My super cute alien girlfriend

Chapter 5

We laid there in the soft morning light. It seemed my new found teenage libido was here to stay and, I realized as she slid onto of me, so was hers. In seconds she was on me, my belly rolling back and forward with her slow, deliberate motion.

It was simple and slow, but exquisite with a gentle build. Lazy Sunday morning sex times a thousand. It kept building. She lent forward, her extra height making it possible to lean over my extensive stomach to kiss me slowly and lovingly. As the pleasure build so did the intensity of the kissing. Deeper. Lips, tongue. We both began to moan, kissing, her hand on the back of my head pulling me in, still the same rhythm but more powerful now. More passionate. Building in intensity. Harder but the same rhythm until we both let go with a loud, collective moan. We both shivered with the orgasm, together and as one.

Eventually she slid down next to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. “I think we get better at that every time”. I gave a nod, then asked “Is it always like this where you’re from?” I rubbed my stomach for emphasis. She smiled and gave a “Ha” then continued, “no way. A rich couple can probably get together somewhere between a thousand and twelve hundred calories to spread over the three days". She saw my question before I asked it. “That’s like a cheese burger meal. I must have had more than five hundred times that already. Five hundred times! We are in uncharted territory my friend”, Then with a devilish smile that would have aroused a stone statue she said, “Speaking of which, time for breakfast. Today being the last day of the cycle I think I should skip the fancy places and just go for maximum calories. We will have the rest of our lives for nice dinners”.

She jumped up and pulled on a light satin bra and pant set. I rolled to the edge of the bed and she grabbed my hands and pulled me to my feet. Despite my increased bulk she yanked me up with ease. Apparently her new abs weren’t just for show. As I stood I let out a groan of pain that, I quickly realized, was without pain. I bent my knees up and down a couple of times. They felt amazing. I couldn’t remember the last time there wasn’t at least a twinge of pain. Crazy. My back felt great, everything felt great. I looked in the mirror and, holy shit, I looked great. Huge, but I looked five years younger, my skin glowed, my hair looked fuller and, well, had grown back a bit, I’m sure. I had spent my entire life avoiding mirrors. Discussed with what I saw. But something had changed. Some switch had flipped. Someone appreciated how I looked. And when I thought about it and the range of shapes and sizes I found attractive, there was probably more than someone. Maybe many ones. I’m sure many didn’t, but I was okay with that.

I was definitely huge though. There was no way around it. I was unmistakably obese. No euphemisms would hide it any longer. I was no longer just a ‘big guy’ or ‘overweight’. I was fat.

In some strange way, as whatever it was transferred from her to me, It had settled all over, rather than just on my stomach. Don’t get me wrong my stomach was pretty big, just so were my arms, legs, butt. The lot. Crap. What was I going to wear now?
I was lost in my thoughts and almost leapt out of my skin when I felt her hot breath whisper in my, “Oh my god your hot”, as her hand caressed my love handle. And that was all I needed. I was once again rock hard. Like hadn’t done anything in a month hard. And to And my And, she was the lady equivalent of rock hard! What a magical life I had stumbled into.

I kissed her deep and hard. I had to crane up a little because she was now about four inches taller than me. I then stepped back and looked at her. It was incredible. She was incredible. I told her so and we kissed again. She eventually pulled away with an apologetic smile. “Breakfast first”.

I raided the fridge for what was left from the day before. I started with bacon sandwiches. A loaf of bread’s worth. It made fourteen sandwiches with bacon, two eggs, cheese, butter and ketchup on each. Efficient as ever I also fried the bread in the bacon fat instead of toasting it. Each one would have been a hearty breakfast. There were also a couple of boxes of frozen waffles that I toasted and served (both boxes worth) on a large platter drenched in syrup, cream and ice cream.
There was still cream and ice cream left so I made her a shake, well four shakes, with chocolate and peanut butter.

It was all pretty basic, but it was definitely calorific. She clapped and gave a squeal of joy as I presented the tray. Fourteen sandwiches, twenty waffles and four large shakes. I didn’t even get through “Bon appetite” before she ploughed in. All the delicacy of the previous day was totally gone. She was like a machine. Methodical, bite after bite. Sandwich, waffle, shake, sandwich, waffle shake… It was beautiful to watch. The most stunning woman in the world sitting in her bra and undies stuffing herself so fast I could actually see her belly growing.

In a shockingly short amount of time she sat back with nothing but empty plates and cups and a fully bulging belly. Something about the huge, window rattling, ear shattering belch, followed by a delicate smile of polite embarrassment as if it had been the smallest of hiccups was irresistibly sexy. She smiled up at me and simply said, “more?”.

I was on it. I put on a large pot of water to boil while I searched the cupboards. I found cookies, crackers, chips, fruit, I didn’t care. It was all contributing. I piled my findings in front of her then went back to the water. I added three packets of dry pasta and a pinch of salt to the now boiling water. There wasn’t much of a sauce that I could make but I fried up some garlic in butter and added more butter, then some butter. I also grated whatever cheese I had and when the pasta was done I added it. Again, pretty basic, but plenty of calories. It filled two large bowls (one meant for salad). I lugged them to the table which was now covered in empty packets. Once the pasta was done I was going to be out of food and at the rate she immediately started devouring it I knew I didn’t have long.

I racked my brain for a second then it struck me. The truckstop. Twelve fast food vendors, all of whom would be opening right about now.

To Be Continued

*Thanks for the comments and likes, I really appreciate them. Keep the feed back coming.*
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Rickeb 5 months
More Please.
Fanedfox 5 months
I really enjoyed reading your story's first chapters. I do enjoy mutual gaining, being a casual gainer and married to a BBW.

I'm looking forward to new chapters.
Abyssal Mind 5 months
I'm not even into male wg and I like it. Came for the premise, stayed for the cuteness. I can't wait to see how it progresses, it's pretty interesting. I think you're doing a good job, I'm liking it.
Goldmund 5 months
This is hot and interesting. I’m looking forward to more too.
Built4com4t 5 months
wonderful start...looking forward to more!