Dominant goddess in the making

Chapter 3

After a few weeks, her day at the pool was not forgotten, but no longer that present. Since then, her appetite has grown steadily - and with it her waistline. Her stomach had become noticeably softer, she now weighed 75 kg and all her pants and bras were too tight. To forget her frustration, she decided to spend a whole day at a luxury spa. A massage, sauna and drinks would certainly take her mind off things. She went to the most luxurious spa she could find on Google. There she threw on her bathrobe, which was now a little tighter around her waist, and went into the massage room. A real shock awaited her there. Standing in front of her was John. He met her with the smile that still haunted her dreams. "Hello!" he greeted her in a friendly manner. "Hi," Jenny stammered. "I'm lucky enough to be your masseur today! Why don't you lie down?" Jenny stood there frozen for a moment. Then she began to take off her bathrobe and lie down on the lounger. Lying on her stomach had become a little more difficult recently, her belly was in the way. "You booked the full body massage if I read that right?" asked John. "Yes" Jenny replied briefly. "Great, let's do it then, just let me know if there's anything that's not pleasant or otherwise bothersome" - then he began to spread the oil on her bare back. Her back (like everything else on her body) had gained some padding, which Jenny now became more aware of with every touch. At first she could hardly relax, but after a short time John's magic hands began to work and she started to let go. Perhaps a little too much. After John had worked on her back, he turned his attention to her legs. They had also increased in volume. When John kneaded the back of her thigh and came very close to her ass with his fingers, it happened. She moaned audibly. She couldn't suppress it, it just came over her. It was a good thing she couldn't see John's face and he couldn't see hers, because she wanted to sink into the ground in shame. "Oh God, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to..." she mumbled into the massage table. "No problem, Jenny," John laughed, "It happens when you let yourself go a bit and I can tell you're really tense. Just try and be at ease." These words calmed her down a little and she plucked up the courage to apologize. "I'm sorry I just left you in the pool like that, it wasn't fair. I ate my fill and then didn't even pay or say thank you." she confessed ruefully. "Yes, I was a bit irritated, but no problem, I still had a nice afternoon with you. Apology accepted." With that, Jenny was able to enjoy the rest of the massage, which they spent in silence. Jenny slowly melted under John's hands and became noticeably hornier with every passing minute. When the time was up, she had an idea. She couldn't say what she was thinking at the time, but something inside her wanted to stand up and show herself to John completely nude. And she did. She stood up and presented herself. She didn't pull her stomach in and didn't cover anything that she would otherwise be ashamed of. She looked into his eyes and gave him a wicked smile. She saw astonishment in John's gaze, but also something else, there it was again. That sparkle in his eyes. He returned her smile. She put her bathrobe back on and winked at him one last time before leaving the room. Shortly after she had made herself comfortable on a lounger, she suddenly regained consciousness. What had gotten into her again? It wasn't like her at all, but John's presence did something to her, something animalistic.

Shortly afterwards, John joined her on the lounger. "You've booked the all-inclusive package. It includes drinks and food from our buffet." He looked at her intently. "By the way, I'm your personal waiter today and I'm at your service. Can I get you something to drink?" Jenny was speechless for a moment. "A caipi, please." "Coming right up." He then left and came back a few minutes later. "Here you go, enjoy it." Jenny took a few sips and then got up to go to the buffet. It was richly laid out. She filled her plate to the brim and went back to her lounger. The food tasted fantastic and she soon realized that the alcohol and the greasy food were going to her head, because she had another idea. "John?" she asked shyly. "Yes, please?" "Tell me, is it also part of the job description of a waiter to feed his guests?" Had she really just said that? Jenny could hardly believe that these words had left her lips. "for us, the customer is king, or should I say queen?" John said with his usual smile, but she also recognized that special look in his eyes. "Let's go then," she urged him and leaned back. John wasted no time and hurried to the buffet. He came back with a gigantic plate laden with the greasiest calorie bombs the buffet had to offer. Pizza, deep-fried chicken, sausages, pulled pork - Jenny's eyes got big and her appetite even bigger. John took a seat next to her on the couch. He picked up a fork and said "If it pleases my queen, her meal can begin". Jenny turned dark red - had he seriously just called her "queen"? That triggered something deep inside her that she only realized later. "About time," she replied mischievously, trying to conceal her shyness. She opened her mouth and John elegantly brought the fully laden fork to her without breaking eye contact. Jenny tried to meet his gaze as best she could and began to chew. This one bite would change her life forever.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 months , updated 5 months
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Bbman30 5 months
This is good. Can’t wait to see where they go