The ice dragon becomes a snowball

Chapter 6

Later the two dragon sisters rested on the couch digesting their bloated tummies with Eira borrowing Miles red shirt and green pants as they fit well on her. Miles had put on some pounds as well but the fact that Eira was fitting into them told her she was now just as fat as the plush baker for better or worse. Infact the shirt was riding up a tad. After the girls took a nap with Fern rubbing Aines belly for a change while Miles rubbed Eira's the little elf girl was ready for bed yawning. Fern wanted Eira to read her a Christmas story before bed, so Aine decided to head home since it was getting late after feeling less sluggish.

"Goodbye sister, thanks for coming," Eira smiled hugging her sister tight.
"Of course, it was fun and now I understand why you wanted to stay. Miles and his daughter are so adorable, and they clearly make you happy. I'll tell dad you're extending your journey ok. Try to watch what you're eating while I'm away ok, I'll be back soon," Aine smiled.
"Ok, I'll try after the holidays," Eira stated.
"Right. Also, I see the way you look at that guy, you have a crush on him don't you," Aine smiled.
"I told you, it's not like that," Eira blushed.
"I didn't know you were into fat guys," Aine laughed as Eira sighed.
"Ok, enough out of you," Eira pouted as Aine hugged her back smirking.

Soon the fire dragon took off as Eira waved goodbye. After Miles smiled watching Fern cuddle next to Eira's gut as the dragoness read to her in bed. Before Fern could finish though the little girl was asleep as she smiled putting the covers over her. As she grunted getting up to her feet again, she made thumping sounds with her feet with the girl wondering when her footsteps had gotten so loud and noticeable. She sat on the couch again as Miles gave her some ice cream for dessert as she loved munching on it after dinner when she visited.

"So, my sister pointed out that I've gotten quite fat," Eira stated poking her own belly hang over her new pants. "Why didn't you let me know? You must have seen me porking up like a pig at some point."
"I didn't think telling a girl she's getting fat was a good idea. It led to some undesirable outcomes for me in the past," Miles blushed.
"I guess thats fair, you could have at least discouraged me or something," Eira sighed.
"Nah, I didn't want to ruin your fun. You looked so happy eating my food all the time. I like to feed people my food so I couldn't say no to you. I'm sorry I didn't do more to stop you," Miles sighed.
"No, this is my fault. Besides the offerings didn't help. I was oblivious to all this new fat on my figure, and it was right under my nose the whole time growing. Gosh I've become a pig. I should probably stop eating this ice cream for now," Eira smirked handing him the ice cream that was nearly empty anyway.
"Well, if it makes you feel better, I think even with your extra padding you still look beautiful," Miles stated as Eira's heart fluttered a bit.
"I couldn't look beautiful with this huge belly and my round physic. You're just saying that to make me feel better. I look silly compared to my slim figure I had when we met," Eira sighed holding the sides of her belly.
"No, I really mean it, you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen. Don't sell yourself short. I mean it snow princess," Miles smiled as he started rubbing her belly.
"More like snowball these days," Eira stated as she blushed.

Then she grabbed Mile's belly as well smiling.

"I think your pretty handsome yourself doughy prince even with your tummy," Eira giggled patting his belly.
"Yeah, you sure do like playing with my belly often," Miles smiled.
"Yeah, you put on some pounds too," Eira grinned digging her fingers into his gut more.
"True, too much sampling I guess, but now yours is as big as mine," Miles smirked patting her belly back.
"Yeah, now I'm starting to look like a doughy dragon from all those pastries. Well, I should be getting home, thanks for another great night," Eira smiled as she held her hands out as Miles knew she needed help getting up.

He helped her to her feet grunting at how heavy she was getting. Then as she waddled over, she saw something up on the door before going downstairs.

"Hey, what is that up there? I didn't notice that before," Eira wondered.
"It's mistletoe, I put it up recently. Your supposed to kiss someone you love under it apparently. I kiss Fern on the cheek everyday under it for good luck," Miles smiled.

Then Eira grinned as she got closer to Miles with their fat bellies touching as she embraced him with her thicker tail wagging a bit. He blushed that she was getting so close to his face. He could feel her breath on him as she blushed with her sharp teeth showing. Then Miles gasped as she kissed him on his lips making him stunned in shock. As they kissed Eira got lost with what felt like magic going through her heart as it raced. She started caressing the elf's belly while he held her wide hips with their bellies touching still. Soon she separated smiling at him as he was still stunned that had just happened.

"Wow, you just did that, wow," Miles said stunned.
"What, you said to kiss who you love under it right," Eira smirked.
"Sorry, I just didn't see that coming. You...have feelings for me? Me right," Miles stated.
"Yes, I do. Whenever your around you make me happy and my heart dances quite a bit," Eira grinned as she kissed him again.
"If I'm honest I feel the same about you too. But are you sure you like a fat elf baker like me, I'm sure you could do better," Miles stated.
"No, I can't. You're my close friend at this point, and I really love you for who you are. You're a caring father who's good at cooking. What more could I want? Can I see if there's more going on here/ Besides I could say the same for you, liking a snowball piggy dragon like me," Eira stated patting her own belly.
"Nah, I think you're an angel sent to make me happy. But I'm still afraid after all of my failed relationships. I don't want to let you down or anything," Miles sighed.
"It's ok. Will take it slow and test the waters ok. I wouldn't consider this if I didn't think there was something between us. Well besides our bellies," Eira smiled smirking at their guts kissing below as well.
"Alright, let's try this out and see if it works at least," Miles smiled as he kissed her more as they made out under the mistletoe.
"Is it just me or is it getting hotter in here than usual. I feel like I'm melting at this point," Eira blushed.
"Good, melt with me," Miles grinned as he kissed the overfed dragon girl as she spread her wings very happy letting out some burps as well.


6 months had passed since Eira and Miles confessed to each other about their feelings with Fern being very thrilled about it the next day. Eira was sleeping in her cave just remembering that magical night when she saw her sister behind her belly on her bed as she gasped a bit getting startled.

"Hey there sleepy head, you ready for more work outs today," Aine stated.
"Good, now do some pushups. You're looking more and more chunky by the day ever since you started dating Miles, now get on the ground," Aine yelled trying to imitate one of their teachers in dragon training.

Aine wasn't wrong about her sister as the ice dragon had begun to put on love pounds after getting with Mile's months ago. She weighed 292 pounds now making her very obese as she was really starting to resemble a snowball for sure. The white-haired girl sat up slowly, rolling over on her bed with her large gut sagging on her lap with it now looking like a true double belly. She remembered the days she could launch off a bed effortlessly, but those days were passed thanks to her heavy frame. Her breasts were also starting to sag as well along with her butt checks looking quite large barley fitting in her chair lately.

The dragoness's thighs were also starting to look very ladened with fat lately as she got too her chubby feet not able to see them over her belly and breasts. Her face had also gotten rounder and plusher with her second chin really growing in nicely. The ice dragon reluctantly got on the ground with her pale belly touching the floor even when she was holding herself up as she attempted to do a push up. She lowered herself just fine as her belly smushed into the ground, but when she tried raising herself back up, she gasped falling back down sighing from her weak flabby arms not able to lift her heavy frame.

"Really sister, you can't even do 1 push up. I remember you doing 35 in your training days," Aine sighed.
"I huh, know. I'm huh, so out of shape. I'm huh so heavy," Eira gasped rolling over like a starfish.
"Am I interrupting something?"

The sisters looked to see Cressida smirking at the ice dragon on the ground panting with her huge gut rising and falling with her breaths. Eira sighed seeing the blonde had actually lost some pounds over the year due to strict dieting as she was looking on the chubby side again wearing one of her older dresses once more. She still had some plump curves and a pot belly with some nice thick thighs, but it was better than her fat meaty self she was years ago. The conversation with Eira telling the plush elf to take responsibility really got to her as she doubled down on losing weight. The results were clear now losing 35 pounds from her over 200-pound frame making her around 170.

"Not really, just trying to get my fat sister into shape, she's really let herself go," Aine smirked stepping on her sister's belly as she blushed.
"Yeah, I can see she's really been enjoying herself, Cressida giggled poking the ice dragon's huge jelly belly.
"What do you want Cressida?" Eira blushed.
"I just came to give you more food for your offerings," Cressida smirked dropping a bag of food on the ice dragon's belly as she grunted from the bag landing on her.
"Why are the citizens giving her offerings anyway? She doesn't defend the town anymore since you guys built up a great defense around the town with walls and traps for the beasts," Aine wondered.
"Well, the citizens still love her, so they still give to her anyway. They see her as more of a good luck goddess these days and I want to make my contribution too," Cressida smirked.
"Or you want to make me fat," Eira sighed getting up slowly as she grunted.
"Correction, you are fat. Besides you're the one putting food in your mouth. Look at you blame me, you should take responsibilities for your actions, no. Now who's the fatty blaming others," Cressida laughed.
"She's got a point sister," Aine smirked.
"Yeah, I know," Eira blushed as she felt like melting away.
"Names Cressida, by the way good luck getting her into shape."
"Names Aine, your pretty chunky yourself though, so don't judge her too hard. Though you are kind of cute for an elf," Aine giggled as Cressida blushed.
"Well, thank you. Anyway, I'll be off," Cressida smirked.
"Hey, if you ever need a workout partner, you can ask me when I'm in town ok," Aine stated.
"Will do, thank you."

The blonde swayed her hips out of the cave winking at Aine as she smiled.

"Couldn't you have defended me a little more sister," Eira blushed.
"Hey, the rich girl is right, you have no one to blame but yourself for eating yourself fat. Now give me some laps," Aine smirked.

Eira ran around the cave or fast walked after a while panting as her belly and boobs jiggled with her steps. Aine watched eating some of Eira's offerings as she had made a habit out of doing this lately when she visited. Apparently, she was trying to leave her sister less food to gobble down. But Eira happened to notice her sisters abbs had vanished while a little belly was starting to form on Aine's waist. Seems all those meals with Miles while snacking on some offering had done some damage to her sister's athletic figure when she visited.

Looks like I'm not the only one eating too much, Eira thought panting as she smirked resting her hands on her knees.
"Alright, I'll be off for today, you really need to get into shape though sister. I'll be back in a few days ok, burp. Excuse me," Aine stated as she swayed her hips walking out.

Eira sighed as she sat in her chair panting with her hips wedged in her seat now. Then her belly rumbled as she used her ice magic to bring herself treats to her round face. She began eating her feelings out of frustration and knew this was bad for her waist, but she was too hungry to care.

"Gosh, this dragon's greed is annoying. I'm always hungry and lazy. It's making me fat," Eira sighed slapping her belly.

Then she remembered Miles's belly as she loved playing with it teasing him at times. She fondled with her own flabby belly as well as she began to feel weird while playing with it. She had to admit she loved Miles's belly so having one of her own was stimulating to say the least. While she knew it was wrong to have this jelly belly, a part of her liked it finding it comforting. It felt so wrong, but so right.

Then the ice dragon fondled her belly with her hands while continuing to eat her floating treats. Then she felt this urge and heat coming from below her belly as she panted. Soon one of her hands fell to her panties as she started playing with her fat pussy moaning feeling some wetness from her sweet spot. Eira felt this same excitement when she was around Miles at times blushing. Little did the dragon realize her dragon's greed was starting to expand to lust and pleasure making her horny when she ate.

"Oh, I used to be so slim and now I've gotten so big and fat. Why am I so excited when I play with my belly? Do I like this? Do I ah, want to make this belly bigger," Eira panted as she fondled her belly more until she felt something building from playing with her pussy.

She stuck her finger into her belly button as she moaned at how deep she could fit her plush digits. After some more fondling and stroking of her pussy she moaned cumming on the spot as her panties got soaked in her dripping juices.

"Ahhhhhhhhh, oh my. I really am a pervert. Playing with my belly and eating made me go into heat. Why is that exciting? What's going on with me? I'm turning into a naughty greedy pig who loves her belly. Why is this making me hungrier," Eira panted eating more food as she let out a huge fart.
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