The feeling's mutual

Chapter 2: Ashley Moves In

Saturday morning came with the rising sun, yet Ashley was already wide awake. She was finally moving out of her crummy studio apartment and moving in with Jessica, the girl she met last night. The platinum blonde was wired and eager to start this new chapter in her life. Ashley’s life had been in a rut since she graduated from Sterling University two years ago. She had gotten her degree in hospitality management with the goals of operating her own restaurant chain, however with the troubling economy, Ashley was finding it hard to get a footing. She had even considered moving back in with her parents, at least until she got offered a job as a bartender a few weeks ago at one of the bars around Sterling called Bull’s Eye. It was a multi-level bar, with a sit-down restaurant on the ground floor, with a rooftop patio that had bar games and outdoor games, like corn hole, and then the basement was the stereotypical club and dancefloor scene. Ashley, like most other students, loved hanging out at Bull’s Eye – you could spend a whole day in there and not get bored! She had a few friends work there, including a bouncer and the Thursday night DJ. So, when they heard that Ashely needed a job, they immediately helped their friend.

She was crashing at a friend’s place until she had enough money saved up for rent, and then Jessica’s flier appeared at the bar. It was as if the universe had put her in the bar for the flier to appear. And not a day too soon. She was grateful for her friend to host her, but Ashley was getting tired of sleeping on the couch. She wanted her own space again! She was eager to get her own place, and having an amazing night with Jessica last night sealed the deal for the blonde. Currently she was finishing up packing her toiletries and the last bit of her clothes into her suitcase. She gave herself a final glance in the mirror of the crowded bathroom she shared and grinned. She was more than ready.

Contrary to the majority of students that graduate from Sterling University, Ashley actually lost some weight during her time in college. Growing up, Ashley was not overly athletic and was more of a social butterfly, hence the natural gravitation to hospitality. However, the Thompkins family has a reputation for being...different. Both of her parents were enormous, to put it mildly. What’s crazier is that they weren’t always like that. It happened when the Thompkins’s moved to their current hometown of Oxford when Ashley was just starting high school. The whole family was healthy and even vegan. Her parents could be in fitness magazines, they were so in shape. But once they got to Oxford, things changed. Oxford is a rural town, with typical healthy grocery stores not readily available. Their diets started to slip, and their metabolisms started to fade. Soon, their abs and muscles started to disappear. Then her mom Suzy met a guy while walking their dog, and her dad Andrew met a woman at their school. Soon the mystery adults started coming to the house more often, and her parents went away for nights on end. Then, the two adults, Mindy and Jake, moved in with them! So, it was the five Thompkins and Mindy and Jake all living together. That’s when Andrew and Suzy’s weights really skyrocketed. Both of them doubled their weight in 18 months and were each well over 350 pounds by the time Ashely graduated high school. Now, six years later, her dad was closing in on 600 pounds while her mom was pushing 550. She didn’t know it then, but both her parents were hardcore feedees waiting for the moment to rise to let go. They just happened to find feeders at the same time.

Ashley wouldn’t have cared if their cooking and fattening appetites didn’t rub off on the three Thompkins girls. Ashley was in high school, and she was a skinny kid until the feeders moved in, then she ballooned up to 160 pounds by her high school graduation. Amanda, the middle daughter, felt that gaining weight was her birthright. Amanda saw how it made her parents feel and wanted that liberation. However, she was already known as the skinny popular girl with trendy outfits and the snobby friends. So, she had to keep appearances up, depriving herself of the gluttonous fatty future that she felt entitled to until she went off to college and could reinvent herself. Annie, the youngest daughter, wanted to get fat to be simply noticed by her parents. When the feeders moved in, Annie was only in second grade, and once they moved in, it was like the kids barely existed, especially Annie being the youngest. In a lot of ways, Ashley raised her and took care of her, at least until she went to college. Then, all Annie could think of was eating and eating and the rise of the number on the scale. However, Annie has an abnormally fast metabolism, almost unnaturally fast. So, Annie would stuff her face and not gain a pound. The Thompkins family dynamic is a strange one (and one that will be explored in later installments/stories), and Ashley was just relieved to branch out.

So, when Ashley got to Sterling, she made it a point to live close to the gym and lose weight. Sure, she slipped up a couple of times, but she lost some weight and for the last three years she hovered around 135 pounds. She was medium height at 5 foot 6 and she had the Thompkins platinum blonde hair. She waved her hair and it fell to her shoulders, framing her pretty face and highlighting her sparkling blue eyes. Ashley wasn’t toned or lean, but she had some slight definition giving an athletic appearance she never had before. She had a healthy thickness to her that guys fruitlessly drooled over. Ashley would be friendly to guys, but her interests were with girls. Ironically, girls that couldn’t control their appetites and made pigs of themselves. Girls like her new roommate Jessica. Ashley’s time in the gym gave her a healthy bubble butt and sweet sultry curves, stuff of fantasies, but Ashley took a subtle pride in teasing the boys only to catch a chubby college chick staring at her at parties.

Hoping to catch Jessica in a similar trap, Ashley finally snapped out of her thoughts and made her way to her new apartment. It was 8 am Saturday morning, and the sturdy blonde was hoping that it wasn’t too early for Jessica. Ashley dreamt of what her sexy new roommate had done to herself after she left for the night. Grabbing a few smaller boxes and her backpack, Ashley made the initial trip up the flight of stairs to the second-floor apartment she’d call home. Struggling to get a free hand to knock on the door, Ashley made some grunts and a ruckus outside. The door popped open before Ashley could even knock, as Jessica leaned against the doorframe inspecting the blonde before her.

“You’re lucky I was already up, otherwise you’d have been stuck out here for at least a couple of hours haha!” Jessica laughed.

“You’ll find out soon enough I’m normally a really late sleeper. I just happened to wake up needing to pee about twenty minutes ago and couldn’t go back to sleep.” Ashley wanted to indulge Jessica, but her arms were struggling with the bags and boxes.

“Thanks, Jessica. Can I huff come in?”

“Yeah, yeah, sure. No need to ask me, this is your place too after all.” Jessica moved aside and walked to the kitchen, with Ashley following her and almost stumbling forward, dropping her boxes on the floor.

“Whew, I’ll get those later.” Ashley collected herself, prepping to make another trip downstairs, when she finally caught a glimpse of Jessica and had to stifle a gasp.

There was almost a glow around Jessica in Ashley’s eyes as Jessica lumbered around the kitchen. Her dirty blonde hair was down past her shoulders, messy from bedhead but still sexy as if in a magazine. It frustrated Ashley to think that Jessica’s hair looked this good effortlessly. She still wore her green t-shirt from last night, which now looked just the slightest bit tighter, a clue about Jessica’s binge from last night. She had thrown on some pajama shorts that mostly covered up her booty, although occasionally a bit of cheek would poke out from the bottom. The waistband of Jessica’s shorts was rolled down and her t-shirt clung to her beer belly, leaving a solid three-inch stripe of gut and love handles exposed. Each step Jessica took accentuated her gluttony by sending mesmerizing jiggles up her body. Ashley was hypnotized as she followed Jessica’s jiggles to the kitchen where two dozen donuts were being picked apart by Jessica’s early morning grazing. Judging by the powder around her lips, it seems Jessica already ate two or three of the donuts waiting for Ashley to come. Ashley was so excited about moving that she forgot to eat anything! She had mostly tried to stave off sweets, but Ashley was tempted to indulge. Heck, more than tempted after Jessica picked up another donut and took a giant bite out of it.

“Mmmph I hope you like donuts! There’s a little bakery right next door that makes the best food! These donuts are to die for! I could eat a hundred of these and still want more heh.” Jessica bounced a little in excitement as she talked about one of her many weaknesses. ‘Maybe one day I’ll make you eat a hundred’ Ashley thought to herself, her inner feeder creeping back in.

“I don’t know, I do but I try not to eat them too much. Don’t want to have to burn those off later, ya know?” she nervously chuckled.

“Please tell me you’re not one of those fitness freaks who always counts their calories.” Jessica rolled her eyes. “My last roommate was like that, and it got to the point she was yelling at me for eating too much! Can you believe that? She blames me! It’s not my fault she never had any fun and blew up! She said that I enabled her! That’s just ridiculous. Maybe if she learned to have fun and not care so much about it, then she wouldn’t have gone overboard and crashed.”

Ashley was frozen. What should she do? What could she say that would save her from this misstep and keep the door open. So, she walked next to Jessica and took a glazed donut and smiled as she bit down on the sweet treat. “Thank you. Mmm this is really good! What do you mean she crashed?” Ashley tried getting more information out of Jessica, who it seemed was not afraid to speak her mind.

“She was this little health nut. 90 pounds soaking wet, ya know? Anyway, I don’t really care about what I eat, as long as it’s good. So I order food and get groceries and she keeps nagging me about ‘This isn’t healthy. You shouldn’t eat so much, and blah blah blah.’ I’m not gonna change for anyone! So I kept eating what I like. Then a few months go by and I notice more and more of my food keeps disappearing. Then she confronts me and she must have easily gained like 60 pounds and says that I’m responsible for her getting fat. Like I’m the one shoveling candy in your face or mountains of pizza. So she moved out after we kept fighting about that and she gained another 30 pounds. Good riddance, I say!” Jessica had finished her donut and started on her fourth after her story and turned to Ashley for some reassurance.

Ashley nervously took a bite of her third donut and chuckled in agreement. “Yeah, I hear ya. I mean yeah I work out and try to be healthy, but I’d never tell you what you could or couldn’t eat.” Ashley was on edge for two reasons. First, she didn’t want to upset Jessica any more than she had. And second, if Ashley did want to eventually have Jessica gain for her, she couldn’t be blatant about it. The girls finished their donuts and Ashley decided to bring the rest of her things upstairs. Jessica, not wanting to get dressed or go outside, resolved to move Ashley’s thing to her room in the meantime. After four laborious hours, Ashley was moved in! Each trip up the stairs or each box unpacked warranted a donut, and by lunch time, only five remained. Ashley had an impressive six donuts, while Jessica managed to scarf down thirteen! And to make matters worse, Jessica popped the question, “So, roomie, what do you want for lunch? I’m thinking tacos!”

‘She can’t be serious.’ Ashley thought to herself. No wonder her old roommate blew up. ‘Is that what’s going to happen to me?’ the blonde thought to herself as she reflexively looked down at her slightly bulging belly and tried to hide it with her arms. “Yeah, heh, tacos sound good.”

“Sweeeet! Let’s shower then we can go to this awesome Mexican place down the street!” Jessica smiled as she got ready, the baker’s dozen donuts in her gut not phasing her in the slightest.

So, they labored their way to lunch, where of course Jessica insisted they get two margaritas and chips with extra queso to go with their plates loaded with three gooey cheesy stuffed tacos. Their Saturday was turning into an all-out feast, as Ashley had to literally rock herself up out of her chair and brace her stuffed tummy as she walked to the car after lunch. Ashley decided she needed to take a nap before dinner and before her shift tonight. She got to own bed and crashed for four hours, easily the best night’s sleep she’s had in a long while. Around six, Ashley woke up to the smell of meat grilling from the kitchen, so she groggily got up and wandered to the source of the smell, where she discovered Jessica had made homemade burgers with all the toppings. Shockingly, Ashley’s stomach rumbled as the savory scent hit her nose, and she found herself eagerly asking for seconds, which Jessica all too happily obliged.

Thoroughly stuffed yet again, Ashley needed to get ready for work. She decided to wear one of her larger pair of jeans and polo shirts. Her jeans slid up her legs fine, but had a little difficulty with the button. After trying to suck in her stuffed belly, the button latched! Then Ashley pulled the polo over her body and was generally happy with how she looked, minus the bloating. Her gut slightly pushed the bottom of her shirt out, but she still looked sexy, perfect for tips. She finished touching up her makeup and hair and then bid Jessica goodbye before heading to work.

Saturday night at the Bull’s Eye was always raucous, no matter the weather. Ashley was a recently promoted lead bartender, since her bosses loved her work ethic and availability. Tonight, she was in charge of the basement club and making sure its young patrons were topped off on their drink of choice. The night was busy as ever, even more so since it was the first weekend of school at Sterling University. Laughter and love were complimented by the blaring club music. Bodies were dancing in all sorts of ways, and smiles were abundant. Ashley’s bloat had subsided, but she still had a stomachache from eating so much and then running around as a bartender does. The night was winding down, it was 1 am when she saw a familiar face stumble down the stairs and onto the dance floor.

She hadn’t known her for very long, but Jessica was unmistakable in Ashley’s eyes. Even when Jessica dressed up, she still had a laid-back sense to her fashion. Jessica had straightened her hair and wore some French braids on either side of her pretty face. Her makeup looked divine as her cherry red lips popped out, and her eyes pierced the room. She decided to wear a black and gold romper that was lose on her, flowy enough to mask her gut slightly and show off her shoulders and her generous bust. Her ass cheeks were free to jiggle with each step of dance move. She was surrounded by a small group of men and women who she was obviously friends with. The whole group looked like they had been partying all night, but Jessica, being the leader for tonight, led them downstairs to wrap up their night of fun. Scanning the room, she found the bar and locked eyes with her new roommate, then beamed and waved as she led her group over to Ashley.
Ashley blushed as the group stumbled up to the bar.

“Ashleyyyy! Hi love! I’ll hic have a round of beer and shots please!” Jessica was drunk and generous by buying her friends drinks. Ashley happily poured drinks while Jessica was swaying to the music and smiling at Ashley. The drinks were served, and the group took their shots. Jessica slammed her glass down and picked up her beer. “Ooooh that’s it! Thanks love, see ya hic later!” winking at Ashley before finding a spot on the dance floor. Ashley lost track of them for a little while, but as the night was dying down and people were getting their rides home, she found them again. Only now, Jessica was grinding on one of her guy friends from earlier. He was getting handsy on her hips and they were enjoying themselves. Having known Jessica for less than 48 hours, Ashley should have known not to get her hopes up, but seeing her dance with a guy did disappoint her. No matter, Ashley thought, there’s still time. Then, she found one of the other serves and gave her a round of shots to deliver to Jessica and her friends. The server didn’t ask any questions and walked over. The round was very much appreciated, with Jessica blowing a kiss to Ashley before downing the shot. Ashley just smiled and laughed.

The rest of the night was uneventful, and when Ashley finally got off work at 3am, she lugged herself upstairs and placed her to-go plate of chicken tenders and fries in the fridge. She was about to turn on the lights, but she heard a faint snoring coming from Jessica’s room. Being considerate, she turned on the flashlight of her phone and made her way to her bedroom to get some sleep. The next morning, Ashley woke up around 11am, just in time for lunch. She was really looking forward to the leftovers she brought home, but was shocked and pleased to find Jessica swallowing the last tender! “Enjoyed lunch, did we?” Ashley announced her presence from behind the buxom girl on the couch. Embarrassed, Jessica tried thinking of an excuse, but resigned to being caught. “Sh*t, sorry Ashley, I was just really hungry and they looked soooo good! I’m really sorry though, I’ll make it up to you, promise.” Ashley chuckled and joined her roommate on the couch. “No worries, but I’d like to cash in that offer, I’m starving! Wanna order McDonald’s?” Now it was Jessica who laughed, knowing Ashley wasn’t mad. “You gotta deal.”
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Cactiss 1 month
I love this universe you're building with interconnected characters from your other stories, nice work!
Sidewinder9191 1 month
Thank you so much! There'll be more to come
Jazzman 2 months
Chapter 4 is Hot! Love it!
Sidewinder9191 2 months
Thank you, glad you think so too! There's more where that came from
Kdeg11 3 months
A start to another great story!
Sidewinder9191 3 months
Thank you! There should be a few more chapters coming in the next couple of weeks for each of my stories