The ice dragon becomes a snowball

Chapter 10

5 years later

Miles woke up on Christmas morning yawning as the first thing he saw was his belly blocking his view. He looked next to him to see a huge belly much larger than his rising up and down hearing loud snoring coming from his huge sleeping wife. He smiled looking over to see her 3 chinned jowl like face snoring away with her now short white hair framing her cherubic look. He slowly rolls over to put his head on her huge sagging belly resting on the mattress between her huge legs as he hears it gurgling quite a lot clearly wanting to be fed.

Miles saw his wife's breasts in her huge blue bra sagging over on the sides of her boulder gut looking more like udders these days. He saw her wide hips resting below along with her sagging huge butt taking up most of the king-sized bed as he realized they might need a bigger bed soon. He noticed her fatty arms that looked hard to lift laying at her sides with her plump hands resting on her rolls. The ring he had given her years ago had also grown too fat for her fingers having to get it resized soon. Her bloated feet were also looking quite soft as she wasn't using them as often lately as walking was tiring for her. Gone was the slender snowflake at 158 pounds he first met and now laid a 612-pound fat snowball dragoness wife.

He got up to make breakfast for his love as he saw Fern was still asleep sleeping in more since she was teenager now. He started making breakfast for Eira and then brought in pancakes with the smell stirring the flabby rotund girl awake as she smiled.

"Good morning, I see you've brought me breakfast burp already," Eira smiled rubbing her gurgling belly.
"Geez, you're already burping, and you haven't even eaten yet," Miles smirked feeding her a bite of pancakes with syrup on it.
"Must be from last night. I thought we were limiting my diet lately. Not that I'm complaining," Eira smirked as she opened her mouth taking more bites grinning.
"True, but it's Christmas so I'll be more relaxed with you. We started that diet so you wouldn't get too big, want to make sure you can walk still," Miles stated.
"Yeah, I've only gained 42 pounds from this year so thats good. Being pregnant made me really fat years ago after the wedding," Eira blushed.
"I know you gained 87 pounds in 9 months; you were an eating machine my piggy," Miles smirked.
"Not like you didn't gain any pounds either," Eira grinned patting Miles's fat gut on his 394-pound frame.

He remembered that day when it was time for Eira to lay her egg visibly fatter all over making a safe delivery. Over the years she kept gaining more weight after their wedding. While Miles liked her fat, he didn't want her to end up immobile like Aine told him would happen if the dragon's greed had its way with her. He wanted her to at least be able to be their for her daughters.

Eira was stubborn about dieting at first but when things started getting harder for her like walking and bending, she began to see what he was saying trying to slow down her intake. So, after some dieting her weight gain began too slow down quite a bit. At this rate her weight was looking to stabilize and then maybe she could lose some weight just so she wasn't too big. Eira still loved to be a fat spoiled pig dragon most of the time, but her motherly instincts were slowly starting to overpower her dragon's greed as she did what was best for her daughters.

After 30 pancakes went into Eira's belly Miles saw Eira tear his underwear down bringing out his member as Miles smirked with Eira grinning. Miles hadn't seen his cock in years, but he found his mark slapping it on her tummy caressing her huge belly kissing her lips as he fed her more food. Then again Eira hadn't seen her pussy in years either. As Eira grew to be a huge blob of snow dragon while Miles put on more weight himself, he soon couldn't reach her pussy as they ran out of sex positions as they both grew larger.

Unless she was on her knees taking it from behind, he couldn't reach. Not to mention they had both grown too fat to pleasure themselves with their huge bellies in the way. Infact they were getting too fat to do a lot of things like bending to put on boots or touch their own belly buttons. Then he thought of the other way to pleasure his dragon wife lately as he put his cock into her navel as it fit now from growing so deep and wide with Miles starting to hump her belly.

He started thrusting into her belly navel as she moaned with the lower belly hitting her fat fupa as she squealed like a piggy. As he humped her belly the dragoness's body jiggled along with his as she cued getting horny from their belly sex. It didn't take long for Miles to erupt his seed into her naval as it dripped down her huge belly with Eira moaning. She cummed as well from just her belly shaking with a loud fart coming from her huge backside. After Miles cleaned her belly up, he got her to her feet as the dragoness couldn't get herself up on her own anymore without help. She had gotten too heavy to stand up on her own now. Standing up her belly rested on her knees sagging as it covered her underwear completely as she jiggled with every step.

Soon she waddled outside after changing her huge underwear while Miles helped her put on a huge white dress to cover her huge frame. As she took her steps, she heard loud thumps sounds with the tables shaking a bit with her heavy steps making her embarrassed a tad. They had years ago changed the upstairs part of the bakery to downstairs just so his wife didn't have to climb stairs anymore seeing her weight rising for sure in the future. She had moved in after they got married with her cave only being visited once in a while.

He also got the doors widened since she was starting to get wedged into tight spaces. She walked out to see Fern was already opening her presents helping her now little dragon sister Elea open her gifts too. The little dragon girl was still 4 with her little wings flapping as she hugged Eira's belly laughing. Fern was now 14 and was starting to get older, but the black-haired elf was still loving to her parents and her little sister. Fern went to hug Eira's belly as well as she beamed feeling safe with her mother.

Then they heard a knock at the door as Fern opened it to see Aine in a red dress smiling at the entrance of the bakery with Cressida behind her. Aine was once an athletic spunky dragon that was a role model for most, but nowadays she was quite the opposite. The huge blob of a dragoness waddled in weighing at 587 pounds. While Eira was gaining a good amount of weight over the years Aine was catching up to her sister fast after opening up about her feelings with Cressida. The black-haired dragoness decided to live in Cressida's mansion getting pampered like a queen everyday with the blonde elf happy to help her out. Aine also never had enough of her pampering like they agreed which led to her growing quite large.

She realized that night she wanted to be pampered. She didn't care about how fat she got wanting to be like her sister and Lira deep down, which is what she did until she couldn't fly anymore. Now she was a heavy blob like her sister as she waddled jiggling with her loud heavy steps. From her bloated 4 chinned face, her huge apron boulder jelly belly, to her fat huge legs she used to walk with the once athletic girl was unrecognizable even more so than Eira at her slim glory days. If you told anyone this fire dragon used to be a slim muscular girl, they would laugh looking at her panting from just walking.

"Hey there sister, your certainly looking tired today sit down," Eira smiled as her belly touched her sister's gut as she tried to hug her but only could pat her belly.

There huge bellies touching between the sisters were too big for a hug these days.

"That, huh, sounds good. Merry Christmas by the way, huh. My legs are killing me, huh today," Aine gasped as she collapsed on the couch taking up 2/3's of the seat.
"Geez, sister your looking huge. Careful, or else you might be the fatter one soon," Eira smirked poking her sister's belly.
"Yeah, I'll be the big sister again. I need to really start dieting like you sister," Aine blushed as Cressida patted her belly sitting next to her.

"Yeah, she eats really well these days. Before she came here, I fed her breakfast claiming she was going to have 2nd breakfast here. You're such a fat piggy these days aren't you. Careful or else you can kiss your walking days goodbye," Cressida grinned kissing her lover.
"It's your fault I grew to be this big, you spoiled me too much," Aine blushed.
"Aw, looks like my fatty's blaming others for her greedy appetite. Besides you wanted to be pampered remember," Cressida smirked poking her huge gut.
"True, also I see your starting to join in on the fun too," Aine smirked poking Cressida's midsection as the blonde was blushing at her new gut being fondled.

While Aine did most of the eating, Cressida had also done some heavy eating herself over the years. Watching her lover pig out had made her hungry as well which led to eating till she was stuffed at times. She was still a spoiled brat deep down, so it didn't take much to break her resolve since her revenge against Eira was over and nonexistent. It made her feel empty and needing to be filled again as she chose food to fill the void. As Aine grew larger Cressida grew alongside her as her soft small starter pooch grew into a pot belly and then became a huge gut like the good old days.

Which lead to her growing even larger rebounding on her weight loss at 250 pounds. She also had large plush curves to go with creamy fat thighs as well along with a double chinned round face starting to grow bloated. Then again, a lot of the citizens these days where fat or chubby now thanks to the monsters not bothering the village thanks to the improved defenses making them relax more. A guy or girl with pot bellies and guts wasn't unusual these days resting over their pants.

"I haven't put on that much weight," Cressida blushed.
"True, but you're looking like your old self again and more. Looks like this families rubbing off on you it seems," Eira smirked as the blonde elf pouted.
"I agree, you're a spoiled greedy brat at heart after all," Miles smirked patting her belly.
"Well, at least I'm small compared to all you piggies," Cressida said red in the face.
"Thats fair, we are pretty big, but I think you look cute," Aine smirked kissing her lover caressing her small gut comparing it to the fire dragon's greedy huge disposer tank as Cressida smiled kissing her fat whale of a dragon.

Soon it was time to eat as Miles and Cressida helped their huge dragon lovers to their feet to eat at the table. They both needed two seats with their bellies sagging on the table as they gobbled up their food smiling as Miles ate well too along with Cressida stuffing herself silly as well without realizing it. Fern smiled feeding her little dragon sister as she looked at her own soft midsection comparing it to her mother's huge gut.

Hm, I wonder what it would be like to have a belly, Fern thought grinning as she ate a lot as well.

Soon everyone at the table was stuffed as the dragon sisters let out huge belches along with some farts as well. Cressida burped as well holding her stuffed belly as her skirt button popped off making her blush as Aine teased her packed belly smirking. Fern held her full belly as well smiling. She was once an orphan who barley had food, but now she was well fed. The teenage elf was surrounded by a big family including her loving plump father along with her dragon snowball mother who couldn't be happier being a part of this large family on this Christmas morning.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 months , updated 5 months
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