From jock to feedee

Chapter 9 - Sasha’s Plan Pt2

That evening Tom was thinking for ages what to message Sasha, trying not to fumble a 300lbs fatty. Then again, he was reminded of his own massive girth today when he broke another chair at work on his lunch break. But suddenly, a message from Sasha pinged up on his phone - inviting him to the all you can eat buffet in town. The date went well, they learned bits about eachother and had a good laugh. And by eating a vast amount of food, Sasha made Tom feel comfortable shovelling plate after plate down his greedy mouth along with her. Although, Tom was never invited back to hers that night. In fact, as they continued to date for a few weeks, Sasha never invited him back and even turned down Tom’s advances when he offered for her to stay at his. Tom didn’t know what he was doing wrong, their dates were going well and they had fun. But Sasha’s plan was to keep him thinking about her, allowing him to grow a deeper connection with her before she would let the fun begin.

Four weeks later…
With the two still dating a whole month after he was first introduced to Sasha, Tom arrived to work only to find Ashley inviting him into her office yet again. Only this time it was for her to fire him. “I’m sorry to say this to you Tom, but you can no longer work here” she said as he stood there, shocked. “We’ve had quite a number of complaints about your, um… uniform which is driving away customers” she added. “I know you’ve only been with us for 2 months but it is my job to deliver what our customers want” she ended. He pondered for a moment, but he conceded that his uniform was so comically small that his ass crack, belly, and cleavage had always been on display. Moreover, the thought of being so fat he was putting off McDonald’s customers made him feel like he hit a new low. Now without a job, Tom messaged Sasha about his predicament of becoming unemployed.

“I just got fired… something about customers not liking me or something. I won’t be able to afford rent now :/“ - Tom

“Nooo baby that sucks! Why don’t you stay with me? :)” - Sasha

Tom was ecstatic. Replying back to thank her, the two got planning to move his stuff into her flat. Due to the money she generated online she could afford to own her own place. While he was really excited to be staying, Tom had no idea Sasha was the one who asked Ashley to make up a lie to fire him. She did this knowing it would be the perfect excuse to move him into her place where she could control him. The two could be with each-other 24/7 without ever having to leave her flat. Tom was happy to become virtually recluse with Sasha, the pair ordering takeout every day and even working together to make her content. As he was a BBW porn addict himself, his video ideas for her helped tremendously. With him behind the camera, she quickly increased her status on Curvage within 2 weeks.

It was around this time, as Sasha was recording her celebratory weigh in video for hitting over 350lbs, when she decided to implement her plan of featuring Tom. After all, it was only right to considering he was now her ‘boyfriend’. The video starts with Sasha talking about what she’s been doing recently before she steps onto the scale. Under the strain, the electronic voice reads “three hundred..and..fifty two pounds”. “Oh my god guys! Over 350 pounds!” She said happily, playing up for the camera. After some time celebrating the gain, she invites a nervous Tom onto her video, “and while I couldn’t have gotten this fat without you lovely subscribers, I want to say a special thank you to my boyfriend Tommy! Now you guys haven’t seen him yet but he’s gonna come over here and weigh himself too”. As Tom waddled into view, Sasha instructed him to get on the scale. As she stifled a laugh knowing what was to come, the electronic voice read, “ERROR..weight limit exceeded..please step off”. Sasha promptly humiliated her obese partner for letting himself go, “awww I forgot the scale only goes to 450 pounds, you must be what, close to 480?” She slapped Tom on his fat ass, making him horny. Ending the video, she said that Tom would feature from time to time to track his progress.

While the two had been intimate with kissing and lots of cuddling during their time together, she hadn’t had sex with Tom yet. Unsurprisingly, she didn’t find him attractive and his desperation was pathetic. She must admit that the pre-weight gain photos Tom showed her were super attractive though. But she was aware that he used to be a prick, and she loved what he had been turned into by the girls he mentioned. As such, she saw her plans as simply continuing what he deserved.

Noticing he was worked up after the weigh in humiliation, Sasha promised him if she could stuff him with weight gain shake then she’ll let him *** as a reward. With Tom gleefully agreeing, she handed him a feeding funnel and poured the thick, calorie dense liquid into his stomach until it was all gone. Little did Tom know that one round of shake not only contained 3000 calories, but that it was laced with a whole load of crushed oestrogen pills. As his giant, stuffed 480lbs body lay on the bed naked, he held his huge stomach up out of the way so Sasha could fulfil her end of the bargain. Already expecting a penis buried in fat, she still hadn’t prepared for only 2 inches to be visible, “so pathetic” she thought. “Mmmm ok big boy, try not to cum too soon..I know how excited you are for this….you’ve been waiting a looooong time” she smirked, knowing this would add unnecessary pressure to his performance. The only viable position for them was reverse cowgirl. Their bellies being far too large for anything else to work. Lowering her ass, she tried pushing her pussy onto his erect chode and began to rock back a fourth slowly. Sasha couldn’t feel anything and was almost certain he wasn’t in, but that didn’t matter because what she heard behind her was her pathetically obese boyfriend struggling to contain his load. For Tom this was the first sex he’d had since well over a year ago, almost 2 years. And seeing Sasha’s overly wide, heavily cellulite ridden ass rocking back and forth onto him was a lot to take in as he quickly built close to orgasm. With just a minute in and Tom already panting, Sasha laughed as he came quickly under her globular ass. “I knew my big fat ass would be too much for you, I think next time I’ll just stroke your little nub instead” she giggled as Tom laid there embarrassed.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 months , updated 3 weeks
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Jens01 3 months
hot start , more please
Fanedfox 3 months
Great start, Tom deserves a weighty revenge!