The gluttony chronicles: lily

Chapter 3 - New Livestream Segment

[She wiped the sweat from her brow, red in the face, and moved towards a new section of her livestream, aptly titled "eating."]

With a voracious hunger, she waddled over to the table where the pizza awaited, her padded thighs rubbing together with each step. Her tight leggings barely contained her jiggling, soft thighs as they rolled out of her waistband, creating a doughy spectacle.

Lily (narrating, somewhat breathless): Well, it looks like it's time for a little refueling.

She picked up a slice of pizza, her fingers trembling with anticipation. The greasy, cheesy goodness beckoned to her, and she couldn't resist. With each bite, she devoured the remaining slices with a hunger that seemed insatiable.

As she ate, her chubby belly spilled over her leggings, forming soft rolls that she couldn't help but investigate. She kneaded her newfound curves, her fingers sinking into the pliable flesh. Her sensations intensified with every touch, and the mixture of pleasure and curiosity was undeniable.

Lily (narrating, voice quivering): It's... it's different, but not necessarily... bad.

[Lily glanced at the comments, her face reddening with embarrassment. She knew they were right, but it didn't make the reality of her transformation any less humiliating. With a sigh, she took another bite of pizza, realizing that her journey back to her former self would be a long and challenging one.]

Lily's food binge had left her bloated and overweight body feeling sluggish and exhausted, but she couldn't resist the temptation of one final challenge. She approached the climbing wall where a group of kids were taking turns on the easiest climb in the gym.

Lily (narrating, determined): Alright, one more climb... just one more.

She approached a young boy who had just finished his turn, his eyes wide with surprise as she asked to take his place. Lily's greasy hands grasped the climbing holds, her fingers leaving smudges of pizza oil as she prepared to lift her feet to the wall.

But as she attempted to make the first move, a loud, unexpected burp escaped from her lips, followed by a hiccup. Her balance wavered, and she slipped off the wall, landing with a thud on the mat below.

Lily (narrating, groggy): Oh, guess that's it...

Her eyes drooped, and she succumbed to a food coma, her body sprawled out on the mat. The livestream continued, capturing the sight of Lily, her body visibly heavier and her belly protruding, in a deep and well-deserved sleep after her indulgent climbing adventure.

The chat buzzed with comments, some laughing, others expressing concern, but all acknowledging the unique journey Lily had taken them on that day.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 months , updated 2 months
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