The ice dragon becomes a snowball

Chapter 3

A giant snow yeti was approaching the town as it roared over the mountain side coming down. From the sky Eira came flying down tackling the creature head on. He overpowered her a bit muscle wise so, she backed off creating an icicle spear. She tried plunging the spear into the beast, but he grabbed the weapon instead. But as he held it his hand and arm began to freeze. The yeti lost his grip roaring as Eira stabbed the beast through the chest as the monster went down freezing over more on contact. Miles and Fern watched their dragon friend from a far defeating the creature smiling at her victory. Miles also saw some of the other citizens watching happy to see the dragon defending the town.

Miles was always amazed when Eira took on her dragon form as she looked so scary yet elegant. But he noticed that she was a bit out of breath after that tussle with the yeti. Not to mention he saw a belly beginning to grow more noticeable on the dragon's frame with less muscle tone all over. When Eira turned back into her humanoid form she looked a bit-tired staggering over as she held her belly. She was also wearing her blouse and skirt once more with her ice heels as well.

"Wow, Eira you took that monster down well, you're a hero," Fern smiled hugging Eira.
"Oh, huh thanks. Hey Miles, can I have some pastries, I'm really hungry after that fight," Eira asked with her tummy growling.
"Yes, of course." Miles smirked.

Soon Eira was inside the bakery eating another pastry as Miles watched the counter grinning. It had been 6 months since Eira had begun to hang out with Miles coming to his bakery. She said it was for his food but deep down he knew it was to spend time with him and his daughter Fern. Even while Eira was eating, the black-haired little girl was showing her a book she was reading. It turned out the two loved books and had bonded over them quite a bit as Fern asked the dragoness to read to her at times.

He also saw her little belly bulge from months ago had grown a tad larger, now more noticeable when she was sitting. In fact, her clothes were looking very tight now with her blouse looking strained over her belly and larger E cup breasts. Not to mention her skirt which was riding up her thighs a bit more showing off her thicker legs. The dragoness's butt and hips were also spreading more in her seat as she sat making him chuckle.

Miles wondered if she noticed she was starting to get a tad plump from all his food and the offerings. But it didn't seem like it hence her skimpy clothing showing off her skin more. Not many noticed but Miles did when she was sitting down. He would have told her, but due to his past experiences telling girls they were getting fat, he thought it wasn't the best idea. The elf especially didn't want to anger an ice dragon girl and end up a popsicle for the day. Then again, he thought the extra pounds suited the white-haired girl anyway, making her look cuter in his eyes.

Then Miles noticed someone came into the room as he sighed. It was the town's elder's granddaughter Cressida and one of his past girlfriends. The girl being from a rich family had a fancy white dress on under her open coat wearing boots. Even in the summertime up here it was still snowy, so boots were pretty normal. She wore her blonde hair over her shoulders nicely as well. When he started a relationship with her years ago, she was so beautiful in his eyes, but now he saw her as a spoiled mean brat that he couldn't stand. He also grinned noticing she hadn't really lost the weight she put on from their relationship. In fact, she looked bigger than her chubby self at their relationships end. He felt bad about putting some meat on his past girlfriends, but she was the only girl he didn't feel too bad about.

He felt it wouldn't hurt to have this girl be brought down a few pegs. When they first started dating, she was slender and pretty in her dress being the most beautiful girl in town in her eyes. Then she got addicted to his food as the relationship went on and slowly but surely, she began to grow putting on the pounds to her once slender figure. At first a little belly began to form and then her curves grew a bit plush. A couple months later she had grown a pot belly with some supple hips and some thick thighs making her chubby.

Cressida blamed him for her new pounds and broke up with him after her dress stopped fitting around her waist. As the months after their relationship went on, she vowed to lose weight and become slim once more, but every time he saw her years later coming back to his bakery for goodies, she wasn't any smaller. Quite the opposite, she looked bigger until today now looking quite fat. This was when he realized it wasn't his food or his fault for the most part, but her own fault she had gotten so fat.

She was a spoiled greedy brat at heart, and he just sparked the fire that wouldn't stop growing. Now she stood in her upgraded dress that was starting to look tight around her waist with her gut jiggling in front of her as she waddled to the counter. The elf's stocking covered fatty thighs were also looking nice with her gloved plump arms resting on the counter. Her breasts were easily rivaling Eira's at their size, with a softer looking face to go with a double chin starting to grow in. She was also a tad wide and round with her hips looking supple along with the girl's large meaty butt she clearly loved to sit on. Cressida had to be around 200 pounds at least at a height of 5 ft, 6 in.

"Well, hello there Cressida, I see your back for more," Miles smirked eyeing up her belly resting on the counter a bit.
"Please, one treat once in a while isn't going to hurt and while I hate your guts, I will admit your cooking is quite lovely. I'll take 4 donuts please," Cressida sighed.
"Sure. Yeah, I see its doing wonders for your waistline, your still not slender yet. Didn't you say you were going to slim down a bit. Instead, you seem a bit larger at a glance," Miles smiled handing her the donuts.
"Shut up jerk, it's your fault I got fat in the first place," Cressida pouted as she started eating one.
"That was 3 years ago, honey. I think this padding you haven't lost is your fault at this point," Miles chuckled.
"I used to be so slim and pretty. Now even 3 years later I'm still fat. This wouldn't have happened had I not been your girlfriend. You're the reason I got fat," Cressida sneered angerly.
"I think you need to let go of the past with Miles. It's your fault you got fat if you ask me. You're an adult and you should take responsibility for your actions. You ate like a fat pig with or without Miles around. Now you've turned into a fat piggy thanks to your poor choices," Eira stated poking the blonde's fat belly as she blushed.
"How dare you, ice dragon. Are you Miles new girlfriend or something?" Cressida asked.
"No, she's not. Were just friends," Miles blushed.
"Well, let's see how long you stay slim around this guy. I wonder how long that skirt will fit you after eating his treats for months. You better be careful, or you'll end up like me. You better run while you still can, I miss running," Cressida sighed as she waddled out eating more pastries.
"Good job, Eira, you put that mean girl in her place," Fern cheered hugging Eira.
"Yeah, I just couldn't stand her yelling at your father is all," Eira smiled patting Fern's head as she ran off upstairs.
"Thanks for defending me like that, she's always such a pain when she walks in. She does it to torment me and make me remember why she broke up with me. Get a life girl," Miles sighed.
"I know, she reminds me of the other ice dragons I was friends with when I did my dragon training. They were all snobby and spoiled. I couldn't stand it and they made fun of me for reading books," Eira sighed.
"And you're not spoiled," Miles smirked.
"I'm not that bad," Eira pouted eating more of her bear claw.
"Ok, maybe not snow princess, you're not as bad as her at least," Miles chuckled watching her eat the rest of her pastries as her bloated belly was making her shirt ride up again as he smirked.

He thought maybe Cressida had a point with Eira's skirt not fitting too well soon. Eira unbuttoned her skirt to make room for her stuffed pastry filled belly which was becoming a habit for her recently stretching her blue wings and tail a tad as she belched.

Cute, he thought.


Before Eira knew it another year had passed making it Christmas time again after 6 months. The white-haired girl sat in her chair eating some meat from her offering belching in her white gown. Then after finishing her meat, she got up to get ready to go to Mile's house to spend the day with him and Fern. She smiled seeing her small pile of gold had begun to grow larger as this pleased her. Looking at the gold one part of her brain still had the mindset she was still using the humans to get an easy lifestyle and money. But she did genuinely care about Miles and Fern though. Christmas, she did still find silly, but she did like the heart of it celebrating friends and family.

Eira took her gown off looking at how tight her bra was wondering if she needed a new size soon as it was quite snug around her large boobs. Then she picked up her skirt feeling how snug her panties were as well. She started putting her legs through the skirt like usual and brought it up past her thick legs. Suddenly she met some resistance as the girl tried tugging the skirt over her chunky butt sighing. The ice dragon hadn't put this skirt on in a while over the last week having not gone outside lazing around in the cave instead.

It also didn't help that the number of monsters approaching the village had gone down giving her less to do lately. Maybe they ran away, or she had killed most of the dangerous monsters at this point which meant she had more time to sit on her butt instead. Little did she know this was one of the reasons her skirt had grown smaller on her. The dragoness tugged hard getting the fabric over her butt as she sighed in relief noticing her thicker thighs looking nice, but then sighed as she needed to close her skirt as well. She pulled her flabs together grunting as her teeth showed in frustration.

The skirt was giving her a hard time because of the dragonesses hips and butt having grown so much as they widened with her belly gaining mass as well. Once a little soft belly a year ago was now blossoming into a pot belly. The pooch was becoming noticeable peeking between her flaps now catching up to sticking out as much as her breasts. She laid down on a rock trying to get them closed past her belly with her plump arms as she grunted louder. Finally, she had gotten them closed as she panted gasping for air from just putting on her clothes with her waist giving her a juicy muffin top. Then she sat up as her skirt button went flying across the cave with her belly proofing out once more.

"Dam, these don't fit anymore, must have shrunk drying," Eira sighed having trouble pulling it off her butt once more. "I liked this clothing as well, showed off my cute legs nicely with my heels. Wait, I sound like Miles past girlfriends who outgrew their pants, but I'm not getting fat am I? I mean my belly feels a bit softer lately along with my butt, though my larger boobs are nice. I must have only put on a couple of pounds. I mean sure these shrunk, but I must have grown a bit too I mean all I do is sit on my butt so of course a couple pounds would stick, but it's not that big of a deal. As long as I'm not really fat when I go back home. That would be hard on my wings carrying all that weight and I certainly don't want to end up like Lira," She stated thinking of the huge blob of a dragon.

Little did Eira no this was more than a couple of pounds. Having not gained any weight before she couldn't gage how much padding she had truly put on gaining 45 pounds from when she first came to this town. She started at 158 pounds and now was a solid 203 pounds.

"I could go flying more and ease up a bit on the food after the holidays are over. For some reason Christmas time always makes me hungrier," Eira sighed.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 months , updated 5 months
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