Curiousity made them fat

Chapter 3

My jeans dug in tight during dinner. I still ate way past my limit. Much more than I normally did. I had no idea why I did it. And I still have no idea why I did what I did after dinner. I went back to the drive thru. I pigged out in the car. I had gotten the amount he typically got. I was curious to see if I could do it. If I could finish it. I probably couldn’t. I mean I would have to be pretty fat to be able to.

To my surprise it was even harder than I thought. But I pushed through. It took me a long time but I got it down. By the time u finished the food had gotten cold. I felt disgusting but also proud accomplished even. My belly stuck out shockingly round over my jeans. I hadn’t unbuttoned them. It felt good. Strange. Very strange. Tomorrow was Friday. Tomorrow there would be more time to coerce him into eating. Half day and weekend. Nowhere to be and nothing to do.

He automatically put his hand out for the smoothie when he got in my car. I noticed that his belly had just started to push over the seatbelt. I guess the increased heavy cream was working. His doughnut order had grown to six and he wolfed them down without a second thought. No lamenting no shame no regrets. Just took them down and added them to the growing collection of extra calories residing on his body. In class it was the battle of the bulge. You could practically see the reinforcements metabolizing.

His order had grown along with him. I watched him feast on fast food. It made him lazy and slow. His bloated doughy middle grew by the bite. My jeans felt uncomfortable. But I was soon distracted once again by his gluttony. I smiled through the pain of my bloated middle as I thought of him at a buffet.

Wheezing he was wheezing. He was winded from eating. He was sweating. He suddenly stopped trying for more and slumped back. I kept eating. I was on the edge of my seat as his eyes momentarily glazed over. He shot back up and returned to eating. I was reaching my limit but I mean he wasn’t done eating yet. It would be rude to not be eating too. I felt like I had to fight my jeans to stay sitting up straight. Maybe I overdid it. Maybe enabling and encouraging him to get fastfood on the way home from the buffet was too much. We would find out soon enough.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 months , updated 1 week
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FTMfatty 2 months
Looking forward to more!