Finally roommates

Chapter 2

Another week passes and he actually went to the gym again. Arriving at home he tells me that he was just as strong as two weeks ago and he does not fully understand why the shakes did not work any better. I tell him that if he goes to the gym only every second week then he probably also needs two shakes per day for the same effect. He is happy with this explanation and calmed by the fact that he was still able to lift more than before the move.

Noah then tells me that he really liked being able to lift more last time so he would like to bulk up just a little in order to continue this trend for a bit. I am more than happy to comply and add more protein sources to bigger portions for him. I also stock the apartment with "protein bars" (that were in fact just regular chocolate bars). He really was getting obsessed with those.

I make sure to cook him a particularly big and greasy dinner that night so he could "bulk up." After all the good food and dessert, he was too full to leave the apartment for the evening and find another girl. I went out to meet some friends. But when I got home early that morning, I was met with a sight I will never forget. Noah was lying naked and asleep on the couch, his still semi-erect, impressive penis and abs covered in cum. He really couldn't go a day without sex, or at least masturbation. It must have been intense if he passed out right afterward.

I'm really tempted to touch his pecs or his impressive penis, but I manage to hold myself back. Then I notice that the eight-pack has become a six-pack and that he looks a bit fuller overall. Now I really have to take care of my own member and figure out how to fatten him up even faster.

I'm adding a few new ingredients to his two daily shakes. The appetite-stimulating powder should definitely help. But an increased libido would not only give me more opportunities for eye candy, but might also keep him from going to the gym.

Two weeks later, his abs were now gone for good. He was walking around in a pair of jockstraps because of the hot weather and my plan seemed to work perfectly. Noah looked fatter all around. The few times he leaves the house is for a one-night stand, but he seems to be having less and less success with his new body. He tells me he has a lot to do this week and therefore can't go to the gym. And if he doesn't go for a third week, he might also need a third shake a day too. This surprised me, but I responded perfectly by telling him he probably needed to compensate a little for the last two weeks where he only had two a day when he should have had three. So we agreed that I would give him four shakes a day for the following week. I don't plan on cutting back on that amount anytime soon.

The following week is a delight. He gains weight by the day. Every day I would see a new roll here and there and the loss of definition is astonishing. The four shakes a day bring his appetite and libido into overdrive. He is eating the whole day and is convinced of his bulking. He is constantly hard and leaves for the bathroom to jerk off frequently.
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FTMfatty 2 days
Please keep going! Great start