Anna's college experience

Chapter 10: The Final Surrender

Chapter 10: The Final Surrender

As Anna's body continued to swell with the relentless force of her own transformation, she found herself embracing her new reality with a sense of resignation. No longer did she fight against the weight gain or the changes overtaking her body; instead, she reveled in the softness of her curves and the way her flesh jiggled with each movement.

Gathered with her friends, all similarly transformed by the insidious influence of the university's chemicals, Anna found herself playing with her own jiggling form, laughter bubbling from her lips as they compared the size of their expanding bodies. It was a strange camaraderie, born from a shared experience of transformation and acceptance.

But as the time came for Anna to receive her next health injection, a small voice of doubt whispered in the back of her mind, urging her to resist. She knew the dangers of succumbing to the injection, the way it would seal her fate and suppress any remaining shreds of resistance.

Yet, the propaganda from the university urged her to comply, painting the injection as a necessary step on the path to health and happiness. And as the chemicals in the food continued to override her willpower, Anna found herself giving in once again, the small voice of doubt drowned out by the chorus of voices telling her that this was the right thing to do.

As she waddled her way to the nurse's office, her body swollen and jiggling with each step, Anna couldn't shake the feeling that this was a mistake. But deep down, a part of her relished the thought of becoming even larger, of surrendering completely to her new reality.

As the nurse administered the second dose of the injection, Anna felt a strange sense of euphoria wash over her, knowing that her fate was now sealed. Over the following month, her body swelled to immense proportions, her clothes straining at the seams as her breasts grew huge, her arms and belly jiggled with every movement, and her thighs wobbled with each step.

She grew a massive arse and a double chin, her once slender frame now buried beneath layers of soft, squishy flesh. And as she looked in the mirror at her obese reflection, a surge of arousal swept through her, knowing that she was trapped in this new body, unable to escape the pleasure of her own transformation
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 months , updated 4 months
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