From jock to feedee

Chapter 3 - Starting to Gain

“I’m gonna help you out Becca” Freya said over the phone. “What are you talking about? You already grabbed me the hair and I cast the spell, he’s gonna get fat in no time”. Becca replied. “Yeah well I think he should have some encouragement just to get the ball rolling” Freya giggled. “Ok good point, so what’s your plan?” Becca questioned. “Don’t worry about it, just know that I’ll be keeping him fed for the rest of the semester”. And with that Freya spent the remainder of the day with Tom, playing along with his bs but keeping him at arms length so he’ll remain thirsty for her. Freya was in no way attracted to such an arrogant bully, and was no fully committed to teaching him a lesson.

After two weeks of making sure he gave into the greater appetite Becca cursed him with, Freya could tell some chub was starting to develop on Tom. “Yeah I can there’s a little belly developing where his abs used to be, anyways how’s gym going?” Freya asked. “I’m still learning the ropes again and going light but the gym has been going ok, I’m only down 5 pounds though” Becca replied, slightly disheartened. “Oh yeah? Keep it up girl, just feed off of the thought that a smaller you will run into a much larger Tom” Freya laughed. “Say- why don’t you start weighing Tom? After all it’d be nice to hear exactly how he’s progressing” Becca said devilishly. “Hmmm yeah I was thinking of doing that at some point - I will say though it seems to me he’s put on about double what you’ve lost…” Freya pondered, “anyways I’ll catch you later”.

That same day Tom got back from football practice and took a shower. After scrubbing himself down and drying off, he thought he’d weigh himself for the hell of it. “190 pounds… no way that’s like a bunch of muscle gained” Tom arrogantly said while flexing his arms. And with that he went to bed dreaming about Freya. The next day was the same as ever, Tom would meet Freya at the bus stop and they’d spend virtually all day together, except he wouldn’t do much moving. Instead, she would be popping off to bring him more food intermittently while he did his assignments. “Freya-mph-do you know I-gulp-put on 10 pounds of muscle recently?” Tom said while stuffing his face. “Oh wow, have you been going hard in the gym for me?” She said innocently. “No no-mph-coach wants me to play a more defensive role so-mph-I’m gonna be packing on the muscle” he said smugly. “Wow, you’re gonna be needing a lot more food to grow big and strong don’t you baby” Freya said cutely, albeit cringing at how stupid this ballooning jock was.

After three more weeks, the end of the semester looming. Although it was good news for Becca and Freya. After weighing herself after four weeks of being back in the gym, Becca was down 15 pounds from her original 350. While she was still a very porky bbw, the magic was truly taking its toll on Tom. His physique had inflated from a muscular 180 pounds to a rather pudgy 210. No longer were his abs visible, instead he had a chubby belly accompanied by softened arms and legs. As a result of his expanding figure, Tom was finding that he was losing his breath during games and was subbed off more often. It even got to the point where he was relegated to the B team, with the coach digging him out for his poor performances. “Freya, coach has been such a dick. I don’t know what he wants from me anymore, I bulk up to play centre back for what?” Tom said angrily. “I know honey, just keep doing your thing and you’ll prove him wrong eventually” She said trying not to laugh. She knew that all Tom had really been doing was sitting on his lazy ass in the library snacking all day. It’s as if the spell made him into a mindless eating machine, gone were the days he actually worked on his cardio or went to the gym. He had a set of adjustable dumbbells at home he’d use but other than that and the football twice a week he didn’t do any other exercise throughout the day.

Finally, three more weeks had gone and the end of the semester arrived. Freya literally couldn’t wait to weigh Tom, going as far to invite him round to her house that evening. Although he thought he was finally in for some action after being teased all semester, he didn’t realise that this would mark the day he became aware of his downfall. What he didn’t know was that Becca would be present. By this point, Becca had been on her usual grind and had dropped another impressive 10 pounds, albeit still weighing in at a blubbery 325 pounds. Freya welcomed Tom in where they swiftly went up into her bedroom. “Wait what the fuck is lardass doing here? You know her?” Tom scowled. “Shut up Tom, there’s something you need to know - I’ve been stringing you along all semester, I actually don’t give a fuck about you” Freya said, coldly. “And I put a curse on you after you fat shamed me in the club you dick” Becca chimed in. “Wait- what?” Tom was lost for words. “You heard it Tom, I’m not in to you and she’s about to get her revenge on you” Freya added. “Ok ok what the fuck is this curse you’re talking about?” Tom interjected. “I put a spell on you that’ll turn your, once perfect, body into an obese blob, even bigger than me in time” Becca smiled. “This cow thinks I’ll become fatter than her? What a joke” Tom snarled. “Just step on the damn scale, Tom” Freya said. “How about no? Also I’m getting out of here you two are fucking crazy” Tom said as he paced his chunky body out of the house. Once he got home he weighed himself immediately to find the scale read 230 pounds. He was mortified, his once perfect physique had been lost in layers of fat - all to a girl that led him on. “Fuck Freya, and Becca - I hate that fat bitch” Tom cried as he went to his room.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 months , updated 3 weeks
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Jens01 3 months
hot start , more please
Fanedfox 3 months
Great start, Tom deserves a weighty revenge!