Curiousity made them fat

Chapter 2

I started bringing a morning “smoothie” to go with the doughnuts. It was a smoothie but it had heavy cream in it as well. Just a little bit. I had done some research and was curious to see what would happen to him. When I just brought one he insisted we share it. I lied and said I had mine at home. He had shrugged and downed it along with the doughnuts. That was an extra 600 calories from the heavy cream alone. I was excited to see the results.

Birthday week at school was a week where a bunch of birthdays fell during the same week. But unfortunately or fortunately for the two of us every class that week had at least one birthday. So that meant cake for days in addition to his daily smoothie, doughnuts, and mcdonalds. That week alone was as if he had eaten five whole cakes, 36 cookies, a dozen cupcakes, a dozen brownies, five burritos, and eight pizzas. And that’s not including all the soda.

He had protested briefly against our daily meals during that week but I had insisted claiming to still be hungry. This meant I had to actually eat all three of my doughnuts instead of passing two of them onto his plate. It also meant I had to eat all of my food at McDonald’s instead of stopping midway and pushing more on him. So for me it was a week of constantly having to unbutton my jeans and then food comas and getting high so I could still choke down dinner.

It didn’t help that we were sent home with the leftovers. I mean I had asked for them. I had also convinced him that it would be fun to make all the goodies into sundaes and use the other food as free meals while high. Also had convinced him that it provided him with the opportunity to win some money off me. So I coerced him many times while high into eating competitions, and of course I lost on purpose by casually pushing more his way so it looked like I was ahead.

By the end of the week it was showing. His jeans were so tight on him. His capacity had grown too. He downed the smoothie in one go. He had asked if I was going to finish my doughnuts so I gladly gave him all three. So before 8am he had already eaten six doughnuts and that smoothie. He also claimed to still be hungry. And at McDonald’s he took some of my food.

1200 calories of heavy cream in that smoothie slowly bloated his soft middle. It oozed over his waistband forming a nice soft roll. Six doughnuts passed through his lips as I watched the seatbelt dig in slightly. I had bought nine this time thinking he might take mine. But I had been so fascinated that I had already eaten mine. My stomach hurt.
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FTMfatty 2 months
Looking forward to more!