The gluttony chronicles: lily

Chapter 5 - new POV

In one of her livestreams, Lily decided to offer her viewers a POV (point of view) segment, allowing them to witness her transformation up close. She grabbed a pair of jeans that used to fit her perfectly but now presented a challenge.

Lily (whispering to the camera, with a teasing smile): Alright, folks, let's see how these jeans fare today.

With determination, she attempted to stuff herself into the jeans. They were a struggle to pull up, and her soft, pliable gut resisted the confines of the denim. Even left unbuttoned, they still gave her a prominent muffin top, a clear testament to her changing body.

Lily (narrating, giggling): Well, well... they may be a bit snug.

As she looked down at her belly, she couldn't help but smile at the sight. Her fingers gently traced the outline of her soft, plump midsection, and she let out a contented sigh. Her belly had become her new canvas, and she was proudly showcasing it for her audience.

Lily (narrating, affectionate): You've come a long way, my dear belly. And I love every bit of you.

Her actions were deliberate and filled with a mix of self-acceptance and affection. She gave her gut a gentle belly rub, her fingers sinking into the plush, pliable flesh. It was a tactile celebration of her transformation, a moment of intimacy shared with her viewers.

Lily (whispering to the camera, with a mischievous glint in her eye): You all are getting a front-row seat to my little belly show.

In the parking lot of a McDonald's, Lily sat in her car, the steering wheel slightly pressed against her growing belly, and her seatbelt barely containing the soft mound of flesh that now hung over its lower edge. With the car idling and the aroma of fast food wafting through the air, she looked into the camera with a mixture of self-reflection and determination.

Lily (whispering, her voice tinged with excitement and acceptance): I've lost control, haven't I? There's no going back to being fit now.

She continued to rub her plush, pliable gut, her fingers sinking into the softness of her belly. Her actions were deliberate, almost hypnotic, as she embraced every inch of her transformation.

Lily (narrating, a playful glint in her eye): And you know what? I'm not stopping here. I'm going to make this belly even bigger.

Her gaze shifted to the steering wheel, which was already making contact with her belly. She let out a teasing chuckle.

Lily (whispering, with a hint of excitement): Can't wait until this belly hits the steering wheel, and they won't even recognize me at the gym.

She playfully patted her belly as if encouraging it to grow further. Her livestream had become a platform for her unabashed celebration of her evolving body, and she was relishing every moment of it.

The chat was filled with a mix of comments, some cheering her on, while others marveled at her newfound confidence and her determination to embrace her transformation.

With a sense of purpose and determination, Lily began to outline her specific goals for the upcoming year, each one designed to further her journey of transformation and indulgence. She quantified her commitment to getting out of shape and reveled in the unconventional path she had chosen.

Lily (whispering to the camera, a playful glint in her eye): Alright, folks, let's set some goals for this new, fattening year.

1. Belly Size Milestone: "I want to reach the point where my belly hits the steering wheel every time I get in the car. That's the ultimate milestone, don't you think?"

2. Food Challenges: "I'm going to take on more food challenges, bigger ones. Let's quantify it... I want to eat at least 10,000 extra calories per week."

3. Wardrobe Transformation: "My old clothes? They're practically bursting at the seams now. Let's set a goal of not fitting into any of them anymore. They'll serve as a reminder of my delicious journey."

5. Gym Avoidance: "As for the gym, well, I think I'll set a goal to avoid it entirely. Not a single visit in the entire year. Let's get creative with how we stay out of shape, shall we?"

6. Double Chin Delight: "Oh, and this double chin? I want it to be a permanent feature, not just when I look down. Let's make it an everyday thing."

7. Public Displays: "I'm going to embrace public displays of indulgence. Eating messy burgers, devouring ice cream, and flaunting this belly wherever I go. I want people to look twice!"

8.Belly Rub Ritual: "And as for this belly rub ritual? I want to make it a daily occurrence. It's like a little celebration of my transformation."
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 months , updated 2 months
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