The soccer emily is slowly

Chapter 1


This story is about Emily, a 23-year-old girl with hazel brown hair and a shapely, beautifully flat belly (5.4 118lbs). This girl just finished school and moved to a city 12 km away from her parents (20 minutes by car). He has been playing soccer ⚽️since elementary school and always in the same team (in his hometown). Emily was an attacking midfielder (CAM) most of the time.


Emily&apo s;s soccer practice has started, her first practice is tomorrow (Wednesday). The girls are probably out of shape like Emily, Emily started the summer at 118 pounds but since then has gained at least fifteen pounds and hasn't played soccer in a month and a half. Emily is 135lbs and 5.4 and picked up a round belly over the summer as she was out of shape. Emily's teammates gained less weight because they went to the gym once a week to train, which every team member has to do, but Emily always hung around. Emily's soccer gear was too tight, so she didn't want to go and burn herself, but she went in the end. In the gym there is a candy machine with cookies, gummies and chocolates. Emily bought a whole bar of chocolate, which she ate half of before training, but she was still sick throughout the training, very slow and weak compared to the others. They won the previous season, in which Emily was one of the most outstanding, but now after the break she has become one of the worst. Emily didn't feel lame, she still spoke with her big mouth to the one who made a mistake, it's quite an unsportsmanlike move from the girl. Recently, Emily missed a couple of training sessions and instead sat at home and watched series, but when she was bored, she always munched on something.

First game of the season:

In the fall before the first match, Emily was no longer terribly bad, but she still thought she was the best, and she was nowhere near that. The coach didn't put him in the starting line-up, which Emily was very surprised about. The match was a home match, Emily saw a chocolate in the locker room with one of her teammates' belongings and stole it, Emily ate the whole chocolate at once because she didn't want it to fall down. Emily sat on the bench with the lamest ones, the game started. The team played very well, quickly took the lead and scored another goal. at the end, the referee blew the whistle for the first half and everyone went into the dressing room. The coach didn't plan to replace Emily yet because she was very grumpy, then in the 67th minute he replaced her as a defender (not her own position). In the 78th minute, the opponent came with a corner kick, Emily tried to head it but failed because it slipped on her head and slid into the goal 2:1 Emily headed her own goal. Then in the 80th minute, Emily loses the ball in front of the goal and they equalize. Emily is scolded a lot by her teammates from the coach's bench. In the 89th minute, Emily gets to the opponent's goal and gets lost and falls, but the opponent starts a counterattack, Emily is slow and does not get back, the opponent goes empty-handed to the goal and scores a goal and they lose. Emily was yelled at by the coach and got into such a fight with one of the girls that they fought and Emily was beaten by the girl. Emily went home crying, she was very sad and the beating hurt her. While the other girl was beating her, her belly was soaked through her clothes and swollen, they laughed at her. He went home and ate chocolate in bed, stuffing himself in his sadness until he felt sick and his stomach hurt and his clothes tightened, then he fell asleep.

Taco worship

Emily hasn't been training lately, but she was
a restaurant (Nachos Restaurant)
the consumption of which has become his hobby. He was there and ate almost every day, eating became a kind of relaxation for him, he completely turned off negative emotions and thoughts. Her coach didn't even invite her to the bench, she looked at Emily as if she didn't exist, her teammates (former teammates) looked at her the same way. By the end of September, Emily was 138 pounds, luckily her weight gain had slowed down and she was eating a lot.

I hope you like the story
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