Dominant goddess in the making

Chapter 7

The next day they continued their debauchery. It started with the same breakfast that John had served her last time. Eggs, bacon and pancakes, only this time Jenny ate twice as much. Afterwards they were both so horny again that they retired to John's bedroom and only came out when John's cum was dripping out of Jenny's pussy.
As they lay down on the couch, Jenny asked: "Tell me John, what exactly is your limit here? I've been asking myself that the whole time? So where would you stop being horny with my weight and my bossy nature?" He thought about that for a moment. "Hm, I almost don't think I have a limit. I realize how much I like serving you and how horny it makes me to sink into your soft fat. So at this stage, I think I'll do anything." Jenny then kissed him gently on the cheek and added, "That's really good to know. Because I'm not planning to stop any time soon. And now hurry, where are my snacks?"
John rushed into the kitchen and fetched a packet of brownies and cheese sticks. Jenny immediately set to work. As she chewed with her mouth full, she snapped her fingers and made a gesture between her legs, signaling that she wanted his tongue between them. John understood immediately and began to lick as he was told. After she came for the second time that morning, she laid down on the couch, satisfied and full. She was suddenly exhausted from doing nothing and being pampered. She closed her eyes and fell asleep. When she woke up, she didn't know where she was for a moment. The smell of fried and melted cheese was in the air. Jenny trudged into the kitchen where John was putting a huge portion of lasagna in the oven. "Oh look who is awake" he laughed "I thought you might have a bit of an appetite, so i made my favorite dish, lasagna". "That's perfect! It also happens to be my favorite dish."

After dinner, the two decided to spend the rest of the day at the beach. Jenny had her bikini with her, but it was clearly too small by now. Her breasts were practically spilling out of the bra and her ass was regularly consuming her bottoms. Her belly was now also overshadowing her breasts and hanging over her top. Everything that had bothered her a while ago now gave her self-confidence and turned her on. Hand in hand, she walked across the beach with John. He was the picture of masculinity: a toned body, attractive face, self-confident, she was the picture of femininity: a soft body and an equally soft face. The contrast between was so stark and that was exactly what turned Jenny on. His physique was the result of hard work and discipline, hers of unrestrained hedonism. People gave them strange looks. She could feel the women wondering what such a stud wanted with a fat cow like her and that brought a smile to her face. "You're quite right, this stallion makes all my fat quiver and he is all mine!" she thought to herself. They found a sunny spot and John spread out a large beach towel. The two of them took a seat and unpacked the picnic John had packed. They had sandwiches, potato salad, Oreos and other goodies. Jenny hadn't eaten for an hour and immediately set about making sure there were no leftovers. In the meantime, John went into the water to swim and relax a little. After a while, a slim, attractive brunette joined him and struck up a conversation. John looked visibly bored. Jenny watched the situation from her towel and a jealousy that she had never felt before flared up inside her. Furious, she stomped towards the two of them. "Hey babe," she called to John as she walked towards them, "I've already eaten everything, would you be so kind as to get a double fries and a jumbo hamburger from the bistro here on the beach?". The other girl gave her an astonished and disgusted look. John just smiled and replied: "Yeah sure babe, coming right up". Without another word to the other woman, he left. Jenny took a few more steps towards the brunette. She was wearing a bikini, which unfortunately emphasized her non-existent breasts and flat ass too much. Jenny gave her a triumphant smile, signaling that the other girl could *** from her territory. "What can I say, he's devoted to me," she added in a tone of mock surprise with a shrugg. Jenny turned away again and went back to her towel.

Shortly afterwards, John arrived with the food he had ordered. "Thanks for getting me out of this conversation," he said with relief. "I don't like sharing," she said with a grin and seductively popped the first chip into her mouth. Once this mammoth portion had also been eaten, she lay down on her back, exhausted, and began to sunbathe. Without giving him a glance, she ordered him to "Lube me up - everywhere, we don't want me to get sunburnt."
John took the suntan lotion, squirted a load onto his hand and began to spreaded over her body. Starting with her legs, he slowly worked his way up. When he reached her stomach, he took his time. Tenderly kneading, he spread the cream thorougly. Jenny could see through his swimming trunks how aroused he was. "Hey, hurry up, my tits want to be covered too," she mocked. He then turned his attention to her breasts. He kneaded them carefully again, almost threatening to make them fall out of the bikini. "When we get home, I have a surprise for you," she announced promisingly. "I can hardly wait." Once she was fully lubricated, Jenny sunbathed for a while and John swam a lap. As she looked around, she noticed that several women were still ogling him. Knowing that this heartthrob was so submissively devoted to her gave her a feeling of power that she had never known before. It felt intoxicating and she realized how it inevitably turned her on. She could hardly wait to finally go home with him.

When they got home, Jenny wasted no time. She led him straight into the bedroom, made him sit on the bed in front of her and turned back to him. Slowly, she began to undress. "You know" she began "I'm a bit worried, all those women were ogling you on the beach. I have a slight fear that you're forgetting your place. Of course, you did my bidding there too, but I need a little more proof of your devotion." John looked at her expectantly as she peeled herself out of her swimming trunks. "Whatever you wish," he returned submissively. Jenny smiled." I would have hoped you'd say that." She stood stark naked in front of him. "On your knees," she ordered in a tone that brooked no argument. John didn't hesitate for a moment and kneed her on the edge of the bed. Jenny sat down on the bed, creaking. "Do you know what I've always wanted?" she asked John with feigned innocence. John just looked at her expectantly. She leaned over and whispered in his ear: "For a fitness model to lick my fat, juicy asshole." And with that, she turned away from him and lay on her stomach. John seemed to hesitate for a moment, but only briefly, because a little later he felt his kisses on her fleshy ass cheeks. Slowly, he ventured further into the center. Jenny sighed contentedly. Then he let go of his restraint and began licking her asshole as if it were a scoop of ice cream. "Your tongue is really magical," Jenny praised him. She lay there now, her Adonis' face buried between her cheeks, thinking about the women from the beach who had lusted after John like that. It gave her an even greater sense of power - any of those women would give anything to be allowed to kiss HIS ass, but she had him there. She pressed his face deeper into her flesh. "You're mine," she said in a bossy tone. John took a short breath and gasped enthuasistically, "YES," then buried his face again. Jenny got up on all fours to bring her hole even closer to him, which John gratefully accepted as his tongue sped up her licking. "Good job, that's exactly how I want it!" she moaned. For the first time in her life, Jenny felt like she was having an anal orgasm. Exhausted, she collapsed again. "Very well done," she praised him, panting, "Now the other hole, but this time with your cock. Fuck your mistress the way she deserves it.
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Bbman30 6 months
This is good. Can’t wait to see where they go