My super cute alien girlfriend

Chapter 7

We pulled up out the front. The first car in the carpark.

There were two signs in the window:

'$25 All You Can Eat Ribs'


'Try the 80oz Steak Challenge
Finish in an hour and it’s on us!
Finish in 30 mins and we’ll even throw in a Second 80oz steak for free!!!'

The thirty minute line was clearly a joke, but it was there in black and white. It began to dawn on me that whatever happened next, we were probably going to have to move. We were getting a little conspicuous for a guy and his alien girlfriend.

In all the time I had lived here I had never been across to the restaurant, mostly because they didn’t do delivery, but I had seen it was a pretty popular spot. The carpark was generally pretty busy on weekends and for dinner. It seemed the kind of place people were willing to travel for. Fortunately, being early on a weekday we seemed to have the place to ourselves.

We were met at the door with a hearty “Welcome in y’all.” We were guided to a tucked away table by a small, chatty southern guy with a high friendly voice. When we were seated he asked “Can I get y'all started with a drink?”

“What do you feel like?” I said. She thought for a second, then with a pirate smile said “Two pitchers of beer to start I think.” Our server paused, processing, then said “OH, sorry, are you expecting more people? I can move…” but she cut him off with a dazzling smile and said. “No just the two of us. And I think we’re ready to order food too, if that’s okay” He had no chance against her charm and beauty.

“Ah, yes Ma’am. Um, what’ll it be?” She made a shown of looking at the menu then said “All you can eat ribs and an 80oz steak challenge please.”

He smiled and said “Okay, one all you can eat.” He pointed at her, then pointed at me. “and one 80oz challenge, Man, I got to warn you…” She cut him off again, with another dazzling smile. “The steak is for me.”

Once again he looked lost for a moment and then started to speak, but she cut him off again. “The ribs are for me too. Doctor says I have to keep my protein up. Can I also please get a large fries and coleslaw? And what were you after honey?”
I was taken slightly by surprise. “Oh, um, I’ll have the fried chicken please.”

Our server gave a nod, then said “Um, about the challenge, I’m afraid you’re going to have to sit over there.” He gestured to a table raised up on a stage in the middle of the restaurant.

I began to ask what she wanted to do, but her grin told me all I needed to know.

Ten minutes later we were on, what was, basically a stage in the middle of the restaurant and her first plate of ribs had arrived. Fortunately the only people there were a couple of wait staff around.

As soon as the plate of ribs hit the table she was tearing them apart. It took all of about five seconds per rib to tear the meat off and in no time the plate was done. Her face covered in BBQ sauce. Someone must have been watching because it only took a minute for the second plate to arrive. She took advantage of the gap to down half a pitcher of beer directly from the jug. The resulting belch out of that delicate and beautiful face was one of the sexiest I had seen to date. It took all my might not to leap across the table and take her then and there.

The restaurant's policy was that after the first full serve of ribs the subsequent servings were to be half sized to cut down on wastage, but someone knew a pro when they saw one because the plate that arrived had a double serve. This went as fast as the first and she was just finishing the third when the steak arrived. It was the size of a roast and came with a large plate of fries and slaw.

My fried chicken, which under other circumstances would have seemed a huge meal, looked meagre next to it. She rubbed her hands in delight. “So, what are the rules?”

The server smiled “Um, you have to finish it in an hour, no help and no leaving the table till it's done”.

She replied with a smile of her own. “Great! You should probably start cooking the second one because this isn’t going to take long. Oh and keep the ribs coming!”

It was magnificent to watch. She cut the steak into large strips, small enough for her to pick up and began taking huge bites. She used the other hand to grab either fistfuls of fires or coleslaw. She was finally just going for it! When the plate of ribs arrived she went bite for bite, ribs then steak. Sometimes a handful of fires or a swig from one of the pitchers in between. Most of the staff came out to watch. I think everyone was just plain mesmerized. I was prepared to shut down any cell phones, but no one even thought of it.

As it turned out the kitchen staff had taken her request seriously, because at around the fifteen mark, as she was finishing the first steak, a second arrived. I looked even bigger than the first and as they swapped the empty plate for the full she clapped and gave a little squeal of delight.

Then, amazingly a second server came out carrying another steak of equal size followed by a chef carrying a stacked plate of ribs in each hand. They were almost reverential as they placed them on the table. The whole staff seemed to have come out to watch. They looked mesmerized, as if they were hypnotized, and perhaps they were. Maybe it was just a matter of her beauty and charisma. At this point she was stunning and had a larger than life feel. Like meeting a celebrity. Whatever it was, it suited me. The last thing I wanted was my perfect alien girlfriend to go viral!

She gave each of the servers a devilish grin and began. I ordered four more pitchers of beer. How she managed to make scoffing a literal mountain of food look so majestic and gracefully is beyond me. And it's not like she was being delicate. She was basically using her hands and perfect teeth. She would grab a pitcher and down it in one go, then keep eating. I had to order four more in no time. This time she grabbed the steak whole in both hands and had finished it in under five minutes. The second took a little longer as she kept pausing to grab more ribs. Rack after rack, pitcher after pitcher. In barely twenty minutes she had cleared the plates and emptied the pitchers. She finally sat back. Her stomach had been somewhat concealed, hanging low between her legs as she sat forward now came into full view. It was like she had a beach ball under her hoodie. It was impossibly round and impossibly large.

She gave a delicate smile and shrug as if to say ‘Oh, isn’t this delightful’ and dabbed at her mouth with a napkin. The effect was somewhat undermined a bit by the fact she had BBQ sauce smeared all over her face.

I looked around and decided we had better get out of here while whatever spell was on everyone lasted. I looked at her. “How are you feeling?”

She gave her belly a gentle rub and shot me a saucy smile (literally and figuratively) and said; “Like it’s time to get you home.”

I paid quickly and gave a huge tip. She stood and the hoodie that had fitted her like a dress was now more like a mini skirt. Her belly filled it so much the whole thing rode up. Finally the weight seemed to be having an effect on her. Giving her a slow, hip swagger. Watching her my mind dissolved. I honestly have no memory of getting in the car and driving home. My mind and body were consumed with her and her alone.
We burst in the door kissing like teenagers. Or bellies made it both awkward and hot as hell. My heart beat throbbed through my body and my skin felt electric and when it touched her skin the sensation increased to agonizing pleasure and I could feel her heartbeat pulse through me.

There was no messing around this time we headed straight to the bedroom and I threw myself onto the bed. She flopped down next to me, lying on her back. I began kissing her taut belly. She moaned and squirmed in pleasure. I slowly worked my way around to her fat, swollen clitoris. It was huge again. It had already reached the eight inches it had the night before but as I gently stroked it I felt it shiver and begin to swell more. Holy shit. What have I signed up for? The shock of pleasure that shot through my body made me completely forget this though. I began to caress it, rolling around so I could kiss and suck it. Her moaning grew hoarser. More intense. The pulses that swept through me were like thousand watt orgasms on their own but also building to something even bigger.

She continued to grow. It swelled around the curve of her enormous belly until it was more than a foot long. A god damn foot! I was too caught up in pleasure to be afraid though. After a time she gently touched my shoulder. It was time. I rolled around onto my back once again and she onto her knees. She knelt next to me. Her enormous belly in her lap and she looked down and my quite large belly. “Um, I’m not entirely sure this is going to work.” She stroked my thigh. “Maybe we could try…” She trailed off, but I knew where she was going.

I gave her a smile. “I think we can make this work” and I rolled onto my knees. The weight of her stomach on my back felt amazing. It took some coordination, but we got in the right position. I was starting to feel apprehensive again when I got the first touch of her against me. The merest touch. Every cell of my body jittered starting from the point of contact. She began to gently apply pressure, then with a moan she began to push into me. It’s impossible to describe the sensation. The closest I can get is the first orgasm you ever had. That tingly sense of pleasure and surprise. It was waves of that sense. Deeper and deeper until we were one or two parts of the same thing moving in perfect opposing rhythms, maximizing every sense of pleasure. Every physical movement felt sexual. The slap of our bodies, her powerful one against my soft one. The roll of her huge and fully on my back pressing in and out with our motion. The roll and slap as my belly swung back and forward. Every jiggle, every caress. Everything. And always the sense of building. The rising electricity in the air around us and the rise in pressure in our own bodies. The steady rhythm grew and grew.

And then. Slap. It . Slap. Happened. Slap. Every nerve in our bodies sung out in joy. My body flooded both physically and metaphorically. I could feel her leading down on top of me. Her body emptying. I could feel mine filling. Her belly disappearing and my expanding. As her breasts touched my back and her mouth found my ear and neck my belly reached bed. One again, as she shrunk from inside me I felt a loss, but as she peppered me with kisses and slowly guided me onto my back I knew the connection was not lost.

My belly was now huge. Fucking huge. She was propped on her elbow looking down at me. She was an angel. Her transformation to perfection now complete. The only thing about her that wasn’t angelic was the look of fiery lust on her face. Her hand gently stroked my belly. She kissed me. First on the mouth. Her tongue parting my lips, then continued with her lips and tongue to my ear, neck. Then lingered a while on my nipple before moving on to my belly. Then she found her way below my belly, first using her lips and tongue, then her throat, like she was trying to greedily consume me. I could feel the lust coming off her like a pink fog that enveloped me. She would bring me to the point of ecstasy then ease back. Both our bodies began to move rhythmically. When the pulsing urgency became too much, she straddled me and rode. Hard and Fast. Our sensations melding together. She moaned and panted as the pressure grew. We came together. As one. It was fiery and explosive, but when it was done, rather than feeling spent I felt harder and more turned on than ever. I grabbed her and rolled over. Still inside her. The mass of my body engulfing her. As my weight hit her she gave a groan of intense pleasure. The intensity washed through me and I began to thrust. Her hands caressed and fondled my enormous body as I drove as deep as I could. Her hot, breathy moans in my ear and send even deeper waves of lustful pleasure through my body. I could feel the heat in her body building. We were reaching climax again. I slowed and drove as deep and hard as I could. One, two, three and we both let go.

We made love several more times that night and slept late. I was roused by her getting up. I looked at her perfect naked body standing by the window. She looked back and gave me a radiant smile. “I think life on this planet is going to work out just fine”. I climbed out of bed. I was huge, but somehow more mobile than I think I’ve ever been. I stood with ease and walked over to her. We stood and looked out at the cornfield. The pink tinge of the sunrise still lingering. “After yesterday we’re probably going to have more. Maybe somewhere with a beach. Though I’m not sure how we’ll afford it” . She gave me a gentle nudge in the ribs. “I’m sure we’ll figure it out”. We stood, my arm around her waist, looking at the view. It was perfect. That is why the yellow flash and streak, followed by a purple and green one came as such a shock.

I didn’t fall over this time, but did take a step back. “What the fuck was that?”

She looked at me earnestly. I think the first one was my little sister and the other two were her friends. We’ve got to go help them!”

The End (of part 1)

I really hope you enjoyed Part 1. Thanks for the likes. As always feedback is welcome and let me know if you'd like me to continue on to part 2 or something else entirely
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Rickeb 5 months
More Please.
Fanedfox 5 months
I really enjoyed reading your story's first chapters. I do enjoy mutual gaining, being a casual gainer and married to a BBW.

I'm looking forward to new chapters.
Abyssal Mind 5 months
I'm not even into male wg and I like it. Came for the premise, stayed for the cuteness. I can't wait to see how it progresses, it's pretty interesting. I think you're doing a good job, I'm liking it.
Goldmund 5 months
This is hot and interesting. I’m looking forward to more too.
Built4com4t 5 months
wonderful start...looking forward to more!