The ice dragon becomes a snowball

Chapter 7

Eira was laying in her new ice chair after having to expand it due to her backside getting too large for her seat lately as she shoved more food into her mouth. Eira wasn't slowing down on her gain at all after 6 more months, in fact she was growing faster. You'd think after reaching 300 pounds Eira would try to slow down more on her eating, but she didn't with her weight 356 pounds just in time for Christmas. Though her weight was starting to catch up to her. She remembered fighting a flying Wyvern that threatened the town a week ago. She tried lifting herself in her dragon form only to get nowhere falling back to the ground instead panting.

She remembered looking at her huge blue belly dragging on the ground on all fours in shame with her chunky limbs after realizing she was too heavy to fly now a bloated parody of her former slender self. Eira blushed remembering her humiliation. So, she changed plans having to shoot the creature out of the sky instead with an icicle arrow piercing its wing as it fell next to her. Eira then sat on the monster with her huge butt until it suffocated to death winning the fight. Just remembering that made her blush as the dragoness grunted slowly getting up as she stood wanting to try flying again. The dragoness tried lifting herself off the ground again flapping her wings fiercely for her to only get a couple feet off the ground panting not getting anywhere. She tried to get herself higher, but the weight of her heavy body wasn't letting her rise any more.

All Eira was doing was making herself tired as she started gasping for air until her wings gave out dropping to the ground. When she landed, her belly jiggled on impact as she gasped for air wanting to sit again climbing into her chair to rest. The reason she was growing fat still was how hungry she was lately as her appetite just kept snowballing out of control like her own fattening figure. The other reason was she was melting a bit lately in heat as she grew hornier.

She would start eating and then find herself pleasuring her fat pussy while jiggling her fat belly liking it for sensual reasons. Infact she was starting to feel horny again after failing to fly as she started pleasuring her already wet pussy. Not being able to fly anymore should have been a wakeup call for the rounding dragoness, but instead it turned her on as she reached over her belly to finger her wet dragon clit making her moan as she ate more food. The larger she grew her belly, the harder it was to reach her pussy, but she didn't care at all as she cummed from being a fatty who couldn't get off the ground.

"Why does not being able to lift my heavy ass with my wings make me horny? What's wrong with me?" Eira stated blushing as she panted.

All she thought about was food and pleasure these days as the dragon's greed simplified her thought process a bit. She still read books, but was a bit distracted by food and her sexual needs as well. After changing her underwear having soaked it with her juices, she saw her sister walking in as Aine sighed looking her at fat pig of a sister. The once slender ice princess had really fallen from grace, now a fat rounding snowball as she watched her sister let out a huge belch. Her belly was getting very huge now sagging on her lap more as it stuck out further than her huge sagging G cup boobs.

The white-haired girl's rolls on the sides of her frame were also growing, out pacing her curves as her transition to a rounder shape was more noticeable. Even her back fat was looking very plush over her large panties. The ice dragon's once slender face was really getting quite round with her stuffed cheeks. The girl's double chin was also looking quite thick to go with her fat neck. Her arms had gotten so flabby compared to her more toned ones she used to have now looking very meaty with bingo wings hanging off them. Eira's hands had gotten plush now along with her feet looking bloated as well. Her calves were looking quite chunky as well looking as thick as her old slender self's full thighs with her actual upper legs looking as big as the girl's old slender middle.

Eira was truly turning into a fat glutton. Again, you'd think this would make her want to lose weight, but she just kept eating in her chair stuffing her belly nice and full in a trance. Aine had tried to help her sister lose or at least maintain her weight, but after a while she realized her sister was a lost cause. Aine had given up on keeping her sister thin a couple months ago seeing her sister just didn't seem to care how fat she was getting. There was just no stopping her gluttony and lazy nature working together to make her bigger.

Once she learned her sister couldn't fly the other day, she knew the dragon's greed was consuming her. She still wasn't as big as Lira when she first found her on the island, but it was only a madder of time till she grew that large at the rate she was eating. At first Aine felt like she had failed her not so little sister getting stressed about it. But then she realized something, Eira was actually happier now. Her sister was always lazy, but she never felt like she belonged back home. Now Aine felt as if this was where she belonged for sure and not just because of the cold climate.

She had never seen her sister grin so much and be more content. Having a town that loved her and a boyfriend that cared for her every need with Fern loving her to bits. In fact, Aine was happy for her, not to mention a little envious that her sister had so much now, minus the fat that packed on her frame. Not in a malicious way, she just kind of wanted what her sister had a bit. The ability to let herself go a bit and have someone pamper her. Then she shook her head realizing she was sounding like her sister and Lira. She was Aine the athletic fiery girl, but then why deep down was she envious of her sister who got to be so fat and lazy. She worked hard back home all the time, but secretly wondered what it would be like to be pampered. She started feeling this way after visiting Lira months ago.


2 months ago

Aine sighed as she landed outside the temple in the island's jungle. She looked inside to see her once athletic friend, once in great shape was now a huge fat blob sitting on the floor eating. The blonde dragon smiled putting more food into her 4 chinned face with her earth powers creating rock hands shoving food into her mouth. She was also fed by her 4-year lover named Liane who was a harpy. The green haired harpy fed her blonde colossal lover more with a fat gut of her own hanging over her underwear from being on this fattening island too long.

She remembered when Liane first came to this island all thin and petite and now, she had a fattened turkey look to her. Clearly, she cared for Lira though rubbing her huge lovers belly resting on the ground like a boulder in front of the blob dragon. She saw Lira's breasts were huge sagging on her belly's sides looking like udders now. The dragoness's arms looked very fat as they looked as large as Eira's fat waist with her hands looking so bloated with adipose. Her legs were huge tree trunks that carried so much fat attached to chunky feet that hadn't been used in years looking soft like a baby. Her butt was also huge having sat on it permanently years ago. Her tail also looked bloated compared to the slender tail she once had now resembling a huge log.

"Burrrpp, oh hey Aine. Nice to see burp you. Come in. How is everything?" Lira smiled eating more food as Laine kissed her lips feeding her more.
"I see your enjoying yourself despite your corpulent figure. I'm actually worried about my sister. She's starting to get big. If this continues, she'll...get...really um," Aine sighed.
"Become a huge blob like me, I see. You don't have to sugar coat it. I know how huge I've grown. I haven't walked in years," Lira giggled.
"Yes. No offense, but I don't want my sister getting as large and helpless as you. I mean she's my little sister after all, not my big one. I feel like I'm letting her down by not getting her into shape," Aine sighed.
"Well, is she happy?" Lira asked.
"She is, even though I've told her how fat she's getting, but she still eats and smiles only a bit embarrassed at times. I don't get it," Aine sighed.
"Well, it doesn't sound like it's making her miserable so I think you should just let her be. Your sister was always kind of lazy, maybe this was bound to happen at some point. It's not your fault," Lira smirked.
"Is she really ok though?" Aine stated.
"Yes, she sounds like how I used to be. When I first started getting fat, I wasn't so sure about it. Then as I grew larger, I realized I loved to eat and be pampered. It's so nice and relaxing thanks to my lover," Lira smiled as Liane kissed her fat cheek. "Your sister seems to like it too and has a lover as well. I think this is more than the dragon's greed. I think deep down she wants to be a pampered fat dragon," Lira stated as she let out a huge fart.
"How can you and my sister want to be fat? I don't get it, but if thats what my sister wants she can make her own choices I guess," Aine sighed.
"Maybe you should learn to let go as well."
"No way," Aine stated.
"It's really fun, I promise," Lira grinned.
"Yeah, no way I'm not getting fat, you blob," Aine pouted as Lira grinned.
"Really, then why is there a little belly growing on your waist," Lira smirked as Aine blushed covering up her new budding tummy.


Aine sighed looking at her sister eating still as she then looked down at her own pot belly grimacing. Originally the fire dragon was coming to help her sister lose weight, but now she was coming just to visit her sister which involved eating as activities. At first Aine was blind to her new chunky figure, but then one day her pants wouldn't close as she realized looking at her reflection, she had put on weight. This shouldn't have surprised her too much since she was eating more often with her sister and with her friends. On top of eating with Cressida in her mansion lately. Not to mention she was coming to visit more often now with her flying not being as smooth as she got tired after a while. The dragoness didn't have to come so much, but she was starting to crave the food over in this town and it was showing on her wide hips.

The black-haired ponytailed girl's belly was peeking over her new larger skirt she had borrowed from her sister with her blouse riding up her tummy a bit. Her once proud midsection with abbs were now atrophied into having a chubby pooch and love handles forming a sizable muffin top. Aine's chunky butt looked packed in her skirt with her thick meaty thighs looking soft in her boots. Her arms once so toned and muscular had become flabby and weak looking next to her larger E cup breasts. She also had a bit of a double chin forming below her jaw with her face softening slightly. The once athletic dragon had become chubby now. She would have blamed her sister for rubbing off on her, but she knew this was her own fault just like her own sisters for getting so fat and greedy. Again, for some reason Aine was envious of her sister looking at her pigging out like a slob filling her belly.

"Gosh, sister. How can you eat more knowing your turning into a fat piggy," Aine sighed poking Eira's belly.
"Honestly I don't know, I just like eating," Eira shrugged.
"Right well there's no point in telling you to lose weight since we know thats not happening. It's almost like you enjoy being a fatty," Aine stated making Eira perk up blushing.
"I'm not sure about that. Hey sister, you ready for the winter Christmas eve festival tonight?" Eira smiled trying to change the subject.
"Sure am, but I need to watch what I eat tonight. I really need to lose some weight, I'm starting to get fat like you, Aine sighed patting her pot belly.
"I might be a bad influence on you, sorry," Eira giggled.
"No, this is my fault, I need to start exercising and eating better after the holidays," Aine stated.
"Weren't you here to help me do that," Eira smirked.
"Yeah, well, now I have to fix my own waist," Aine pouted.
"Thats fair. Also, Miles is playing Santa too for the orphanage kids coming to visit. It's going to be so fun," Eira smiled eating more as she farted.
"Thats nice," Aine smiled.
"Sounds like fun."

Aine smiled seeing Cressida walk in grinning wearing a red dress in heels under her coat. The blonde had lost even more weight as of lately really sticking to her plan to lose her pounds. Now she only looked a tad plump going down to 148 pounds with a little belly pooch with some supple curves. She gave Eira her goodie bag as the white-haired girl took it reluctantly knowing what Cressida's intentions were but was too hungry to care. Then again, she wondered if she was trying to fatten her sister as well from the way the blonde elf patted her sister's pot belly while giving her treats too.

Aine had started hanging out with Cressida at first to help the blonde lose weight along with her sister but soon Aine was working out less. As the black-haired girl grew heavier from eating more food, she began to get laxed with her exercises too and now she barely went for runs anymore. When the girl did run her belly and boobs would jiggle as she panted a bit, clearly out of shape. At the start Cressida was slower than Aine, but over the months the blonde was now more in shape and faster than the once muscular dragon girl turned chunky.

"Thanks for the treats, but I need to slow down lately. I'm starting to get a bit chunky," Aine sighed patting her tummy.
"Come on live a little, it's the holidays right, you can always lose the weight later," Cressida stated.
"Well, I guess I could wait till Christmas is over," Aine smiled eating her pastries.
"Thats the spirit."

Cressida smirked as she was trying to make the blonde fat at first get some friendly revenge for her teasing and even now it kept her motivated to get thin again. However, when she saw Aine had begun to get a soft belly as well over the months the elf began giving her treats after their workouts. Cressida remembered when she was the one panting with her chubby belly jiggling after running for too long, but now it was Aine panting instead from getting so chubby. She had no intention of fattening Aine, but she didn't discourage her either. The blonde elf actually liked the fire dragon's company quite a bit. Infact if she didn't know better, she had a crush on the chubby flame dragon making her blush thinking about it.

"Watch out sister, she's trying to make us fat and turn us into pigs," Eira pouted.
"Nonsense, you make me sound like a witch. I'm just trying to make sure you get your fill for the holidays," Cressida smiled.
"Yeah, sure," Eira sighed eating more of the treats.
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