A pig to play with

Chapter 2

Julian this time woke up by himself. The room was bright like the night prior and he looked up, and this time saw the masked figures again. He thought to himself that whatever happened last night was going to happen again and he braced himself. The woman from this morning came into the room, wearing that same sexy body suit. Julian kept his eyes locked on the woman, who didn't say a word this time. Right away she got to business and brought over to Julian a pie. She took a slice in her hand and forced it to Julians mouth. "Eat" said the woman with a cold voice. Julian ate slice after slice and was making a mess. The woman didn't care for the mess and just grabbed another pie to stuff Julian with. Julian ate and ate, with the woman showing no signs of slowing down her rate of feeding. After the third pie, Julian passed out. The last time he saw were the figures applauding as the woman took a bow. The next morning Julian woke up. He didn't smell any food and no one was in the room. During this moment of being awake and by himself, Julian tried thinking of where he was and why he was being fed so much. Julian started to scream for help and then he heard footsteps. "No ones going to come and help you." "No one knows where you are and I bet no one cares." the voice was that of the lady who fed Julian. She came into his line of sight. "You see pig, we kidnapped you and that means your ours now" Julian was silent and stayed silent as the lady started to speak to him about the situation he found himself in. "We are a secret society of people who marvel obesity and gluttony. We enjoy seeing pigs of men or woman eat and eat and eat. We enjoy seeing them get fatter and fatter too; so fat that it's even questionable how they got so fat" the lady traced her fingers over Julians red stretch marks as she spoke. "And guess what, you're out latest pig. I'm going to feed you and play with your fat, disfigured body every night for who knows how long. And each day you'll get fatter and each night I'll feed you even more" Julians eyes bulged out at this revelation. He tried to speak but the woman brought a funnel to his mouth once more. "Don't bother talking. Actually, don't bother doing anything at all. Just worry about eating" said the woman with a devilish smile as she brought a pitcher with weight gain shake to the funnel. "Just enjoy the ride, you filthy pig." And with that the funnel was filled with the liquid and Julian realized that this is his new life as his stomach was being mercilessly filled with weight gain shake.

3 years have passed. 3 long years, for Julian, has passed since he was kidnapped from his little apartment by the amazingly gorgeous mistress. The same mistress that has been stuffing him with relentlessly with fattening food and shakes each day for her own enjoyment and the enjoyment of others. Today, Julian rests on the same metallic slab he's been laying on. Weighing somewhere around 1,201-1,400. The scale stopped functioning after he passed 1,200, which was a few months ago and ever since his weight has been a mystery. Nevertheless, Julian was still a fat blob. His fat filled body was spilling over the metallic slab he laid on. His sides and love-handles were hanging off of the slab, his belly, if you can even call it a "belly" anymore, has stretched so far that he can feel it on his ankles. His arms stuck out due to his fat and he was unable to use them. Poor Julian wasn't even able the sausages he had on his hands that were once fingers. Julians chest was just another mound of fat that had huge, sagging tits that wrapped around his back, and were so streched out that his nipples lost all definition and just looked like a pink colored pancake surrounded by his pale fat. His body had lost all definition and distinguishability, even his face. Chins were hanging off of his chubby face. Food would often roll down his many chins and get stuck. His poor face has being squished by his fat. Chubby cheeks that looked like they housed 3 whole apples, which caused his mouth to pucker and his eyes to squint. This was Julian, and to describe him in 7 words, he looked like a mound of fat covered in stretch marks.

Julian woke up and was starving, which was nothing unusual. His mistress walked in the room with a cart loaded with fattening, greasy food. The mistress got to feeding Julian and this was like any other day, or so he thought.

"You know, pig, you're body isn't going to be able to keep this up for much longer" said his mistress as she feed him his usual pound of bacon with mayo. "You're lungs are suffocating under all this, your bones are in constant pain I imagine and in no time, you'll little heart will give out." Julian kept greedily eating like the trained hog he was, despite being told that he can die at any moment. "But we're kind people here and instead of drawing out the inevitable, we're going to stuff you to the max tonight and finally let you cum after so long. Then either your stomach or heart is going to burst or maybe both!" said the mistress in a gleeful manner. "And then it'll be bye-bye piggy." the mistress whispered in Julians ear as she pinched his nipples. "You're all done!" said the mistress as Julian ate the last of the bacon and with that ended his huge breakfast. "There won't be any lunch today, so you'll go starving for a bit. But I promise I'll make it up to you tonight." With that, the mistress left Julian stuffed like usual and left him to his thoughts of what will happen to him tonight.

Julian woke up from his usual after breakfast nap. As he woke up, his stomach rumbled. He waited in the room awaiting for his sexy mistress to walk in with food for him to eat. He was able to hear his stomach rumble past his usual labored wheezing and thought why was it taking so long for her to come. Then it hit him, what she said to him during breakfast. Julians heart rate started raising, sweat poured from his forehead and his breathing got shallow as he realized that he was going to die tonight. Julian tried to thrash in panic, but was only able to move his pudding-like body, which only caused him to get exhausted, sweat more and wheeze harder for breathe. As Julian laid there, starving and his stomach rumbling, he knew that there was nothing he could do. His mistress was going to walk in tonight and feed him to death while the figures who've observed his gaining for the past 3 years would be witness to his death. Julian closed his eyes and feel asleep.

Julian awoke once more and for the last time. As his senses came to, he smelled a mouth watering aroma. His stomach rumbled louder begging for the delicious smell to fill up his stomach. Julian wasn't used to going this long without food. Tears started to fall from his eyes as he was whimpering for food. Going this long without food was torture for Julian, not like the torture his mistress would put him through with the whips and clamps though. "Well pig, this is it" said the mistress as she came up to Julians field of vision, wearing the same latex catsuit she wore during his nightly feedings. The lights turned on in the room as the show was ready to start. The figures in masks were anxiously viewing from up top. "Open up, you pathetic hog" said the mistress with a cold, hard voice which Julian had never heard before. However, that didn't stop Julian from opening his fat mouth and eat the greasy slice of pizza his mistress had brought to his mouth.

Julian ate slice after slice. As he chewed, bits of pizza would come out of his mouth. Grease and saliva would drip from his mouth and roll down his many chins. Julian was never a neat eater and the last three years have only made that worse. Two large meat lovers pizza down and it was time the entrée. The mistress placed a huge mixing bowl filled with mashed potatoes combined with gravy, melted butter and chunks of bacon. The heaping, calorie bomb bowl added too much weight on Julians chest that he began gasping and wheezing for breath. The mistress and the figures above laughed at this display: a huge blob of fat, gasping for breath. After letting the blob struggle for breath, the mistress tipped the bowl towards the blobs gapping mouth and let the slop pour in. Julian began eating and eating the food, to everyones entertainment except his. As the mistress tipped the food into Julians mouth, she fondled his tits. This turned on the poor fat boy and made him eat more. The mistress kept fondling the poor boys tits and then moved on to place the usual clamps on them. This always caused the blob to moan in euphoric pain. "Keep eating, hog" said the mistress as she pulled on the nipple clamps. Julian was able to get a moan out of his mouth despite the constant pour of calories. Julian was able to finally finish the whole 5lbs of the mashed potato onslaught, however it left him full, but not painfully stuffed like he used to, so he knew he had more eating to do. Next up was dessert: a cake in the shape of a cartoon pigs face. The mistress tore into the cake and started mercilessly shoving chunks of it into Julian. Julian, being conditioned to this, just slipped into his usual routine: chew, chew, swallow, chew, chew, swallow and forget about how full he is. As the mistress kept feeding the fat boy, she rubbed her free hand all over his expansive girth. She was taking in his size as much as she could. To her, his size was a size she missed so much. Each time it was her turn to grow a pig, she dream of her pig reaching this size. Some would kick the bucket before they came close and others would exceed her expectations; Julian was one of those who had exceeded her expectations. As she feed him the cake, she loved the way he would eat. He would lazily open his mouth and chew to then struggle to swallow. The way he didn't care how full he was turned her on. And the way he ate the cake, saliva dribbling out his mouth and icing and crumbs covering his mouth, cheeks and chins, just showed her how much of a pig he really was. "Just one last slice" cooed the mistress as she brought the last piece of cake to the blobs lips. He opened his mouth and she shoved the whole thing in. The blob did what he does best and ate the final piece of cake.

As the blob finished his three-course meal, the mistress and the masked figures took one good look at him: crumbs, icing, gravy, grease and butter basically covering the blobs face. He was wheezing and sweating. Eating so much was like an exercise for him. It left him drained and ready to fall asleep. But that wasn't going to happen.

The mistress left the room and left the blob alone to try and fight to stay conscious. Moments later she came back wheeling in a machine and a few other goodies. The machine she brought was a heart rate monitor. She placed the electrodes all over the sea of fat that is the blobs chest. She turned on the machine and it started beeping; quickly and erratically. The mistress laughed at this as she thought that she didn't even get started. The next goodie the mistress brought was a vibrator. She took the vibrator and went spelunking. She lifted the blobs belly, which much struggle, which she enjoyed. She then went in search of the blobs hidden member deep inside his pubic fat. The air hitting his nether regions caused the blob to flinch a little. In the 3 years he was there, no one had gone towards that region. To the blob, he felt as if new parts of his body were being explored and with the sensitivity of his skin, he flinched and gasped, which caused his heart rate to increase. The mistress finally found what she was looking for; the whole where Julians poor little cock hid in. She slid turned the vibrator on and slid it in, which was easy due to the hole being lubricated by Julians pre-cum. The vibrator brought a new feeling to Julian which resulted in his face to turn red, his breathing to get harsher and the monitor to beep faster. As the mistress retreated from the pigs nether regions she picked up the last two goodies she brought, a funnel and a pitcher of melted butter. She opened the blobs messy mouth and forced the tube of the funnel in and straight to his stomach. The mistress then got out of her latex suit and was completely nude. She then went over to Julians line of sight and said "Hope you're hungry pig"

The mistress cautiously climbed up on the hog while holding the pitcher. Julian felt her naked body on him and as he was gazing at her smooth skin and beautiful figure, his member was stiffing up more. The mistress looked at the heart monitor and knew she had to work fast. She held the funnel high and tipped the pitcher full of butter in. The flow of butter went straight to the hogs stomach, which hit like a brick. Julian couldn't handle the butter, but he had no choice in the matter. As the butter poured in, the mistress began rubbing her crotch on Julians flat. Moans escaped she did so. The hog and getting more aroused as she rubber herself on him. Then it hit him; the butter, vibrator and the mistress on top of him was becoming too much. His heart rate was spiking and the monitor was going crazy. His stomach was beyond stuffed and yet still being filled with butter. The vibrator did it's job and kept his member stiff. The heart rate monitor was beeping like mad and this only made the mistress thrust herself onto the blob more. Her moans drowned out the blobs whimpers for help. As the last of the butter went down the funnel, she stared into the blobs eyes and saw the look she always saw in each of her pigs; the look of euphoric despair. The look of wanting more but knowing that more would be the end. And she stared deeply into the hogs eyes, his eyes watered and he shed tears of pain. The hog shot his load and with that his heart exploded. The orgasm and the already strain of being so obese was too much. The poor fat boy, at the age of 22 died of a heart attack. Although, not before the mistress moaned in ecstasy and had her juices cover Julians chest.

The mistress climbed off the hog and was applauded by the masked figures for providing them with an extraordinary finale. The mistress glanced back the lifeless pile of lard and began thinking of who her next pet would be.
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