Curiousity made them fat

Chapter 5

I don’t know why I was so determined to be able to eat like that. It was fascinating. What did it feel like to be in that mode? What did it feel like to go beyond the point of pain? Would you pop? Would your stomach muscles just give up? Or would you just be completely limited by them? Is it only people with soft tummies that could eat a lot? He needed to know.

Weed, why had he not thought of it before? That’s how his friend had started getting pudgy. Of course. He had finally asked him if he had any. He had just grinned and asked what form he wanted. This is what lead to the two of them spending a weekend inside playing video games and binging.

Melted boy season is what he was referring to it as. His friend was spilling out on all sides. He never stopped eating. And he wasn’t about to discourage him. He insisted on another meal even as he felt something strange at his middle. He seemed to have run out of shirt. Right when he was about to investigate further his friend had a slight wardrobe malfunction. The sweater he had on over his button down shirt was clearly a choice to hide narrow wedges of exposed skin that would otherwise be proudly on display. The button down had been tight enough to act almost as a corset so that the sweater would not ride up or reveal too much of the consequences of overindulgence. But it seems that that last meal coupled with his stomach muscles being forced to give up due to the sheer amount of food shoved in it had proved too much for the poor buttons. And now that the damn had broken his belly rushed forward into the sweater causing it to ride up and reveal a nice meaty slab of underbelly.

He let out a sigh and a burp then leaned forward to continue his meal. I envied him. His thick love handles pushed out over his pants in the most inviting way. He grunted as he forced more down. If he could fit more down so could I. Clearly the tactic was to just keep eating and ignore the protests from your body. I wanted and needed to know what it felt like to be that mindless.
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FTMfatty 2 months
Looking forward to more!