Curiousity made them fat

Chapter 7

Once the challenge started I kicked my enabling into high gear. It was all about getting him to blow up. Get a big meal and only eat half. I would push the rest his way. Again and again. I think we must have visited every eatery in town after the first week. I had extended the challenge to include the week before thanksgiving. Just to make sure he really blew up. He pushed himself. He took the shake and doughnuts like a pro. Fastfood was second nature to him. And I barely had time to offer the food before he ate it. I saw him right after his thanksgiving dinner. He could barely button his pants. He immediately insisted on fast food. And even with all that feasting he still gorged himself. It was fascinating.

You could see his lovehandles spilling over his waistband in class. It was only a few days till winter break and the challenge was still in full swing. I never saw him without food. And you could tell he thoroughly enjoyed every bite. There was no shame in his eyes as he lay panting with food around his mouth and his belly flopping into his lap. He rubbed it happily and reached for more.

But even enabling has it’s consequences. I did not intend to eat everytime I fed him. But it was hard not to. And today as we ate our meals I came to a horrific realization. I was about to push the other half towards him when i saw that I had pushed an empty plate towards him. I brushed it aside after seeing his belly bulge out and took us back to my place to chug icecream. Again i meant to give it all to him but i ended up finishing mine. He had passed me a gummy and I shrugged and took it.

We spent winter break perpetually high. And for the most part in sweatpants. I had all my focus on his growth which was significant. His belly hung out over his sweatpants. He now would fold an entire pizza in half in order to eat it faster. I was obsessed. I was almost embarrassed for him. He was getting big. He let me jiggle it. Then it happened. I was getting dressed for one of the family events and I was having trouble. My dress pants were not fitting right. I pulled on my nice shirt and felt the fabric too close to my skin. When I sat down at the table I felt constricted. There was a roll of fat. It completely covered my belt. It was too late to change. And by the end of the meal I was sorry I had been high and sorry I had binged before with my friend.
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FTMfatty 2 months
Looking forward to more!