The convention

Chapter 2 - The begging of the rest of my life

It was finally the Friday, I had sent the previous few weeks trying to push my stomach capacity to the max and as a result gained a pound or two.

The car pulled up outside and two men in suits knocked on my door and escorted me to the car. It was just me and the two men in the car, they hadn't spoken a word to me yet and I was kinda of scared.

The car stopped, we had arrived. The men showed me to my piggy sweet. The piggy sweet ended up being a sofa on a stage with a large machine and some straps next to it. To be fair the sofa was the biggest most comfy looking sofa I had ever seen. The men sat me on the sofa at 9am on the Friday morning, they strapped me down in just my underwear and gave me medicine to stop me from needing the loo. They said I won't move until the convention is over, and they said if that's still possible for you which I thought was strange.

I sat looking at my surroundings, I was on a stage above a huge hall, with thousands of stalls and some little shows with seasoned feedees being fed and many feeders walking round with a big grin on their face.

I couldn't help but notice I seemed to be the main event, I looked up and saw a massive TV zoomed into the couch I am currently sat on, with a number above it. It said 115lbs. I thought wow I can't of put on 5lbs but then again my bra is feeling a bit tighter.

Then a man walked upon the stage he came and sat next to me introduced himself as Anonfeeder627 (the guy who invited me). He told me I was the main attraction they where going to feed me and pump me full of calories. A big sponsor of the show had invented a weight gain machine and needed a participant to showcase it.

I looked at him in disbelief and just said oh okay sounds good.

He then to my suprise inserted a tube in my rear directly to my stomach, turned the machine on and I started to feel a slight vibration in my rear. He said enjoy and relax I'll be back to feed you some real food soon enough.

I sat there firstly feeling my belly fill up then begin to numb as it was numbing I couldn't help but notice my belly begin to swell ever so slightly. At this point it had a been an hour and the event had really started to fill up. There was an array of really big feedee people and really small probably feeder people. This is when Anonfeeder came upon the stage next to me with a microphone and introduced me, he said.

Hello everyone welcome to this year's annual Fattening, I hope this will be the best one yet. We have a brilliant piggy this year, this is Taylor she wants to be the fattest lady in the world and we're going to help her. If you would like to feed foundle or breed her, the que will be around the side.

People started queuing up with plates of food, all while this machine was pumping something into me.

Before the first people came upon the stage, I looked down at my bloated body and could see that my belly was very distended and I was beginning to look pregnant.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 months , updated 6 months
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