The ice dragon becomes a snowball

Chapter 2

Eira was sitting in her ice cavern smiling gobbling up some meat in a chair made of ice that was soft like snow. It had been 10 months since Eira had arrived in this town and the girl was living the life to say the least. She had gotten a blue blouse from town along with a red skirt she wore with ice heels on her feet. The meat she was digging into with her fangs had been some of the food the town's people gave her out of thanks, not to mention the gold she got every month as well. The citizens saw her as a protector now giving her offerings like a goddess, but they were still a bit frightened by her being a dragon and all. She smiled seeing the small pile of gold she had started to save not spending it on anything as the gold gave her comfort.

The food was the best part for her though. Eira thought this was way easier than hunting her own food and treasure as everything came to her instead by protecting the town. Sure, she fended off some monsters every once in a while, but most of the time she was relaxing while eating some food reading her books she had gotten from the library. Eira knew she should probably be flying around continuing her journey like her father wanted her to do, but what he didn't know wouldn't hurt. She felt like she was on vacation and after the years were up, she would return to her family.

The ice dragon felt like a queen almost with how everything was handed to her so easily. Eira was clearly taking advantage of these people at this point, but she couldn't care less. As she finished one of her meats, she noticed her favorite offeror Miles the elf came to give her some bread. He came almost every day and gave her a good spread with Eira loving his treats looking forward to them all the time. Watching this girl eat her meat in a chair made of ice with her exposed legs crossed with ice heels on her feet in her skimpy clothing made him feel cold shivering a bit.

Eira stretched her arms and wings with the chubby baker seeing her blouse ride up a bit. Miles smirked seeing a small little starter belly with love handles resting over her skirt as he didn't remember seeing that months ago. It reminded him of a muffin's top almost. He also saw her breasts were a smidge larger as well with her hips spreading a bit more in her seat. While the dragoness crossed her legs, he noticed more softness to them he hadn't seen before. He smiled seeing the dragon girl was putting on some happy pounds getting comfortable in this town thanks to her new spoiled lifestyle.

"Why are you eyeing me like that? I'm not a piece of meat you know," Eira asked.
"Sorry, got lost in thought, anyway here's your meal today," Miles smiled.
"Thank you, that smells nice," Eira smiled drooling over the fresh pumpkin smell of the bread biting into it. "I swear human food is so good, but your food is the best."
"Thank you, it's an honor you think that. By the way are you feeling any different lately?" Miles asked staring at her little belly pooch.
"No, why?"

Eira didn't notice any of her new pounds. Sure, her underwear and clothes had gotten a tad snug, but she thought her clothes had shrunk thanks to the cold air which wasn't a bad theory. The dragoness also couldn't see her new belly starting to grow in thanks to her breasts blocking her downward view.

"Nothing, you just look stunning is all," Miles smirked.
"Well, thank you. I love how you're not scared of me or shy around me like the others," Eira grinned.
"You're not scary at all. I always love girls who enjoy their food. You know maybe if you got out more than the towns people could see why you're so, well cool," Miles stated.
"I am cool for an ice dragon I guess, but I get out enough," Eira pouted.
"Yeah, to go get your books from the library. You know what, why don't you come over to my house for dinner tonight, and I can show you around town more. You can also meet my daughter," Miles grinned.
"Hmm, that sounds tempting since it's your food," Eira stated as her belly growled loudly.
"Well, at least your belly wants to go," Miles laughed making Eira blush eating more bread as she pulled down her blouse.

After the white-haired girl finished her snack, she began walking into town with Miles with everyone giving her weird looks for dressing so skimpy in cold weather. Soon Eira noticed a tree with colored lights on it along with buildings with ribbons and lights on the houses and businesses.

"What's with all the lights and decorations I keep seeing lately?" Eira asked.
"Oh, you do know it's Christmas time, right?" Miles stated.
"What's a Christmas," Eira wondered.
"Oh, you have no idea what Christmas is, I guess you dragons don't celebrate it. It's a holiday that takes place over the month of the last year. This is the time of giving and spending time with friends and family," Miles grinned.

He also went on about Santa and giving presents to one another.

"This all sounds so weird and silly to me. I see why it didn't catch on in the dragon colony, but I guess celebrating family is nice," Eira smirked.
"I think you should give it a chance. No offense but I think you could learn to give more to others. You come off as greedy and self-centered to me at times. Though that must be normal for dragons I guess," Miles stated.
"Please I'm not that greedy. I do a lot for this town by keeping it safe," Eira stated knowing she was not being completely honest as most of the time she was lazing about eating.
"Sure princess, oh were here," Miles smiled opening his bakery.

The bakery was somewhere she had never visited, and she liked the atmosphere right away. The counters looked nice with seats to sit around the place with it looking cozy. There also were lights hanging up all around the place along with the tree in the corner as well.

"Nice decorations, but I thought we were going to your house," Eira stated.
"I live upstairs, and my business is downstairs," Miles grinned.
"Oh, interesting."

Then they saw a little girl with short black hair and pointy ears come down the stairs smiling wearing a gown.

"Hi, daddy, I missed you."
"I missed you too, Fern, and I got you something," Miles smiled pulling out a purple scarf.
"Oh, thats such a nice color, thanks daddy," Fern grinned hugging her father then looking over to the dragoness. "You brought a dragon to the house, wow."
"Sure did, this is Eira, and she protects the town as of recently. I brought her over for some dinner tonight," Miles stated.
"Yeah, awesome, I always read about dragons. There so cool, nice to meet you," Fern grinned hugging the dragon girl as she blushed.
"Oh, nice to meet you as well," Eira smirked patting the kid's head.
"Your pretty, like a snow angel," Fern stated.
"Oh, thanks," Eira stated blushing.

A couple minutes later and Miles was cooking dinner with Eira watching loving the smell of his meal with Fern playing with some toys in the other room.

"Well, your daughter is certainly a bundle of joy. How old is she?" Eira smiled.
"She's 6 and yes, she makes me very happy," Miles stated.
"Where's her mother though, did something happen," Eira wondered.
"Well, you see she's not related to me by blood. She was an orphan a couple years ago when she was 4 due to her real parents being lost to illness," Miles sighed.
"Oh, thats so sad," Eira frowned.
"I went to the orphanage to give the kids some food and she grew very attached to me right away. I felt this strong bond with her, and I knew I had to adopt her. My only regret is not taking more kids with me, but I only have enough money and room to take care of one you know," Miles smiled.
"You didn't have to even adopt one kid, I mean you didn't get anything out of it besides another mouth to feed right," Eira stated.
"I guess, but I did get one thing out if it. Sure, I didn't get anything like money, but just seeing her happy and smiling is enough for me. Knowing I made her life better. Thats more priceless than anything, especially around Christmas time," Miles smiled.
"I see, I don't know if I would be willing to do the same for someone without a reward at least," Eira stated.
"Well, the first time you helped our village you didn't know whether you would be rewarded or not. You just did it. I think you're not as greedy as you let on snow princess," Miles grinned.
"Sure, anyway, do you think Fern will have a mother one day? With the way you cook you must get girls all the time," Eira smirked.
"Well, I've been trying but my relationships never work out. Some were just nasty while others blamed me for making them fat," Miles sighed.
"Because you're a baker," Eira smirked.
"Yeah, I mean it's my passion and job so sorry if you fall in love with my food. One day their pants don't button anymore because they eat too much, and my cooking goes to their hips. Then they blame it all on me saying I'm fattening them up. I just cook good food, you don't have to eat it," Miles frowned.
"Those girls really need to take responsibility for their own greed and indulgence. They let themselves go and thats their fault. They could learn a thing or two from me about self-control," Eira stated proudly as Miles saw her belly bulge smirking.
"Anyway, are you almost done, my bellies starting to growl," Eira pouted.
So much for self-control, Miles thought smirking.

After Miles finished up, he sat at the table with his daughter eating while Eira dug into the beef stew with mashed potatoes loving it. After asking for her 2nd bowl Fern began asking the dragoness a lot of questions as Eira answered them while guzzling down more stew. Eira kept talking to the family not noticing how much she was putting away till she had 4 helpings. The white-haired girl all of a sudden felt how stuffed her belly was feeling so full unbuttoning her skirt to relief some pressure of her bloated tummy peeking out from the hem of her blouse now. She thought about how she could see all those girl's Miles dated might have gotten fat if his food was this good, but she thought one meal like this couldn't hurt.

"Who wants ice cream for dessert," Miles stated as Fern cheered with Eira rubbing her belly belching a bit nervous.
"Ice cream, that sounds intriguing burp. I'll try some I guess," Eira sighed.

As soon as the cold dessert hit her lips, she was moaning at the chocolate flavor in glee. It didn't take long for her to finish her bowl as her belly grew even more stuffed moaning from the pain.

"That was the best thing I've ever buuurp tasted. So cold and soothing in my tummy, burp. Huh, I can't move, too full," Eira blushed wincing when she tried to move.
"I thought you had self-control or something. You better be careful or else you'll be picking up some winter pounds," Miles smirked poking her stuffed belly as she blushed.
"Quiet you, one burrp meal like this isn't going to make me fat," Eira pouted.
"Ms. Dragon lady, would you like to come over more often please," Fern pleaded liking Eira after their talk.
Thats a good idea Fern. It would do you some good to get out of that cave every once in a while," Miles smiled.
"Sure, I would love too, but let's not eat like this too often. It's as you said, burp. If I eat like this too much, the food will start going to my hips," Eira sighed letting out a silent fart.
"Yeah, you'll start looking like Santa with a fat belly," Fern giggled as Eira blushed.
"Nah, I'm more like Santa," Miles laughed patting his belly.
"You're lucky you two are cute, you know that," Eira smirked patting Miles's belly as they laughed.

Eira was happy she could get more delicious food, and she was starting to warm up to Miles and his daughter wanting to spend more time with them. She just hoped she could avoid turning into a snowball before going back home to her family.

If you found this interesting you can find me on deviant art as well to read more stories. Thank you for reading so far. (:
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