The gluttony chronicles: the dean

Chapter 5 - Even More Kate

As Kate rushes around her messy room, feeling the weight of her oversleeping and late start to practice, she notices something different as she bends over to pick up her belongings. The sensation of her distended belly pressing against her underwear catches her off guard. It's the first time she's truly felt the weight of her recent indulgences, and it gives her pause.

Looking down, Kate sees her belly spilling over the waistband of her underwear, forming a chubby muffin top that strains against the fabric of her tight clothes. Despite the bloated feeling, she's surprised to find that her belly is soft and jiggly as she grabs a handful of it in her hand.

Quickly pulling on her tight clothes, Kate grabs her usual morning snack—a tempting ice cream sandwich—as she rushes out the door. The sight of her distended belly and the realization of how her habits have changed weigh heavily on her mind as she heads to practice, a reminder of the changes she's experiencing both physically and mentally.

Kate's coach is taken aback as his former star athlete—now noticeably chubbier and jigglier—hurries into practice, chocolate lips betraying her recent indulgence. With a stern command, he orders her to drop and give him ten sit-ups and push-ups.

Struggling against the weight of her recent weight gain, Kate grimaces as she attempts the exercises. She manages to push through eight before the strain becomes too much, her breath coming in labored pants as sweat beads on her forehead. It's a stark reminder of how her fitness level has declined, a humbling experience for the once-determined track captain.

Height: 5'7"
Weight: 165 lbs
Clothes: Tight-fitting athletic wear, showing signs of strain around the midsection
Hygiene: Average
Voice: Focused and determined, with a hint of uncertainty
Interest: Food-focused, with a growing awareness of her changing body

[ During the workout she gets a stress fracture ]

The stress fracture leaves Kate sidelined from her usual rigorous workouts, forcing her to spend more time at the cafeteria where Hannah's tempting creations await. Despite her initial reluctance, Kate finds solace in the comforting embrace of Hannah's delicious offerings, succumbing to their allure more frequently as she grapples with the frustration of her injury.

As she limps into the cafeteria on crutches, Kate's resolve weakens with each passing day. Hannah's sympathetic smile and tempting treats prove too enticing to resist, and Kate soon finds herself indulging in larger portions and sweeter delights, seeking solace in food to alleviate the disappointment of her sidelined athleticism.

Winter break is rolling around as Hannah observes Kate at the cafeteria, she can't help but inwardly chuckle at the sight of the once-strict track captain now indulging in plate after plate of desserts to cope with her frustrations. Despite her initial reservations, Hannah recognizes the opportunity to further cement Kate's dependence on food as a source of comfort.

Taking advantage of the moment, Hannah suggests to Kate that she attend a track team party happening before winter break. Kate's eyes light up at the prospect of indulging in more delicious treats and socializing with her teammates, her resolve weakened by the promise of food-filled festivities.

Kate, now significantly heavier than before, sits at a table in the bustling cafeteria, her once-toned physique now concealed beneath layers of soft, plump flesh. Her cheeks are flushed with excitement as she eagerly tucks into each dessert, her hands moving with practiced efficiency as she reaches for another sugary delight. Despite her bulging belly and muffin top spilling over her waistband, Kate's eyes gleam with anticipation at the thought of attending the upcoming party, her appetite for food and social interaction undiminished by her expanding waistline.

Getting ready for the party, as Kate steps out of the shower, she catches a glimpse of her reflection in the foggy bathroom mirror. With a mixture of resignation and disbelief, she takes in the sight before her. Her once-athletic frame now bears the unmistakable signs of weight gain, her curves softer and more pronounced than ever before.

Her fingers trace the outline of her round belly, now adorned with stretch marks and soft rolls that spill over the waistband of her towel. She sighs as she takes in the sight of her chubby thighs and plump arms, evidence of her dwindling self-control and growing indulgence in food.

Gazing into her own eyes, Kate sees a glimmer of frustration and disappointment, tempered by a lingering sense of satisfaction at the pleasure food brings her. Despite her best efforts to resist temptation, she knows that she's fallen prey to her cravings once again, her resolve crumbling in the face of the delicious treats that now dominate her daily routine.


Height: 5'7"
Weight: 180 lbs
Clothes: Tight-fitting tank top and shorts, struggling to contain her expanding curves
Hygiene: Adequate, but signs of neglect due to increased focus on food
Overall Appearance: Once-toned physique now softened by layers of fat, evident in the roundness of her face, the protrusion of her belly, and the thickness of her limbs. Notable cellulite visible on thighs and buttocks. A sense of weariness and resignation in her demeanor, hinting at the internal struggle she faces with her changing body.
13 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 months , updated 2 months
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