The feeling's mutual

Chapter 4: Giving Thanks (Part 2)

The girls proceeded to march down Central Street, Sterling’s bar district, and did their best to drink the town dry. They stopped in no less than four separate bars, ranging from trendy outdoor patios to the Black Hole, which was the last bar they went to. It wasn’t a pretty place by any stretch. It was dimly lit by pulsing dance music. The floor was permanently sticky from years of spilled drinks and other bodily fluids. The drinks were cheap and very strong. The Black Hole was the last bar geographically on the bar strip, as it was closest to campus. The Black Hole was the popular last call spot for students and townies to get their last shot in, whether that’s booze or trying their hand at one-night love. It was appropriately named the Black Hole because you would walk in normal and with your senses, but oftentimes the blitz and fervor of the dancing and strong drinks caused you to black out and lose what decency you had, never quite remembering the events of the night once you left.

Ashley, Jessica, and Amber stumbled their way to the Black Hole having already stopped and refilled several times on food and drink. Ashley was the most sober of the trio, and that wasn’t saying much because she too was plastered. Once they left St. Elmo’s the girls decided to just go for drinks at the next place, so they agreed to a smaller club that didn’t really have food. So they filled up on drinks, having three each. Ashley, who had been mature and drank red wine, had decided to switch over to light beer so that she could try and be the responsible one of the group. Amber and Jess, meanwhile, kept on their escapade to get as wasted as possible and decided to switch to tequila sodas. After having three more drinks apiece at the next bar, Amber was already very drunk, so they decided to sober her up with a stop at Flanigan’s, the Irish pub. There, they stopped in to have some of their massive burgers, which were topped with melted cheddar cheese and a mountain of bacon on each, along with a hefty pile of fries. Ashley abandoned her hope to stay healthy tonight and ate a good chunk of her burger and most of her fries. Jess, who was like a bottomless pit, thoroughly and steadily cleaned her plate. Amber was initially slow to eat, a likely result of the spins she was feeling, but after some coaxing by Jessica, she dove in headfirst, barely coming up for air. She threw her manners away and greedily stuffed her face, exhaling so loudly with pleasure that Ashley was worried other tables would hear.

Almost done with her pick-me-up, Amber lifted her head, revealing her lips and cheeks were coated in grease and cheese. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she moaned. “Ohhh my Goddd thish ish shooo good mmphh!” She barely finished the thought before shoveling handfuls of fries into her mouth and plopping the last bite of burger into her greedy gullet. Against her wishes, she only had water to drink, but she sucked it down so fast that it combined with the bread and carbs she loaded on to bloat her up even more. Her belly, once only slightly bloated, now looked to strain against her green dress. Her slit, which was mid-thigh, was now riding dangerously high on her leg. Amber was messy and giggling as she massaged her belly and swayed in her chair. She leaned over to Ashley, who was next to her. “See? I hic! told youuuu. I’m gonna g-hic-get soooo fat with you twooo.” She sung aloud. Ashley was taken aback. “What do you mean, with me?” “Ohhh c’mon hic Ash, it was hic your ide-BWAAAARPP, now I can’t hic help mys-hic-self. BUUUURRRPPP See?” Amber grabbed Ashley’s hand and placed it on her own little food baby. “This is your f-hic-fault! I’m gonna be huuuge!”

Ashley, who was also tipsy, took the moment to feel Amber’s bloated tummy. It was hard as a rock. There was no way Amber was going to last all night, never mind fit anything else into her little body. But Amber was full of surprises. Ashley was astonished that Amber could keep herself upright for the next two bars. They continued their current drink order, each getting a total of six more rounds before stumbling their way to the Black Hole. The girls had been having a tremendous time, they were dancing and telling jokes and checking out the party scene. Ashley was looking for a chubby girl who couldn’t help herself, like Jess or Amber in her current state. Jessica was looking for a hot guy to take her away. Amber was looking for anyone, as she was a closeted nymphomaniac who was almost perpetually horny (Professor Kane has many a dark secret, and she’s not going anywhere).

While they were waiting in line for the seedy Black Hole, the girls were huddled up to brace the cold, and were doing their best to form intelligent sentences. All three were way beyond tipsy, and even Ashley had resorted to stuff herself silly when they passed a hot dog stand on the way to their final destination. She was able to cram three of the convenient, filling snacks into her face to soak up the stream of beer and wine in her stomach. Not to be outdone, Jessica and Amber each had ordered four! It was almost like it was a competition to see who could push their stomachs to burst first. In terms of sheer quantity, there was no competition, Jess was always going to win that one, she had spent the last five years, at least, grazing and expanding her capacity. While Amber was more of a binge eater, as in she normally wouldn’t overeat, but when she did she went totally overboard and caved hard. Maybe being around Jessica was having an effect on Amber, as her stomach capacity was certainly increasing and she was getting chubby in her own words.

The girls finished off their hot dogs once they got to be the next group in line for the bar. All of them were beyond stuffed. Ashley’s pants were begging to be unbuttoned as her tummy was rolling over the top. Jessica was about ready to push her skirt under her big belly, letting it breathe and freely grow. Amber, unfortunately, had no real way to ease the tension. The slit of her dress was now up to her hip, and if she bent over or spread her legs too much, the world would be lucky enough to see her soaking pussy covered by a skimpy white G-string. They were all moaning and complaining about their stuffed guts, but Ashley got the impression that Amber Kane was trying to get a rise out of her by explaining in detail how full she was. “My belly is soooo full. I’m such a bad girl, I know. I just hic can’t stoooop.” She whined while staring at Ashley. Amber’s gut was pronounced now, as her belly button was making an indent in the fabric of her dress. She could hardly keep her eyes open, but Amber made it a point to give Ashley bedroom eyes as she cradled her pregnant looking belly. Ashley had noticed this from St. Elmo’s, the first bar they went to, but as all of their inhibitions and rules were deteriorating, and Ashley wasn’t getting any attention from Jess, Ashley opted for the next best thing. Screw it, she said, let’s see where it goes. “Well, Amber, maybe if you stopped BUUURPPP eating it wouldn’t hurt this much.” “I knowww hic I just can’t hic help it. It’s just all soooo good, and I’m helpless. I need hic someone to BWOOORP take care of meee.” Amber batted her eyelids and inched closer to Ashley’s waiting lips. The raw sexual tension was palpable, but just as they were about to seal the deal, Jessica blurted out that they were good to head inside.

Jessica grabbed both of her closest friends by the hand and dragged them downstairs to the dance floor. This place was jam packed with young adults dancing to the sexy beats and certainly feeling each other up, leaving no room for regrets. The Black Hole is as if Vegas was in a room. What happens there gets sucked in and stays there, unless you were lucky enough to find a partner to spend the night with under the pulsing red and blue lights. Jess wandered off to claim a spot on the dance floor, while Ashley and Amber went to the bar to order drinks. “Three AMFs pleash!” Amber slurred. While waiting, she was bobbing up and down, shaking her fantastic ass as much as she could on Ashely, who was behind her. Their hands naturally found each other, and Amber looked up and behind her to see Ashley returning the lustful gaze. They both smiled and leaned in for what would surely be a sloppy kiss, before, once again, they were interrupted by the overwhelmed bartender.

The Black Hole’s sole purpose was to get you as drunk as fast as possible. Their specialty drink was an AMF, which, in the simplest terms, was all the major alcohols mixed into a single container. Vodka, rum, tequila, gin, blue curacao, and a little bit of soda. The perfect way to erase your memory and your consciousness. At the Black Hole, they served these potent cocktails in 16oz buckets. Ashley grabbed the handles of these buckets with one hand, holding them up eye level, while guiding Amber over to Jess with the other. Jess was in her element, dancing and having fun regardless of her luck with the boys. She was always the life of the party, able to make friends wherever she went. It was one of the many qualities Ashley loved about her.

They reached a small table to rest their drinks and gathered around, bracing each other while they capped off the wild night by toasting and sipping from their massive buckets. Amber was the first to finish, focusing solely on getting that drink down her throat. Jess opted to sip hers while trying to flirt with some guys. Ashley was content sitting back and watching Jess and Amber try their luck, but once Amber finished hers, she took the straw and placed it in Ashley’s bucket. They were inches from each other, staring into their longing souls while they chugged the last half of Ashley’s drink. Once there was no more liquid, they leaned up and locked lips. Ashley was pouncing on Amber, as her stuffed belly was now within grasp. Ashley made it a point to run her hands all up and down Amber’s comically bloated body. The rest of Amber was still drop dead sexy, conventionally, and Ashley was thoroughly enjoying feeling her hips and ass too. Amber moaned whenever Ashley squeezed or groped her tummy, setting Ashley’s horny brain on fire. They kissed a few more times then decided to go out and dance. Amber, the shorter of the two, resumed grinding on Ashley while Ashley felt her up. Since Amber’s dress was so short now, Ashley took advantage and crept her fingers into Amber’s dripping pussy, teasing the poor Professor to the edge of orgasming. Luckily, no one was paying attention to the pair as everyone was so preoccupied with their own lustful acts. In the short break they took from dancing, they went back to their table to exchange numbers. Who knew if they were going to make this a normal thing, but it sure seemed like a fantastic idea tonight. Just then, Jess came back with another round of AMFs! They all looked at each other and laughed as they started drinking…

Ashley woke up to having to violently pee. She slid out of bed and lost her balance, almost falling but luckily catching herself. She made her way to the bathroom to relieve herself, but on the way out, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. She still had on her red buttoned shirt, but it was practically undone save for two buttons towards the bottom. Her hair was wild and all over the place. Her make-up was smudged and running, and there was lipstick on her cheeks and neck. Her tummy was still slightly convex, pushing her underwear down in the front ever so slightly. She moaned as the nausea kicked in and decided to go back to bed for a few more hours.

She finally woke up for good around dinnertime. Jessica hadn’t fared much better that day, being extremely lethargic and hungover. When Ashley emerged from her room, Jess had closed all the blinds and had the TV playing on low volume. She was laying on the couch with an ice pack on her head. The bloated blonde was laying on her back, her dome of a gut rising and falling with each breath she took. She had on a grey T-shirt that didn’t cover her belly button and a pair of black panties on that would sometimes hide under her new girth. If Ashley wasn’t also incredibly hungover, she would have made her move right then and there. But instead, Ashley just came in at Jess’s feet and joined in a sweet silence while watching TV. Jess opted to order some burgers for a soaking hangover cure. Ashley didn’t object as they pigged out in silence. Ashley was hurting too much to care about her diet. There was an unspoken agreement that neither girl would try to talk to each other until the next day so they could recover in peace.
Sunday came around and both girls were still a little hungover from Friday night and decided to order brunch to-go so that they could lounge around and maximize their recovery. They talked to each other more today, as they tried to recall what happened on Friday night. The details were still a little shaky, and some details were drastically exaggerated or made-up, but they had a good laugh over the night and agreed to do it again in the distant future. They spent the rest of Sunday having a Harry Potter movie marathon to match the snowy November outside their apartment. The only thing of note to happen was Ashley sent a text to Amber, asking about Friday night. She was sure something happened, but seeing as she woke up alone, they must not have gone all the way. Ashley asked Jessica a few hours later after not hearing from Amber. Jessica recalled the Amber got really sick after their second round of AMFs and they left right after that. Ashley let out a sigh of relief, then sent another text to Amber wishing her a speedy recovery and hoping she felt better.
The rest of the week followed a similar pattern. With them not really doing anything besides binge watching TV and binge eating food. Both girls were really enjoying the extra few days together, as they talked about the shows they were watching, and the latest gossip regarding work and their friends. They were really bonding as roommates and as friends during this week. It was like introducing Ashley to someone she really cared about and seeing how well they got along made Jessica like Ashley even more. At this point, Jessica would consider Ashley her best friend. She was the one that Jessica would go to with drama, with questions, with expressing her true feelings, and being herself with more than anyone else. The only person that even came close to that for Jessica was Amber, but even then there was still a slight barrier being that Amber was her boss. She was close with her little sister, Emma, but she couldn’t really talk to her about boys or any of the adult stuff she was into. Besides, Emma was five years younger than her, a freshman at Sterling, which to siblings was light years apart.
Thanksgiving Eve came and went. Ashley had to work that night, so there weren’t any wild parties she could partake in. Jessica met with some friends, and had a run in with Amber, who was out with some of the other younger professors. They said hi and hugged and talked about their weeks but went their separate ways. Jessica wasn’t anywhere near as drunk or stuffed as she was Friday night, but she still managed to stumble home at 3 in the morning. Ashley came home right after Jessica and instead of falling right to sleep, she decided to get a head start on the Thanksgiving feast she was preparing for the two of them.
Jessica rubbed her eyes open and thudded her way to the living room. Ashley was doing her best to keep the noise down, but there was just so much to cook and prepare that she was banging pans around and alarms were buzzing. Jessica just sat back in awe of what Ashley was accomplishing. “How much food are you making? You didn’t have to do this much!” Jessica explained half-guiltily. She really appreciated what Ashley was doing, and she certainly wasn’t complaining about the copious amount of food they were about to inhale. But she felt bad not being of some help. “Is there anything you want me to do babe?” Jess used the pet name endearingly. Ashley smiled and shooed Jessica out of the kitchen. “Nope! Just relax, watch some TV or something. Here, have this. I’ll let you know when dinner is ready.” Ashley poured Jess a healthy glass of wine and let her do what she did best: be lazy on the couch. Jess only got up from the couch to get a couple refills of wine, otherwise, she watched old reruns and even some football, before 3pm, when Ashley sang out to the apartment that dinner was officially served.
Jessica, who was pretty buzzed at this point from having three glasses of wine, was starting to get hungry. She purposely withheld food for most of the day, but when she lumbered into the kitchen scratching her tummy, her bright eyes bulged at the scene. The kitchen was covered with serving dishes of the most appetizing looking food she had seen! The turkey looked out of a magazine, the mashed potatoes, a whole pan of them, looked so fluffy. The vegetables cooked to perfection. A whole basket of rolls waiting to be scarfed down. There were dishes Jess had never seen before, but was sure ready to try. She was honestly speechless. “Ashley, I don’t know what to say…this looks incredible! You seriously didn’t have to do this all for me! This is so sweet, thank you!” Jessica beamed and swallowed Ashley in a big hug. Ashley just savored the moment being enveloped in fat. “Of course, anything for you babe.” Ashley poured herself a big glass and told Jess to dig in to the buffet!
Jessica wasted no time in loading her first plate and plopping her expanded rear-end in the dining room and started chomping her food down. The savory gravy soaked the perfectly tender turkey. Jess slurped up cranberry sauce and stuffed mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes in her face. Ashley had wanted to start a conversation, but she knew Jessica was too focused on eating. Jess was normally a grazer, but today she was nonstop eating, like she had never eaten before. All Ashley could do was watch and eat her own generous plate. In a matter of minutes, Jessica had cleaned her plate and downed her wine. She got up to get refills, and to Ashley’s surprise, she brough her a full plate too! Jessica had just assumed Ashley wanted more, what gave her that idea? Ashley was attacking her own plate with fervor. Since Friday night, she had been eating more and more, forgoing her diet and exercise in the name of recovery from her monster hangover. Jessica must have picked up on this and assumed her roommate was as hungry as her.
It had been silent in the dining room for the last hour, other than the clink of silverware and the smacking of lips from chewing. The occasional burp or hiccup escaped into the atmosphere to signify a meal well enjoyed. Ashley was truly stuffed, lowering her sweats to accommodate her food baby. Jess was eating like a woman possessed, using the holiday as a cover to unleash her monstrous inner glutton. She really had no reservations. Ashley was taking shallow breaths to try and ease her tummy, but she wanted to check in on her hypnotized friend. “Phew, hic doin good Jess?” Jess just nodded while slurping up some mashed potatoes and gravy. “BWOOORPPP sooo good” Jess chomped away. Ashley wanted to try and enjoy some conversation. “So hic how’s Amber? Heard from her?” “Mmph, she’s better, spending mmph time with family tonight mmph why? Hic!” Jess barely looked up from her plate. “Ohh, just wondering is all, hehe hic!” Ashley tried playing it cool. Jess looked up and chuckled. “Why? You like her or something? Hic!”

Ashley’s face flushed. “WHAT? BWARP What makes you hic think that?” Jess laughed now and finally put down her fork. “Phew I saw the way you two were ogling hic each other BUURRPP. I didn’t know you liked girls, but I don’t know hic about Amber for you. She’s great, and hic I love her, but she’s kind of a flirt haha hic! You’re too nice for that BWOORP”
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Cactiss 1 month
I love this universe you're building with interconnected characters from your other stories, nice work!
Sidewinder9191 1 month
Thank you so much! There'll be more to come
Jazzman 2 months
Chapter 4 is Hot! Love it!
Sidewinder9191 2 months
Thank you, glad you think so too! There's more where that came from
Kdeg11 3 months
A start to another great story!
Sidewinder9191 3 months
Thank you! There should be a few more chapters coming in the next couple of weeks for each of my stories