The gluttony chronicles: lily

Chapter 4 - New Type of Streamer

Fast forward to a month later, and Lily's livestreams had undergone a dramatic transformation, mirroring her own physical changes. Gone were the days of climbing challenges; now, her broadcasts centered around indulgence and body transformation.

Lily had embraced her newfound love for food, and it showed. Her once lean and athletic physique had become soft and pudgy. Her viewers couldn't help but notice the transformation as she eagerly devoured various treats, her cheeks puffing out as she chewed, and her fingers leaving traces of grease on every surface they touched.

Each livestream was a celebration of her changing body. She no longer climbed walls, but she did climb into oversized tubs of ice cream and mountains of cheesy pizza. Her audience watched in awe as she reveled in her new lifestyle, often with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

Lily (narrating, teasing): Who needs rock climbing when you have these delicious treats?

Her voice had deepened, a surprising change that only added to the fascination her viewers had with her transformation. It was a physical and auditory transformation that intrigued and captivated her audience.

But perhaps the most anticipated segments were when Lily attempted to try on her old clothes. Each time, she pulled out garments that used to fit her like a glove but now struggled to contain her curvier figure. Tight shirts served as loose bras, crop tops exposed generous underboob, and shorts either didn't make it past her meaty thighs or ripped at the seams due to the pressure of her expanding hips.

Lily (narrating, giggling): Remember when these used to fit perfectly? Well, not anymore!

Her livestreams became a "before and after" showcase, with viewers marveling at the stark contrast between the fit and skinny Lily they once knew and the now bloated and indulgent version before them. Lily's chat was filled with compliments and praise, her fans reveling in her unabashed celebration of her transformation.

Unexpectedly, she knocks over the donut that was resting on her streamer desk.

As Lily reached down to grab the dropped donut, the stretchy and thinning fabric of her clothes clung to her changing body, exposing every inch of her pudge and emphasizing the transformation she had undergone. The tight leggings she wore seemed almost painfully snug, and it was clear that they were struggling to contain her burgeoning curves.

As she bent over, her tummy spilled out over the waistband of her leggings, creating a visible roll of soft flesh. The fabric strained against the pressure of her expanding hips and thighs, accentuating every contour of her new figure. It was impossible to ignore the imprint of her underwear, clearly visible through the unflatteringly tight pants, which only added to the spectacle.

Lily's viewers watched in fascination as the fabric stretched to its limits, showcasing the undeniable reality of her changing body. Her once-toned physique had given way to a soft and pliable form, a testament to her newfound love for indulgence and transformation.

The chat erupted with comments, some teasing and others filled with admiration for Lily's unabashed display of her evolving body.

Chat Messages:

User81: Those leggings are barely holding on!
User82: Lily's donut adventures are a show in themselves!
User83: The imprint of her underwear is just... wow!
User84: It's like the pants are protesting her curves!
User85: Lily's changing body is truly mesmerizing.
User86: Those leggings must be having a tough time!
User87: The snugness of those pants is incredible!
User88: Lily, your transformation is on full display!
User89: Those leggings are practically transparent now!
User90: Lily's curves are taking center stage!
User91: I can't look away from those tight leggings!
User95: Lily's leggings are working overtime!

As Lily swore under her breath, beads of sweat began to form on her forehead. The once-simple act of bending over to grab the dropped donut had become a Herculean task. She wasn't as flexible as she used to be, and her body had lost the agility and ease it once had.

Her tight leggings clung to her like a second skin, restricting her movements further. With each attempt to reach for the treat, her rolls of soft flesh seemed to get in the way, preventing her from grabbing the sweet prize. Her belly, now round and plump, protruded noticeably, making it difficult for her to bend down comfortably.

Lily (narrating, panting): Oh, come on... this should be easy!

She huffed and puffed, her efforts to grab the donut becoming increasingly strenuous. Her audience watched in anticipation, seeing her struggle and sweat as she grappled with her own changing physique. It was a stark reminder of how far she had come from her once-fit self.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 months , updated 2 months
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