Nick's lucky break: preview

Chapter 1b: Do We Have A Deal?

“Down beyond two more doors and to the left.” She called from behind him, her voice was a little thick from drink. Nick recognized her speech as that of someone who had started well before five o’clock.

“Okay.” He said as he entered the room.
The problem was evident. It was a small laundry room that he knew was in the process of being retrofitted for more modern and compact units. There was significant water spilling on the floor from the new washer-dryer combination which had evidently been run by the homeowner. Nick swiftly made to turn the lead main faucet off and hoped he was not too late to save the flooring. He ground his teeth. He’d personally just installed the flooring of this room only two days prior. Further, the room was not one that was supposed to be in use, but Nick was surely not going to be the one to tell her that; especially this late in the evening and with he, himself, being the only worker present, and she a few drinks into the evening. It would be her word against his and that didn’t sit well with him at all.

God, if she had only come out sooner to chew him out, Travis could be here too to back him up and they might have prevented even more water damage. But then, if he had been, Nick was sure that Travis would have likely told the old bitch to ***self right off, and that would have only made the problem worse.

“Looks like someone tried to run laundry to a unit that was not ready yet.” He said, noting the obvious for his, but also her benefit. “Do you see this hose? It’s not connected to the wash basin.” He held up the dripping end from where the flow of water was now dribbling to a slow drip. “There’s no place for the water to go, other than all over the floor.”

“Really? Do you have a detective degree, too?” she said, expansively, rolling her eyes as a drop of wine splashed over the rim of her glass and onto her blouse. “Heavens to fuck!” she added, noting the spill, which was near the flap nearest her exposed cleavage.
Nick saw her look from down around the area and up to him, as if she was hoping to catch him stealing a glance. But Nick’s interest in women was purely professional. They didn’t do a thing for him.

“Well, why the fuck wasn’t the hose hooked up to the basin, then?” she said, accusingly.

“That’s because the basin hasn’t arrived yet.” Nick pointed to the drywall where pilot holes had been drilled for where the future sink would sit and be connected to the main water line.

He looked at her and her face reddened. Evidently, she was embarrassed as it was clearly obvious, but Nick knew there would be no forthcoming apology. In her mind, he guessed, she’d twist this fact into somehow being his fault. He said nothing for a few seconds to let it sink in.

“I’m going to need to have a look around to see if any of the water has penetrated to the floor below or around the electrical area. It looks like it could be a bit of a job. I’m afraid I don’t have the time to do more than an assessment tonight, as it’s after working hours, and I do have somewhere I need to be this evening. I will do what I can to dry off the floor with a floor fan and some towels, but this is already looking like an Enrique job.” Nick added.

The homeowner took a step forward and Nick’s muscles tightened. He wasn’t sure why. She wasn’t exactly a physically intimidating woman. But there was something in her demeanor, her movements, her voice that Nick did not fully trust. He waited for her to continue.

“Look. I’m in a bind here. I have guests coming over and this needs to be addressed tonight. You will not call Enrique. You will fix this thing—,” she gestured to the room at large, “—and I will pay you off the books. That’s how you people like things done, right. Cash-money?” She rubbed forefinger and thumb under his nose sarcastically.

‘Fuck this shit. I don’t need this crap.’ Nick thought instantly as her gaze held his, trying to penetrate his thoughts. He remained silent.

“Fine. Would $1,500 cover it?” she said quickly.

‘Fifteen hundred bucks? Cash? That’s a lot of money for a job that doesn’t exist’. Thought Nick. He did a quick mental assessment. He shifted his foot on the floorboard and noted the gentle slosh of water underfoot. No water squirted out like a faucet, which was a good sign. Perhaps the water had not gotten under the woodwork at all, and the floorwork could be saved.

“Hmm…” He said, walking around the room, a little more expansively now, making a greater show of his assessment. The job looked a little less intensive and the more he surveyed it, the less stressful the job was looking. And this woman was really working his last nerve. Would it be so bad for him to play Robin Hood for a little while? To take from the rich and give to the poor? Nick continued looking around, making a show of bending low to check the drywall near the molding against the floor, feeling it for signs of creeping damp.

“Okay, okay. Two grand. But don’t push me.” She said from over his back.

Nick stood up and turned to her. “That fee will be fine. You get the money to me now and I will start straight away. Shouldn’t take more than 2 hours.”

“Two hours!?” she said, some of the heat in her voice returning from earlier.

“Do you want it done quick, or do you want it done right?” Nick said, folding his arms across his chest. He shifted his feet towards the door, making a show that he was preparing to leave.

“I want both!” The homeowner said.

“It can’t be done.” Nick replied, his eyes now roaming the rest of the room and tapping his foot on the floor. “What’s beneath this room anyway? Would be a shame for you if the water flooded through this floor and into the ceiling below.”

“What? Water can do that?”

“Water works with gravity, Ma’am.” He politely mimed a nosediving motion with his hand and waggled his fingers to imitate moving water.”

“Christ, I have expensive—it doesn’t matter. I can’t afford to have water seep below; do you hear me?”

“Then do we have a deal?”

“Two grand for two hours?” she said.

“Two for two. Yep.”

Nick observed the homeowner looking around the room. She nudged a toe near a water spot and Nick was pleased to see her frown as water bubbled around it. Nick added, “the time will fly by and, I’m guessing you’re not going to have your guests in this side of your home. You’ll likely not know I’m even here.”

She looked at him, “For two grand, I’d better be.”

Nick caught her meaning and held out a hand. A quick handshake was like a signed contract in his business, and he was eager to get this thing started. For a moment it stayed there, unshaken. He looked at her and down to his hand. Nick was weighing out whether the concept of a handshake was unfamiliar to her, or, if she was worried about catching some nonexistent germs from him.

Then, tentatively, she reached out one bony hand with fingernails that looked like they’d been dipped in blood, and they shook.

“Good.” Said Nick, meeting her gaze.

She released his grip quickly and under the guise of taking a sip of wine, rubbed her hand over her backside. Nick did not miss this gesture and frowned slightly.

“I’ll have someone bring down your money. You can begin right away.” She said commandingly. Her tone was rude and sarcastic; the kind you’d hear from someone who was used to getting their way often and of one who had just won an argument.
Nick would not be spoken to like that. “I’ll wait until the money arrives, if you don’t mind.”

She narrowed her eyes and held his gaze. Nick parried it with relaxed ease. After all, he was not the one in a bind here. She was.

“Fine.” She snapped. Then, turning on her heel, she exited the room.

“Two grand. Two fucking grand.” He said with a soft laugh. What a lucky break he’d just caught…

3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 months , updated 3 months
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