Dominant goddess in the making

Chapter 5

When Jenny woke up, John wasn't in bed next to her. Instead, the smell of fried bacon and eggs was in the air. Yesterday felt like a dream, but her still swollen stomach was proof that it had really happened. Nevertheless, her stomach growled violently. Jenny got out of bed and trudged downstairs to the kitchen, where John was standing shirtless with his back turned. She admired him for a moment. His upper body had a perfect V-shape and his definition could have been used for an anatomy book. She congratulated herself inwardly on what kind of guy she had picked up and couldn't help but smile. She yawned playfully to get his attention. "Well, you're up early, handsome, and already so efficient!" she greeted him playfully. "I thought you might be a bit hungry after taking it easy yesterday," he teased her. She replied just as ironically: "You're quite right! This diet is hell and I hope I can let myself go a bit today." She took a seat on a stool and John immediately placed a plate full to the brim with bacon, eggs and pancakes in front of her. Jenny's mouth was watering "A true gentleman knows that the way to a woman's heart is through her stomach, thank you very much!". "Enjoy it." He smiled at her expectantly. She feigned helplessness. "Am I supposed to eat all this food without help? Where's the feeding service from yesterday?" she feigned indignation. John wasted no time: "Coming right up". And so their game began anew. Jenny gobbled, John fed and admired her. She greedily devoured one plate, then two and even a third. Afterwards, she leaned back, exhausted. "Now that was a nutritious breakfast," she puffed. "Oh yes, how about it, want to watch something on Netflix?" asked John. She thought for a moment, "How about My 600lb life?" she offered with a challenging grin. "Sounds good!" John replied with the same smile.

While Jenny made herself comfortable on the couch, John went to the kitchen. When he came in, he had a bag of potato chips, Coke, M&Ms and cookies in his hand. "Should we work up an appetite in the meantime," he remarked mockingly. "Good thinking." Jenny wasted no time and buried her hand in the bag of chips. After gulping down the first load of ranch chips dripping with salt and fat, she washed it down with a huge gulp of Coke. Afterwards, she couldn't suppress a burp. "Sorry," she said a little embarrassed. "Oh, not for that." John was clearly taken with her snacking, because after a short time he pushed up her T-shirt and began to stroke her tummy. Meanwhile, he began to say: "You know, I think there's nothing more attractive than a woman who has a healthy appetite and is also self-confident. Who simply knows how amazing she looks when she's uninhibitedly herself. That's why I approached you at the swimming pool back then. I thought it was so hot how you unapologetically showed off your little bum in that incredibly sexy bikini." Jenny had to laugh: "If you only knew how insecure I felt that day! But then it was a good thing that I went through with it. You know, I've always had a huge appetite. I've always had problems accepting this side of myself, but when I'm with you, it's somehow so easy. Being myself without restraint is exactly what I want. And you know what else?" She leaned forward towards him. "That you're going to take off my pants and eat my pussy while I stuff all these goodies inside me." She didn't need to tell John that twice. He stood up, took off her jeans and pants and began to lick her cunt as if his life depended on it. The man must have the tongue of a chameleon, she thought, but she was undeterred and ate everything John had brought to the couch, just as she had said she would. The sugar and John brought her to climax several times in the meantime. When she was finished, she pulled his head back up to her. "Well done! Now you've earned a reward." She made gestures to go down on him. But he stopped her. "You know, somehow I think it's hotter when I serve you and make you cum. So you don't need that, watching you cum all over my face was hot enough." Jenny beamed "John, you really are my fantasy come true. I hope you don't regret those words, because I'm going to exploit that shamelessly." John beamed back "I hope so."

So they spent the rest of the day on the couch. Jenny soon realized that John really meant what he had said. He carried out every request on the spot. She had been cautious at first, but she soon dropped this behavior and began to almost blatantly order him around. John clearly enjoyed this. He seemed to really revel being her little servant and was constantly bringing her new snacks, massaging her tummy and feet, changing the channel and bringing her something to drink. When they said goodbye in the evening, Jenny told him that she really enjoyed this weekend and that she would love to repeat it someday. As she went out, he gave her another slap on the ass.

Before she went to bed that evening, she stepped on the scales again. Wide-eyed, she realized that she weighed almost 80 kg. She had gained almost 5 kg in the last 48 hours! She stood naked in front of the mirror and looked at herself. By now she had difficulty seeing her toes. She gently stroked her still swollen belly. She liked what she saw. Jenny could hardly have imagined it, but this weekend had finally helped her realize what she wanted. It still hardly seemed real. There was this incredibly hot guy who liked it when she ate her fill and wanted to serve her. Normally she might masturbate to his scenario, but it was like her ultimate fantasy had come true. And she intended to live it to the fullest.
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Bbman30 5 months
This is good. Can’t wait to see where they go