The ice dragon becomes a snowball

Chapter 5

Eira was shocked to see her slender sister coming into her cave wearing a coat and some black pants. The fire dragon took off her coat showing off her abbs with her bra only on under neath just as athletic as ever.

"Sister what are you doing here, and how did you find me?" Eira asked still shocked her sister was here.
"I wanted to see how you were doing before you came back home in a couple of months. I heard rumors of an ice dragon staying in this town from my searching and I knew it was you for sure. I missed you so much that I couldn't wait to see you," Aine smiled.
"Well, I'm glad you're here," Eira stated as she grunted standing up.

As Eira got up to walk towards her sister Aine's expression started changing to shock from seeing her sister more up close. As Eira hugged her sister the fire dragon was still processing seeing her sister looking so different. Then the ice dragon explained what she was doing in this town all this time.

"So, you've been living here protecting the elves and humans from monsters while they give you payment, I see," Aine restated.
"Yeah, not a bad deal right," Eira giggled.
"Weren't you supposed to go exploring the world on your journey. Father wouldn't be pleased if he hears you've been sitting on your butt lazing about," Aine sighed.
"Well, the point of the journey is to find yourself and I did. I like relaxing all day reading my books. Just like how I was before," Eira giggled.
"I guess thats true, but somethings different about you for sure," Aine sighed looking at Eira's midriff.
"What's different about me?" Eira wondered.
"I see you've put on some weight from sitting on your butt all day and clearly you've been eating a lot judging from that stack of food. Also is that a pile of gold, sister, didn't I warn you not to end up like Lira," Aine frowned.
"I'm not like Lira. I've been saving is all and I've only put on a few pounds. It's not that big of a deal," Eira stated.
"Actually, it is a...big deal for sure. Are you in denial or something sister? It looks like you put on more than a few pounds. Maybe you should look in a mirror to see for yourself," Aine smirked.
"I guess I could humor you, but I have no idea why you're making a huge deal out of this," Eira stated.

Eira made a mirror of ice in the air as she lowered it in front of herself sitting down again.

"See, I'm...not...that...fat," Eira stated as she slowly began to grimace looking at her reflection in shock.

She was expecting her slim self from years ago with some padding but what she saw instead was a fat overfed dragon now fitting in her chair quite tightly. The first thing she noticed was her face which confused her a bit by how much it had puffed out looking softer with fuller cheeks almost not recognizing herself. She also had a 2nd chin under her jaw with her neck looking a bit thicker. Then she looked lower to see her breasts which had been always big were now huge F cups that were sagging slightly from their heft in her tight bra.

Her slender arms had become meaty with bingo wings hanging a bit from under them. Now that she was looking more closely, the girl saw her hands were looking softer as well.
Then Eira saw the 2nd thing she noticed and that was her gut resting on her lap. She knew her belly was a bit softer, but she never grasped just how big it was getting or noticed the large jelly belly. This was thanks to her boobs blocking her view as her paunch was sticking out just as far. She fondled it for a moment taking in how much her slender midriff had changed as it now rested on her soft legs. The dragoness also noticed the rolls she had on her sides and above her belly with her tummy having a crease in the middle starting to look like a double belly.

She thought this made her look like melted ice cream almost with it proofing over her panties, as she was now resembling her new favorite treat. You are what you eat after all. Despite focusing on her belly for a while she saw she had more to see with her supple hips brushing the seat of her chair that used to be roomier. She wondered when her wider chunky butt started filling her seat so well spreading all over with flab. Eira saw her legs again had gotten large up top as they touched below her belly even seeing her calves had thickened a bit too with her heels on her feet. She was just stunned looking at her once slender figure starting to resemble a rounder corpulent shape instead with her belly and love handles along with her hips giving her that physic.

"I'm...fat. Your right sister. I got fat, my snowflake figure is buried and ruined," Eira frowned.
"See, I told you. You were in denial about it. You're looking more like a snowball now if you ask me. So much for being my little sister," Aine smirked poking her sister's huge belly.
"How could I let this happen? I was so blind and let myself go," Eira sighed pinching her rolls still to see if this was a bad dream.
"You probably got too comfortable and relaxed here in this town. You are also probably lazier right, and you have a bigger appetite," Aine stated.
"Yes, your right. I have been sluggish lately and very, very hungry."
"Not to mention this big pile of gold. Sister, I hate to be the bringer of bad news, but I think you have the dragon's greed. You're starting to act just like Lira did before she turned into a blob not able to lift herself off the ground. You need to turn your behavior around fast before you end up the same as her. And here I remember you promising me you wouldn't let this happen," Aine stated slapping her sister's belly again.
"I know, I'm really embarrassed I got this fat without noticing," Eira blushed.
"Can you still fly? Try touching the ceiling. You look a lot heavier than when you left the colony," Aine stated.

She wasn't wrong as Eira had put on 56 more pounds from last year making her 259 pounds now on her 5ft 9in frame.

"Yeah, I can fly still," Eira stated as she grunted getting up from her chair a bit as she flapped her wings lifting off the ground.

As Eira went higher, Aine noticed she had to flap more to lift her heavier body in the air along with her not lifting off as fast as she used to. At the same time, she noticed after being in the air for a minute touching the ceiling of the cave, she had begun panting a bit. Then as she lowered herself, she was panting a bit more till she landed with her sagging belly jiggling on impact. The dragoness was red in the face gasping a bit on her knees from using her muscles or what she had left of them for the first time in months.

"See, huh I can huh still fly," Eira panted.
"For now, but you're already starting to pant from flying for a couple of minutes because your heavier and out of shape. Maybe you should leave this town and come back home. This town is making you fat. You should leave while you can before your too fat to fly home. I can even help you lose the weight," Aine suggested.
"Thats very nice of you sister, but well. I... actually...want to stay here," Eira sighed.
"Really, you like your easy lifestyle that much. If you stay you will only keep growing until your huge you know that. Do you want to be a blob like Lira? I saw her recently and she can't even walk now. Is that what you want? Were you ever going to come home if I hadn't come?" Aine asked getting worried.
"It's not that, I was going to see you to tell you I wanted to stay and then I was going to live here permanently. I feel like I belong in this town," Eira stated.
"Thats the dragon's curse talking, you feel that way because you've made this you new home to get comfortable and fatten yourself up," Aine sighed.
"It's more than that. I like the town and the citizens living here. I also made some really good friends that would be heartbroken if I leave. Besides I still need to protect the town until they finish their new defenses against the monsters anyway," Eira stated.
"You actually care for the humans. This doesn't sound like the Eira I used to know. Seems the snow princess had melted a bit," Aine stated.
"I was using them at first to be lazy I'll admit, but now I really do care about them, please I really want to stay," Eira sighed.
"Well, you are an adult, and you can make your own decisions even if there not healthy. As your older sister I will respect your wishes. We can always visit you I suppose," Aine stated.
"Thank you for understanding, sister. You're the best," Eira smiled hugging the black-haired girl.
"But on this condition at least. I'm going to be visiting you more often just to make sure you don't become massive at least. I don't want a blob for a sister," Aine stated poking her belly.
"Thats fine, thank you so much," Eira smiled as Aine grinned as well hugging her sister back.
"While you're here though, why don't I show you around town a bit. You can also meet Miles and his daughter," Eira beamed.
"Is he your boyfriend or something?" Aine asked grinning.
"No, just a friend," Eira blushed.
"Yeah, your puffy red cheeks tell me otherwise," Aine smirked as Eira pouted.

Soon the dragon sisters were walking in town with Eira putting on a green dress with a belt on her waist fitting her fat frame tightly with white stockings on her legs with her heels on. As the girls walked Eira caught up with her sister while showing her the sights. She wondered why the lights were around as Eira explained Christmas to her. As they walked many people came by saying hi to Eira as she had a lot of friends it seemed. Aine also noticed a lot of townspeople were looking on the soft side a bit themselves.

Having a dragon to protect their town had made the citizens more comfortable and inclined to eat more feeling safe. Though Miles's Bakery certainly didn't help keep them slim either seeing a lot of guys and women with little belly pooches. Maybe her sister was right about her belonging here after all looking at her sister's gut jiggle with her wide steps as she waddled. They soon reached Mile's house with Eira panting a bit from the walk over showing how out of shape she was becoming. They walked inside for an 8-year-old Fern to greet Eira hugging her belly face first snuggling into the paunch.

"Hey there Eira, who's your friend?" Fern asked.
"Actually, this is my sister Aine, she's visiting me today," Eira grinned.
"Wow, another dragon. So cool. Nice to meet you," Fern smiled.
"Nice to meet you too squirt," Aine smirked rubbing the elf girl's head a bit.

Then Miles walked in to greet them as Eira introduced Aine to him as well. They all went up the stairs with Eira gasping a third of the way upholding onto the railings a bit sweating a tad. Then when she reached the top, she was wheezing a bit from the climb. To think this out of shape dragon who was responsible for protecting the town was defeated by a flight of stairs. Soon they sat at the table getting settled as Eira's belly touched the table where she sat with her sister giggling. She also noticed her sisters butt proofing over her chairs seat that was unable to contain her girth. Talking with Miles and Fern she was starting to understand why she loved this family and wanted to stay.

Soon Miles brought dinner out as Aine sniffed the air as her mouth began to water a bit from the meat she smelled. Miles put slices of pork for the ladies as Eira began pigging out like a glutton devouring her meat. She saw her sister go through plateful after plate full of pork and roasted potatoes. Aine was hesitant at first seeing how the food in this town had fattened her sister, but one bite was all it took for Aine to take another bite fast.

She moaned at the flavor of the meat as she began tearing into her pork as well. Aine now understood why her sister had gotten so big eating the food that was very delicious to her. She watched her sister undo her belt around her dress to make more room as she belched loudly. Aine then realized she had eaten two helpings already holding her belly stuffed with meat feeling weighed down. The fire dragon undid her pants to get comfortable moaning seeing her sister smirking. Then again Eira's belly was looking stuffed as well hearing her sister fart making her sigh at how slobby her once elegant sister was.

"Foods burp good right," Eira smirked poking her sister's bloated tummy.
"Yeah, it was burp really good. That stuff is dangerous for the waistline for sure. Better watch myself when I come visit you. Don't want to get fat," Aine sighed.
"True," Eira smirked patting her sister's belly more as Aine blushed.

Then everyone heard a ripping sound as Eira saw her dress had ripped on the side from her belly bloating too much. Aine smirked as she poked her sisters exposed proofing flesh while some of her white panties were showing as well as the ice princess wanted to melt away with Fern and Miles laughing.

"Like you can talk fatty," Aine giggled as Eira blushed.
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