Curiousity made them fat

Chapter 4

Go big or go home is what he kept saying to justify the huge order he got after all that food. I had laughed and gulped. Then had ordered my own laughably huge order. I never intended to eat all of it. I was surprised and shocked. His was easily twice mine. He was tapping out. You are so close to finishing I said as he almost tapped out again. I shoved the last of my own order past my lips and fought to keep it down.

Bloated and full of grease. That’s how I felt. I felt like I was made of pizza. Seven between the two of us. He was leaning against the wall panting and forcing in more. He groaned a bit and cursed me for ordering pizza. But he kept going and I ordered more. He is a growing boy after all.

Calm down. No one knows. They don’t know. How could they? How could they possibly know about the twenty four tacos or the plate of enchiladas? They didn’t know that this would be your second dinner. I mean I was uncomfortably full walking in but I needed to cram more in in order to get him to eat more. His belly had surged forward and into his lap the second he undid his belt. I watched as he continued to push more into his poor belly. Poor guy, he’s getting fat and doesn’t even realize it. Pretty soon he won’t fit in that booth. I smirked to myself but when I reached for another slice I was shocked that the box was empty. He was already working on a second pizza. I made a mental note to get us food from somewhere on the way home.

How did he do it? How did he just zone out and eat that much? How did he get past that wall? Did he just have no off switch? It’s like he was completely comfortable being uncomfortable. He was comfortable being helpless and still trying to fit more in. I watched him continue to devour anything put in front of him even though he was clearly in pain. He was like a fish. He just ate as long as there was food. He’s lucky he was tall or he would have been in real trouble. The extra fast food on the way home had been a mistake. I realized this as I was stuck sitting in my car for an hour in too much pain. My friend sat in the passenger seat happily forcing more into his face as his belly hung over his jeans like a juicy overripe fruit.
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FTMfatty 2 months
Looking forward to more!