The ice dragon becomes a snowball

Chapter 4

Later she walked to Mile's bakery in red pants with a belt around her waist she had decided to buy and wear for tonight. They fit tightly hugging her plush legs in her heels made of ice. She also wore the blouse she loved to wear but it was very strained on her belly peeking over her waist and big boobs. Miles opened the door smiling at the white-haired girl with bangs looking so cute and hot despite being an ice dragon.

"Hey, you're wearing red pants, nice. Way to be festive. It looks nice on you," Miles grinned.
"I just picked it out randomly for tonight is all, thank you for your flattery," Eira smiled.
"You're welcome, come in," Miles smirked letting her in as they saw Fern come in wearing a green little dress as she hugged Eira.
"Thanks for coming Eira," Fern grinned.
"Yeah, of course, I love coming over to eat and spend time with you," Eira smiled.
"Ok, now you can help me decorate the tree," Fern smiled.
"Decorate what?" Eira wondered.
"You know the trees with lights, well I want you to help me out decorating it ok," Fern stated.
"Um, sure, why not," Eira smiled.
"By the way are you pregnant Eira, your belly feels and looks bigger today," Fern stated poking her soft tummy as she was still hugging the dragoness's soft waist.
"No, I might have put on a few pounds is all," Eira blushed embarrassed her new weight was pointed out.
"Oh, ok. I prefer you this way anyway. So soft," Fern smiled snuggling her head into her belly as Eira giggled from it tickling a bit.
"Thanks, I guess," Eira smirked.

Fern ran up the stairs for her to follow as Eira began walking over with Miles.

"So, are you going to stop coming over now that your gaining a few pounds. My bad," Miles sighed.
"No, of course not. I like coming here to spend time with the both of you. It's not your fault, I've just been hungrier for some reason lately. Besides it's only just a few pounds," Eira stated as Miles looked at her chubby waist smirking.
"Right, anyway Fern's waiting for you. I'll start cooking," Miles grinned.
"Sounds great," Eira smiled.

Soon the two went upstairs as Miles panted slightly going up the stairs used to the climb. Then he saw Eira was panting from climbing the stairs too when she got halfway up. Once she got to the top, she was tired and gasping a bit leaning on the wall. Miles noticed this was becoming a more common occurrence since the dragon had grown chubby. He also heard the stairs creaking more than usual with her steps sounding like his own heavy footsteps.

"You, ok?"
"Yeah, just huh tired, alright where's this tree," Eira stated seeing Fern wave her over.

Miles went into the kitchen to cook while Fern began giving Eira the lights to put on the tree holding the rope of glowing bulbs. As they put more and more lights on the tree Eira had to admit this was kind of fun. Though her growling belly was distracting her a bit as her tail got caught in the rope of lights Fern was holding as the tail wrapped some lights around it by accident.

"Eira, your tail has lights on it," Fern giggled.
"It does, crap," Eira sighed as she turned around with the lights, she was holding getting caught on her wing now as well.

The lights got caught around her tail more as she turned around with some lights tugging near her feet as she stepped forward to get a better angle as she saw one of her wings were caught now. She turned again stepping over as she tripped over one of the cords at her feet as she went down yelping. Miles came in to see what happened as he saw Fern giggled at the dragoness covered in tangled lights on the floor blushing as red as her pants with lights tight around her belly and breasts.

"Eira, you suppose to decorate the tree, not yourself," Miles laughed.
"Yeah, you're so silly," Fern giggled.
"Yeah, this is definitely what I was going for. Now can you please get me free," Eira sighed.
"Ok, maybe you should sit this part out in case you get trapped again," Miles chuckled.

As soon as they got the ice dragon untangled, they finished the lights and garland, so she wouldn't get tangled again. Then Eira helped put the ornaments on until the tree was all decorated looking so colorful and vibrant. Miles then told Eira to put the star on top as she was the tallest. Eira reached the top easily placing the star on the tree with her belly knocking over some ornaments by accident from leaning over as she blushed with Fern giggling.

Not too long after the meat Miles was cooking was done with some pasta with Alferdo sauce on the side. It didn't take long for the dragon to start devouring her meat as she also dunked it into the sauce liking that combination. Miles watched the dragon eat her meal grinning with a toothy smile as she devoured her meat and pasta. She really loved the cream sauce for sure. She also undid her belt after 4 helpings wanting to make room for more of the delicious dinner.

Pretty soon she had eaten 8 helpings of meat as she followed it up with drinking the Alferdo sauce from the pot as Miles gasped seeing what an absolute pig Eira was making of herself. Miles noticed her appetite had increased quite a bit over the months indeed. As she drank the sauce he saw her bottom blouse bottoms burst off popping open by themselves as she blushed putting the sauce pot down.

"Great another thing I have to replace," Eira sighed as Miles smirked.

Eira leaned back a bit as her pants button came undone as well with her letting out a huge belch breathing out some frost breath as she excused herself.

"Buuurrrrrppppp, Excuse me, how unlady like," Eira blushed.
"Burp, good one," Miles smirked patting his belly as Fern let out a cute little belch as well as they laughed.

Later Eira was resting on the couch feeling very tired as her exposed stuffed belly was working hard digesting her large heavy meal. Fern then came over and started rubbing Eira's belly.

"Here, I want to make you feel better too," Fern smiled.
"Oh, thank burp you, that feels nice," Eira grinned.

Miles sat next to her watching his daughter rub the dragon's belly smiling at how cute they both were. Then he heard snoring as his daughter had fallen asleep on Eira's belly with the ice dragon falling asleep snoring as well making him smile. A bit later, Eira woke up as she yawned with Miles doing the dishes as he saw her stir awake.

"I see your awake, I'll take her off your belly," Miles grinned pointing to Fern sleeping on her tummy.
"Oh, I didn't know I was that comfortable," Eira giggled as Miles took Fern to bed.

Then Miles came back as he sat down next to the girl once more.

"Hey, I just wanted to thank you for today, you made it very special for Fern you know that. She's spoiled having you around," Miles smiled.
"I'm glad. Yeah, I feel like her mother sometimes lately when we spend time together. Like you she's certainly fun to be around. Sorry I acted like a total pig tonight. I think this blouse had its last night on me for sure. All of my clothes have been getting so tight on me and shrinking. I might have gained a few pounds, but isn't that weird," Eira stated patting her tight pot belly.
"Yeah, that is weird," Miles said entranced by the girl's full tummy.
"Hey, can you rub my belly, it might help it feel a bit better. It felt nice when Fern was doing it earlier," Eira asked.
"Um, sure," Miles smiled.

Miles put his hand on her pale soft yet hard belly as he started moving it around making Eira moan from how nice it felt. The dragoness belched again as he circled around her belly admiring it as he worshipped it showing it love with his caressing hands. He heard it gurgling a bit too from how much she had packed in there. He was also amazed how large it had gotten with her larger appetite making more sense as she stretched her belly to fit more inside.

"Thank you, that feels so nice."
"Yeah, I'm trying to make you feel better. Is it working?" Miles asked.
"Yes, it is. Thank you. I could have you doing this for hours, but I should probably get going now. It's getting late," Eira grinned as she tried getting up to fall back down wincing in pain. "Uggh, I'm still really full after dinner, could you help me up again?" Eira asked.
"I got you," Miles grinned as he pulled her up grunting not remembering her being this heavy.

When she stood back up her belly touched his as they were close to each other.

"Thanks for helping me my doughy hero," Eira smiled kissing his cheek as he blushed with the dragoness grinning.
"Anytime snow princess," Miles smiled watching the dragoness sway her hips out the door waddling a bit with her full belly proceeding her.


Soon another year had passed for Eira on her 3rd year around Christmas time. The ice dragon was growing very comfortable in her new life now at this point. Eira looked around at the glowing blue lights of fire she put around her cave along with a tree made of ice. At long last Eira was starting to like Christmas as Miles and Fern's love for it rubbed off on her making her so much happier. She had also begun to make friends with some of the citizens as she began to see them as more than her offerors. Eira was eating some cookies getting some crumbs on her larger gown in between her large F cup breasts and round belly she had gotten months ago due to the old one getting too small.

She also adjusted herself as her hips brushed against her chair's arm rests a bit as she got more comfortable. She was feeling so lazy today as she put her feet up letting out a fart as she ate more meat. In fact, she had been very relaxed as of late and sluggish. But she had no idea why. The random bones and garbage around the cave that was everywhere was showing to how much of a lazy slob she was lately. She was also getting addicted to the food as well, as all she was thinking about lately was her next meal. Another thing Eira noticed was how her heart fluttered around Miles lately.

She didn't know what this feeling deep inside her was but despite being an ice dragon, it was turning her heart to mushy snow. She thought about Miles and her face would blush as she felt excited thinking about him. She also got excited thinking about his belly too for some reason loving to pat it lately. Then again, she loved how he rubbed her belly after large meals lately as well. While she was lost in thought the dragoness heard a large noise from outside her cave. Eira put her feet down grunting as she pulled herself up a bit seeing a girl with black hair and red highlights sway her hips inside.

"I finally found you, sister."
"Aine, your here?" Eira stated.
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