the urge to eat growing stronger by the second. Her mind was still foggy and she didn't remember anything that had happened during the past few weeks. All she wanted was to eat, and her best friend was happy to oblige her. As soon as she came back, Maya began to dig into the bag of food, stuffing her face with whatever she could find. She didn't seem to care about the health implications or the consequences of her actions, all she wanted was the instant gratification of food.

And so, as the days passed and the hypnotic trance continued, Maya's body changed beyond recognition. She had gone from being a healthy, fit person to someone who was overweight, sluggish and addicted to food. As she continued to eat and gain more weight, she was becoming less and less able to move around. She was reliant on her friend to care for her and bring her all the food she craved. But the only thing in Maya's mind was eating, and eating, and eating. After a while, it was clear that Maya's new size and habits were a health threat. But she was too far gone to understand this. She didn't understand why she was being told to cut down on her food, all she wanted was to eat more. And so, she ate anything and everything, and continued to gain weight. As her mind became even foggier and her body became more and more impaired, things only got worse. Maya's health was deteriorating at a rapid pace, but she was completely unaware. But it wasn't just her physical health that was being affected. Her mental health was impacted too. As she grew more and more dependent on food, she also grew more and more isolated. Maya's world shrunk to just her house and her food. She was unable to leave the house due to her size, and she avoided seeing anyone but her best friend. She didn't want anyone else to see her in this condition, so she withdrew from the world. And so, Maya's days continued in a cycle of eating and withdraw, eating and withdraw. She found herself consumed by the hypnotic trance that blinded her to the reality of her changing body and mind. She was now completely dependent on food and increasingly isolated, unable to understand why she felt so miserable. It was a sad state for her to be in, but she found it impossible to break free and reclaim control of her life. She had been hypnotized into a life of gluttony and her health was becoming more and more precarious every day.

After about two months of this, Maya's best friend became increasingly worried about her. It was clear that Maya wasn't getting any better. But Maya felt stuck in a never-ending cycle of eating and withdraw. She was too far gone to understand why this was happening to her, and she had completely stopped caring about her appearance and health. She was only focused on finding her next meal, and this seemed to be all that mattered. Her best friend was afraid for Maya's life, but she couldn't find a way to help her break out of the hypnotic trance.

Despite her immense size, Maya could still see herself as the athletic, muscular girl she had been before. In her mind, she looked the same as always, even though her body was completely different. She felt tired and heavy all the time, but wasn't able to make the connection between this and her size. She was so deep in a state of hypnosis that her perspective of herself was completely skewed. Even when she looked down at her larger body, she still saw herself as being thin and fit in her mind's eye.

In reality, Maya was now seriously obese. She couldn't walk without immense effort, her rolls of fat bouncing with each step. She barely fit in the clothes she had worn before, and her breasts and stomach seemed to grow larger by the minute. In addition, she was covered in sweat just from walking a few steps, and her joints and organs were under immense stress. But she saw herself as being the same, the hypnotic trance keeping her in this state of delusion. Maya was covered in fat from head to toe. Even her face was bulging, her cheeks and chin growing larger with each passing day. Everyone she encountered was disgusted by her immense weight and the sight of her rolling around with no control over herself. In addition to the physical impact, her weight was taking a devastating toll on her mental health. She knew people found her disgusting, but she was still so deep in the hypnosis that she couldn't do anything about it.

At this point, Maya was completely out of control. Her diet consisted entirely of junk food, and her body was getting bigger and bigger. Her health was rapidly deteriorating but she didn't care. She was consumed by a constant need to eat, and there was no end in sight. As the months went by, Maya grew larger and larger, her rolls of fat becoming too big to ignore. She was unable to leave her house, and required constant care and attention from her best friend. But she still had no awareness of how dire her situation was, as the hypnotic trance kept her in a cloud of delusion.

[Thank you, Don !

Do you want to be my next story? Come share your fantasy with me in a private message ]
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