Anna's college experience

Chapter 6: The Weight of Resignation

Chapter 6: The Weight of Resignation

As the months passed by, Anna watched with a heavy heart as her friends slowly succumbed to the relentless march of weight gain. No longer able to hide their expanding forms, they openly discussed the prospect of getting the new health injections offered by the university. The allure of feeling better amidst the constant sluggishness and depression induced by the campus food was too tempting to resist.

Curiosity gnawed at Anna's mind, propelling her to investigate the true nature of these injections. What she discovered sent shivers down her spine. The injections weren't about health at all; they were a cunning ploy by the university to accelerate the weight gain process. Those who received them would find themselves gaining weight at an alarming rate, their bodies transforming before their very eyes.

Despite her best efforts to resist, Anna found herself unable to stem the tide of weight gain that threatened to engulf her. Her leggings strained against her expanding waist, threatening to rip with each movement. She felt a pang of despair as she realized that even she, with all her determination and willpower, was powerless to stop the inexorable march toward obesity.

As Christmas break approached, Anna clung to a sliver of hope. With a month of respite from the university's toxic environment, perhaps she could find a way to shed the pounds that had accumulated over the semester. But even as she made plans to embark on a strict diet and exercise regimen, doubt lingered in the back of her mind.

Her parents, overweight themselves, urged her not to worry and to simply enjoy her college experience. Her sister, who had also begun to gain weight since meeting her new boyfriend, echoed their sentiments. It seemed as though Anna was the only one who understood the true gravity of the situation, the only one who saw the danger lurking beneath the surface of their seemingly idyllic lives.

But try as she might, Anna found herself unable to resist the siren call of indulgence during the break. Surrounded by the familiar comforts of home and the tantalizing aroma of holiday treats, she succumbed to temptation, her resolve crumbling like a house of cards.

When she stepped on the scale at the end of the break, her heart sank at the sight of the number staring back at her. She had gained five pounds on top of the thirty she had already gained over the semester. And as she looked around at her family, all of whom had gained a little weight themselves over the break, Anna couldn't help but feel a sense of resignation settle over her.

For no matter how hard she tried, it seemed as though the forces conspiring against her were too powerful to overcome. And as she returned to campus for the start of another semester, Anna knew that the battle against her own body was far from over.
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