Summer eclipses

Chapter 2 - Gaming Heartbeats

As the passage of time seamlessly blended into weeks, Lucia found herself ensconced in the captivating realm of gaming. Her sanctuary had shifted to her brother's room, now her own, where the radiant glow of the computer screen dictated the rhythm of her days and nights. Sleep cradled her only when the virtual challenges became insurmountable. The most immediate hurdle emerged in the form of sustenance, and Lucia was astounded by the laziness that had insidiously crept into her routine. Ordering takeout seemed too bothersome, propelling her down to the market conveniently located downstairs. To her mother, she spun a tale about the invaluable experience of learning to live independently.

Her culinary choices veered towards the effortlessly accessible—sweets, snacks, chips, popcorn, and the indispensable energy drinks. Within this indulgent cocoon, Lucia stumbled upon an unexpected delight—the liberation from schedules, the pleasure of sweet treats, and the thrill of rule-free living. Above all, conquering the challenging levels of video games emerged as her newfound passion. The monotony of routine enveloped her until the digital adventures concluded, abruptly thrusting her back into the stark embrace of reality.

To her shock, Lucia realized that she had squandered a significant chunk of her two-week vacation—the very period when her friend Elisa was scheduled to visit. Emerging from her lethargic stupor, Lucia confronted the chaos that had taken residence in her room—papers strewn about, empty bottles cluttering the surfaces. The impending arrival of Elisa acted as a jolting wake-up call.

Amidst the frenzy of cleaning and organizing, Lucia stumbled upon a startling self-discovery. Two weeks of neglect stared back at her through unchanged underwear and forgotten toothbrushes. The urgency of Elisa's visit propelled Lucia into a whirlwind of transformation, both in terms of her living space and her own appearance. The revelation that she had been clad in the same underwear throughout this gaming escapade injected a humorous twist into the situation. Was Lucia in the process of evolving into a bona fide nerd girl? Only time—and, perhaps, the scrutiny of Elisa during her impending visit—would unveil the answer to this intriguing question.
32 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 months , updated 1 month
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Morbido 6 months
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