The ice dragon becomes a snowball

Chapter 8

Pretty soon Cressida was off hugging Aine telling to meet her at the festival tonight. Later Eira got ready getting on her huge red dress as it hugged her tight figure well with white stockings underneath on her legs. She had a hard time zipping the dress under her wings though since her arms were so inflexible as they grew fatter with Aine helping her sister zip up. Soon the sisters were at the festival with Miles smiling waving her over holding Fern's hand. She looked around to see many fun activities to do from eating to snowman building contests. As Eira approached Fern hugged the ice dragon's huge belly.

"Come on Eira, let's go ice skating," Fern grinned.
"Of course, let's go," Eira smiled.

Eira waved to her sister as Cressida came over in her dress once more smiling as she held the dragon's hand.

"Come let's get some food in that belly," Cressida smirked.
"Yeah, I am rather hungry," Aine blushed holding her chubby belly as Cressida smirked.

Soon Eira was on the ice as Fern held her hand along with Miles as she laughed really getting into it. Then Miles saw Eira panting a bit as he figured she was tired from moving around so much on her ice made skates. Soon Eira sat down gasping a bit as Miles brought her food for her to eat as Eira lit up. After she caught her breath they went around trying out different stands till Eira was feeling full. The girl sat down again rubbing her bloated tummy as Aine sat next to her sighing holding a bloated belly as well belching. Eira was surprised her sister had eaten so much grinning.

"Geez sister at the rate you're eating you'll never get your abbs back," Eira smirked poking Aine's stuffed belly making her burp again.
"Burp, shut up. Like you can talk fatty. At the rate you're growing you'll never see your feet again," Aine blushed jabbing her sister's belly back.
"What happened to watching what you eat, huh sister? You better be careful or else you'll get as big as me," Eira smirked.
"Nonsense, this is just a setback. After the holidays, I'll be fit again in no time," Aine sighed.
"Or the dragon's curse is claiming another piggy," Eira smirked.
"I'm not that greedy."

Then the girls heard a popping sound as they looked to see Aine's pants button had blown off leaving her flaps open for her belly now resting on her thighs slightly. Aine was red in the face as Eira giggled with Fern.

"What's wrong sister? Outgrowing my old clothes already," Eira laughed.

Aine went to get up only for her to fall back down wincing as the bottom button on her blouse then popped off too revealing some pale flesh peeking over her open skirt.

"Need some help there," Eira smirked as Aine blushed.
"Yeah," Aine said turning red as she was helped up by Eira and Cressida.
"I'll take her home so she can get new clothes," Cressida smiled patting Aine's love handle.
"Yeah, she needs them for sure," Eira smirked.
"Come now, you are bursting out of your clothes, let me get you some new ones," Cressida giggled holding Aine's hand back to her mansion.

Eira smirked never thinking she'd see the day her once athletic sister waddling away with a bloated belly while her pants were undone.


Aine waddled into the mansion as she walked up the stairs panting a bit from the climb. Then she went into Cressida's room sitting her chunky butt on the bed rubbing her belly breathing heavily.

The blonde walked in giving the dragoness a green dress from when she was chubby as the dragoness put it on looking quite elegant than usual as Cressida thought she looked cute.

"Cressida, I think I have a problem with my weight lately. I hope I don't have the dragon's greed or something. I'm getting so gluttonous lately," Aine sighed.
"I think your just getting used to our food and town is all and you're putting on some happy pounds. It's ok," Cressida stated patting her shoulder.
"Doesn't change the fact that I've let myself go. My abbs and toned muscles are gone. Now I look so weak and flabby with a chunky pooch. It's embarrassing. I'm turning into my fat sister, but it's not bothering me as much as it should. It's weird because oddly enough I kind of like it."
"You like being fat?" Cressida asked smirking.
"It's from watching my sister. The way she just gets to eat whatever she wants being pampered getting fat not caring about anything else. I wish I could do that, which is weird considering I've always been one to work out and keep busy. For some reason, I want to be spoiled for a change. I know it's made her really fat, but it doesn't keep me from wanting that. Am I selfish or mean for wanting what my sister has," Aine blushed.
"Not at all. I think you should loosen up once in a while; I think you deserve it," Cressida smiled.
"Maybe it wouldn't hurt to let go a bit," Aine stated holding her belly.

Then Cressida got close rubbing her belly with Aine getting near her face breathing heavily. Cressida then kissed her on the lips as Aine got lost in a trance from how nice their connection felt. Cressida smiled as she feed some chocolate to Aine pushing her on the bed getting on top making out with her chubby dragoness. Aine was powerless to stop her as her heart had melted in bliss as she was fed more candy into her already full tummy with the elf's small belly touching hers. She was also getting really horny getting kissed with Cressida rubbing her full belly.

"Cressida, you like me even though I'm a flabby pig," Aine blushed.
"I do, you're such a cute girl that deserves everything. How about I spoil you rotten, that way you can get to feel what it's like to be a pampered princess. How about it?" Cressida smirked kissing her again.
"If you spoil me too much, I'll get really fat," Aine sighed.
"Then I'll spoil you till your satisfied, when you want to stop when you've had enough fun you can lose the weight ok," Cressida smiled as she rubbed her lovers belly kissing her more as Aine smiled.
"Deal, burrp." Aine grinned eating more food as they made out more on the bed.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 months , updated 5 months
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